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advantages/disadvantages of a touch screen phone

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FWIW I had one and took it back within the week.


Cons: The touch screen turned the phone on anytime anything bumped it. The phone would stay charged for less than a day. :glare: Also, it would download ads of it's own accord, which turned the phone on in the middle of the night...and it stayed on, again running down the battery.


I now have a regular phone with a slide out keypad. I've been happy with it. If you don't need a smart phone, I'd stay away from the touch screens if you can.

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I love having the Iphone; to me the touch screen is quicker . However as one person noted that if it bumps something in your purse then it comes on , drains the battery which doesn't last as long as a regular phone. But I still love it.

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Funk gets stuck in the keys.


My iPhone and my husband's droid both have screen locking; the screens don't activate unless we swipe the locks.


If you live in a cold climate and like to use your phone outside in winter, that might be a limitation... I wear vintage kidskin gloves and my phone has no trouble, though.

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I love having the Iphone; to me the touch screen is quicker . However as one person noted that if it bumps something in your purse then it comes on , drains the battery which doesn't last as long as a regular phone. But I still love it.


that brings up another question...are the side slide out keyboard bigger than the ones tha slide out from the bottom or are actually on the front of the phone...or are they about the same size (keys that is....)

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I have a Droid Thunderbolt and I love it. My daughter has another type of droid smart phone (can't remember the name) and I love that one too. Our son has a non-smart phone and it drives me crazy but it works for him.


I use the internet on my phone almost daily. I use the Weather Bug app daily. I sync my contacts and calendar to my Outlook Express. I read books on my phone. I use the Sound Hound app daily - well, my son uses it daily.


My battery has to be recharged every night, but that doesn't bother me. My son can go days without charging his phone, but he always asks to play with mine if we are out somewhere.

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I can't have touch screen phones because I break them. They're glass, so if you drop them and they hit wrong, they shatter. I had a touch screen, and I shattered it within a couple months. I admit to being a little clumsy, and when you add in a toddler I'm trying to wrangle, I drop things. Now I have a slide out keyboard phone, and it has lasted me a LOT of drops!

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Well, I wouldn't consider just any old touch screen. Will you also have internet through Android/Google or Apple?


I love, love, love my iPhone and wish I had gotten it sooner! It is touch screen but it doesn't bother me in the very least.


I had a touch screen before that was not connected to an operating system and I hated it.

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I can't come up with a rational pro/con list, but I can tell you I resisted touchscreens for as long as I could. I caved when I found the Drois 2 Global with slide out keyboard (my must). I'm in love and never want to change phones.


My baby has thrown mine, as well as dh's Droid-something, many times, and they're fine. He does know how to slide the lock, so that can be a pain.

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There are smart phones with both a touch screen and a keyboard, so you don't have to give it up. The G2 comes to mind immediately, though I preferred the original G1. The LG Xenon, Motorola Flipout, Sony Xperia, HP Palm, and more.

There is a new Samsung one coming out too that looks amazing.


I love my non keyboard Samsung, Swype makes life a lot simpler but I do miss my old G1 sometimes, it was the best of both worlds.

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because of money and other things, I am only considering tracfone. There are 2 options right now that offer triple minutes for life...one has a side slider keyboard and is not touch screen and the other is touch screen also with a slider keyboard. From what I can figure out, the web options are pretty horrible with a tracfone, so that really isn't a consideration between the 2 phones. Would I like web browsing...maybe...especially for a weather report...but that is simply not an option for us. would I consider a different phone, maybe...but according to my calcualtions with the triple minutes, I can get my phone calls down to .04 a minute and my texting (which I do little of...at least as of this minute...but I have never opened myslef up to do that) to 3 texts per minute (or .04 for 3 texts) I know that there are plans with unlimited calls and texts, but the monthly fee is more that what we can afford...so it doesn't make sense for us. Anyway...that is my story.

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In that case, I would not get a touch screen.


I had a cheaper plan (much cheaper) for years and years and when I tried to use a touch screen with that plan, it was HORRIBLE and I hated it.


If you are only texting and making calls, stick with a non-touch screen.


If you want an operating system, get a touch screen.




because of money and other things, I am only considering tracfone. There are 2 options right now that offer triple minutes for life...one has a side slider keyboard and is not touch screen and the other is touch screen also with a slider keyboard. From what I can figure out, the web options are pretty horrible with a tracfone, so that really isn't a consideration between the 2 phones. Would I like web browsing...maybe...especially for a weather report...but that is simply not an option for us. would I consider a different phone, maybe...but according to my calcualtions with the triple minutes, I can get my phone calls down to .04 a minute and my texting (which I do little of...at least as of this minute...but I have never opened myslef up to do that) to 3 texts per minute (or .04 for 3 texts) I know that there are plans with unlimited calls and texts, but the monthly fee is more that what we can afford...so it doesn't make sense for us. Anyway...that is my story.
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In that case, I would not get a touch screen.


I had a cheaper plan (much cheaper) for years and years and when I tried to use a touch screen with that plan, it was HORRIBLE and I hated it.


If you are only texting and making calls, stick with a non-touch screen.


If you want an operating system, get a touch screen.




when you say a cheaper plan....what do you mean...is it something I can have..or is that a plan that is no longer available?

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