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I get a bit down when I'm tired

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When I'm fresh, it's easy to feel pretty optimistic about life. But by the end of the day, when I'm tired, I start to think about all the things I didn't do, all the problems that I've heard about during the day (and lately there have been some doozies), and how far I have to go in my goals. I'm not sure why I'm putting this out there. Just looking for a bit of commiseration, I guess.

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The end of the day is usually when I remember several little things I should have done but forgot to do!

I've started keeping a running list on the kitchen counter of thigns to do, including a couple of longer term goals. So far it has helped some; no more lying in bed making a mental TO DO list. :)


I get tired when I think of big projects. They feel so overwhleming. I definitely need to break them down into small chunks. Right now it is my yard...sigh...I actually have more garden than I can take care of!

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I'm the same way. The longer my day and the later my nights, the harder it is to stay optimistic. I have to talk myself through those times and remind myself to not think too much and definitely don't base anything serious on how I feel at that moment. This also works:

Sandwich, nap, shower.
Late night showers are the best - so relaxing and my troubles vanish down the drain...well, at least I try to see it that way.
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When I have stuff that I am worried about, night time can be especially hard. Just not having the day light can affect people. Try and stay busy with things to do to unwind. After the kiddies have gone to bed, read, take a nice bath, PRAY. Praying has helped me so much. I find that the older I get I realize how much I really need God and how much prayer makes me feel better. My relationship with God has become closer too as a result.

If I'm in bed and stewing on something, I pray until I fall asleep. Everything always looks better in the morning! Hope this helps. YOu have responded to me in the past and have helped me. Thanks.


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When I'm fresh, it's easy to feel pretty optimistic about life. But by the end of the day, when I'm tired, I start to think about all the things I didn't do, all the problems that I've heard about during the day (and lately there have been some doozies), and how far I have to go in my goals. I'm not sure why I'm putting this out there. Just looking for a bit of commiseration, I guess.


:grouphug::grouphug: I know how you feel. I feel like I'm in the same boat right about now. Yep, I could have written your post almost word for word. Does that count as commiseration? :D Hang in there honey. Tomorrow is the last day before the weekend. :)

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Oh yes, being tired affects everything. I have been so sleep deprived since my toddler arrived and have had to battle against depression very frequently. It's amazing how much lack of sleep and fatigue affects your mood, outlook, mental functions, and many aspects of life. :grouphug:

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When I have stuff that I am worried about, night time can be especially hard. Just not having the day light can affect people. Try and stay busy with things to do to unwind. After the kiddies have gone to bed, read, take a nice bath, PRAY. Praying has helped me so much. I find that the older I get I realize how much I really need God and how much prayer makes me feel better. My relationship with God has become closer too as a result.

If I'm in bed and stewing on something, I pray until I fall asleep. Everything always looks better in the morning! Hope this helps. YOu have responded to me in the past and have helped me. Thanks.



:iagree: When I give up to God through prayer what it bothering me, I feel so much better and those problems seem to take care of themselves. :grouphug:

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When I'm fresh, it's easy to feel pretty optimistic about life. But by the end of the day, when I'm tired, I start to think about all the things I didn't do, all the problems that I've heard about during the day (and lately there have been some doozies), and how far I have to go in my goals. I'm not sure why I'm putting this out there. Just looking for a bit of commiseration, I guess.


Oh, I so relate to this! The morning is when I feel optimistic about what the day will bring, all the things I want to get done. My enthusiasm declines as the day goes on and by evening I feel in the dumps. I feel anxiety about everything I didn't get done and everything there is to do tomorrow and the pile of stuff on the counter I need to get to and the phone calls I didn't make . . .




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