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Hey there! :) I just read WTM last week and luuuuurved it. We'll be starting formal schooling with our oldest this fall and reading WTM really made all my ideas click. I'm so excited to have found the forums, too!


Our family, in short:

We moved here to CO almost three years ago from Orange County, CA. We have two very spirited daughters and hope to add a dog to the mix in e next year or so. My husband and I work from home at the moment - he as the main parenting parent and as the editor of a local church's newsletter, and I as a women's fiction novelist and a distributor for It Works (botanically-based health and wellness products, including the "magic skinny wrap"). However, God has been doing some craaaaazy things in our lives over the last year, and one of the results is that, in the fall, I will be returning to the workforce as a 6th grade language arts teacher and DH will be doing the homeschooling. It's taking some getting used to - I've been dreaming about homeschooling my own children since college, and never wanted to work outside the home again, but God's been pretty darn clear. :)


Anyway, time to start the bedtime routine, but I'm looking forward to "meeting" you all and learning from those who have gone before me in this classical education journey!

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It will likely be a joint decision, though I'm steering things since I've been the one who has spent so much time researching. We lean toward a "less is more" philosophy, so we'll likely only use curriculum for math and use literature for everything else for now. We got the entire Hooked on Phonics set from another homeschooler for super cheap and she loves it, so we'll continue with that to help here get reading and then do some copy work and informal spelling/vocab stuff. That's all just off the top of my head, though - who knows what we'll end up with once he finishes reading WTM and has a chance to form his own opinions! ;)

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Welcome, Alison!


this is a good place, with great ideas and help with curriculum questions (sometimes too much help, I encourage my book lust :tongue_smilie:)


good luck with your new job, welcome to homeschooling!

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