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I'm glad we were in the privacy of our own home when she said it...

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I asked Autumn (dd10) if she would be interested in learning French this fall... I was looking at the First Start French curriculum.


Me: "Would you be interested (in learning French)? I know how obsessed you are with France."


Her: "I'm not obsessed with France; I'm obsessed with Paris."


Me: *pause* "Paris is in France; and in France they speak French."


Her: "Oh, okay. Cool."

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W had a moment like that today too!

Dds' bestie is competing in the national spelling been Washington DC today. We were talking this morning about the time difference in DC, and they remembered visiting my sister in VA several years ago. They truly thought that even though VA is east of us that they had been on mountain time....because they had been in the mountains!! :svengo: Epic fail in homeschool moment! :lol:

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My kids know where LA is, but that is because they were born there and we moved here from there.


Israel? Maybe. I will ask them later.




I feel your pain. Note the one remaining course for my nearly graduated Great Girl. How can you not know where Israel or Los Angeles are?
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If it makes you feel better, Cailtlin, I have to explain to adults fairly often why the check-in times seem wrong on our front desk computer. The server is in CO or somewhere. I get a blank stare. I tell them it's MT. Still blank. I tell them MT is 2 hours behind us. They sort of get it. My kids, on the other hand, get GMT and time zones. Go figure.


I'm always glad when my children choose home to be the place where they say things that make you go :001_huh:.

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I had a moment like this last week...but we were at a homeschool playgroup with a bunch of new mommy friends :glare:

My ds4 saw a squirrel run across the playground and shouted to his brother (who was on the opposite side...so he shouted extremely loudly for the whole world to hear) "Hey Eliahs....look at the racoon!"

All of us moms couldn't help but crack up. :D

(And yes, he knows it was a squirrel but I think he just got a little too excited. haha)

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I had a moment like this last week...but we were at a homeschool playgroup with a bunch of new mommy friends :glare:

My ds4 saw a squirrel run across the playground and shouted to his brother (who was on the opposite side...so he shouted extremely loudly for the whole world to hear) "Hey Eliahs....look at the racoon!"

All of us moms couldn't help but crack up. :D

(And yes, he knows it was a squirrel but I think he just got a little too excited. haha)

Last time we were camping, ds6 saw turkeys and yelled for the older kids to look at the mini-ostriches! They still tease him about that!

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Last time we were camping, ds6 saw turkeys and yelled for the older kids to look at the mini-ostriches! They still tease him about that!

When my daughter was three, she was walking behind some kind of plucked chickens, with their pink skin showing. She was really excited to see the flamingos! ha

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