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What else can I try?

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I have a headache that I fear may be the death of me (had it since yesterday). I'm not new to headaches - my go to remedy is caffeine and max dosage of ibuprofen, neither of which can I have now that baby #4 is on it's way.


So.....I've taken Tylenol and I'm pounding some water. What else can I do? I cannot function like this.

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YMMV, of course, but I don't think one pop or one cup of coffee would have long lasting negative effects on the baby.


Is it possible you have migraines? You poor thing. :grouphug:


Ice on the hurting part of your head, quiet room, and dark. If nothing else, they'll dull the throbbing a bit.

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things i try:

hydration (drink lots)




finding one position for my head and keeping it there. after about twenty minutes, i know whether that is working or not.


while i reduced caffeine intake during pregnancy, i didn't eliminate it totally, and so i would have tea for headaches, and that helped a lot.



and sometimes, i get headaches due to being just a little stuffy due to allergies, and we found that being in the car with the air conditioner running was a fast way to reduce congestion.... going down in elevation helps me, too.




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How far along? Um...5wk roughly?!?


6yr ago, when I was pregnant with DD the rule was still no caffeine, so I did some research. I was curious what the risk was if I broke the rules. What I found was that there were some studies that indicated it MIGHT increase the risk of miscarriage. At that point, I made the decision that I would do no caffeine until 12wk and then limited (1/day or less) after that. Maybe I should break my own rules for this headache though? I'm just so miserable.


I did just take some allergy meds, because my allergies have been horrid the last few weeks. Maybe that will help too.


Is it possible I have migraines? Yup. Had them for years, sigh.

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How far along? Um...5wk roughly?!?


6yr ago, when I was pregnant with DD the rule was still no caffeine, so I did some research. I was curious what the risk was if I broke the rules. What I found was that there were some studies that indicated it MIGHT increase the risk of miscarriage. At that point, I made the decision that I would do no caffeine until 12wk and then limited (1/day or less) after that. Maybe I should break my own rules for this headache though? I'm just so miserable.


I did just take some allergy meds, because my allergies have been horrid the last few weeks. Maybe that will help too.


Is it possible I have migraines? Yup. Had them for years, sigh.


Do you have any magnesium in the house? Some people respond to a magnesium tablet.



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My OB said the best remedy for a headache is Tylenol and a regular, not diet, Coke. Worked like a charm for me, but I understand the hesitancy about caffeine in the first trimester. If, God forbid, you still have the headache tomorrow, call the OB to see what else you can do. Some narcotics are ok in pregnancy, I think.

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Do you have any magnesium in the house? Some people respond to a magnesium tablet.




Magnesium is a good treatment for headaches. I get this one and it is fabulous:




I take it daily as I am athletic and it helps keep cramping at bay. I notice a major difference when I stopped taking it for a few weeks a long time ago.


:grouphug: headaches totally suck


ETA: you can make your own "traction" for your neck by taping two tennis balls together, and lying on that with the middle of the balls on the back of your neck. Push your head into it and gently move your head a little. Or, if you have someone that can give you a proper massage? When I worked in PT we gave that to patients for home.

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Caffeine won't hurt you. This per one of the best known miscarriage specialists in he county...Dr. Ware Branch (I had 4 miscarriages in a row). Have an icy cold Coke with either Ibuprofen or Tylenol and get rid of that nasty headache.


That's enough to convince me. I'm so done with this headache.

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Have you tried hot or cold compresses on your head? Getting someone to massage your forehead or temple? Those are my go-to remedies.


I have had more debilitating headaches in the past couple of years than I'd had in my whole 50+ years before that combined. I am so grateful for my dh's wonderful massages!

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That's enough to convince me. I'm so done with this headache.


Google him if you want more reassurance...but honestly...he's one of the best of the best. And I had more than one Mountain Dew during my last pregnancy (after my 4 miscarriages) to get rid of sinus headaches from you know where. My son was born happy and well. I hope you feel better soon.

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Congrats on the baby!! YAY!


I am so sorry about that headache! I've had migraines since I was 8, and I had quite a few every time I was pregnant. Make sure you are pushing fluids, and yes, have a coke!!



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Turmeric and Bromelaine are natural (from pineapple extracts) anti-inflammatories. I took them while pregnant for headaches, turned ankles, tooth infections... etc. It doesn't work QUITE as well as 5 aleves but, you know, my kidneys still thank me for it. ;)


And I lived on caffeine while pregnant. My mom did for me, too. It's not something I'm proud of, and should I get pregnant I'd certainly want to cut it. But I'm alright, my kids are alright... I'm thinking one to get past the withdrawls would be okay.


And, it goes without saying- drink lots of water. Dehydration headaches pop up in my pregnancies all the time.

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I have horrible migraines and have had one at about 5 weeks with EACH pregnancy. MISERABLE!!! I drink a huge cup of coffee, take 2 tylenol, and take a nap in a dark room. Usually I feel a little better afterward. Usually I don't drink caffeine at all-pregnant or no. But my midwife told me that doing it once or twice during pregnancy will not harm me or the baby. She would rather me get some relief than be sick for a day or two.

Definitely keep drinking water. I get headahces if I haven't had enough water when pregnant. Also, make sure your snacks are high in protein.

But I'm so sorry and I know how bad those are! :grouphug:

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