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Best homeschool rooms EVER?

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I need inspiration! We'll be converting one of the garages in our new home to a homeschool room, and I am looking for examples of rooms that are light, bright, comfortable and attractive.....I know I've seen some here, but not finding them.



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I really want to do this! Are you permanently converting your garage? I'm afraid to do anything that would inhibit selling it in the future. Also, we have no windows in the garage, I think we could put one in based on the layout. DO you have a rough cost estimate?

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I really want to do this! Are you permanently converting your garage? I'm afraid to do anything that would inhibit selling it in the future. Also, we have no windows in the garage, I think we could put one in based on the layout. DO you have a rough cost estimate?


We are really doing it. We bought the house knowing we would do it-as for resale, I imagine we could spin it as a home office if we decided to sell. there is one small window, and we're giong to put in french doors with windows on them for light, drop ceiling with really good lighting....i want it to be super cozy. I like the idea of hardwood floors, so maybe bamboo laminate? I don't have a budget yet....I need to figure out my "must-haves" and then price them out.

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We are doing this, too! However, we aren't doing it with a new house :).


The plan is to build a wall directly behind the garage door, so that if/when we want to sell we can just demo the wall and rip up the carpet and the garage will be back. We are starting this weekend with emptying out the tools and moving them to the shed in the back of the house and talking with A/C people about routing it to the garage. Next we are taking down the drywall and insulating, and then putting it all back to paint and then carpet the place.


I'm jealous of your plan for windows, though! We are still working on how we will do that :).

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Well, my homeschool room is in my converted garage (although we didn't do the conversion--the previous owner did). I think it's light, bright, and inviting. It's still in progress, but here are pics:







(big world map will go above school table, when I get around to buying one)


On the wall you can't see in the pics, there is currently a very cluttered desk with printer, etc. After I make a trip to my dad's in a few weeks, who has an Ikea, there will be a 5x5 expedit on that wall. And then I'll buy a map, and we'll be ready to roll for the fall!

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We are really doing it. We bought the house knowing we would do it-as for resale, I imagine we could spin it as a home office if we decided to sell. there is one small window, and we're giong to put in french doors with windows on them for light, drop ceiling with really good lighting....i want it to be super cozy. I like the idea of hardwood floors, so maybe bamboo laminate? I don't have a budget yet....I need to figure out my "must-haves" and then price them out.



Do you have a second garage? I have a hard time deciding between making the house mine and keeping the house in a condition to sale some day, sigh.



We are doing this, too! However, we aren't doing it with a new house :).


The plan is to build a wall directly behind the garage door, so that if/when we want to sell we can just demo the wall and rip up the carpet and the garage will be back. We are starting this weekend with emptying out the tools and moving them to the shed in the back of the house and talking with A/C people about routing it to the garage. Next we are taking down the drywall and insulating, and then putting it all back to paint and then carpet the place.


I'm jealous of your plan for windows, though! We are still working on how we will do that :).


Ok, that makes a lot of sense. We could put in a temporary wall. We'd also need to take the drywall down to put in insulation and put in a window for light.


Besides Mt. Hope chronicles these are my inspiration rooms






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My favorite was a little, separate cottage someone had--it must have been, gosh, maybe 6 years ago or so? It was just so pretty. I've always wanted to see it again and never found it. Y'all are inspiring me to change ours around!



Didn't someone here have a cottage type one that burned down?


I am also getting inspired to redo our learning space but it will have to wait until I buy the straightjackets to include in it. ;)

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Didn't someone here have a cottage type one that burned down?


I am also getting inspired to redo our learning space but it will have to wait until I buy the straightjackets to include in it. ;)


Oh gosh, I hope not!! It was so fabulous.


Are you getting the kind that velcro to the wall? :D;)

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That's adorable, Beth. Thanks for sharing.


Fortunately or unfortunately, we have a 3-car garage, but I will be converting only ONE of the spaces into our homeschool room. So it will be....cozy :D We will keep the other two spaces. So It's not going to be large. But there will be room for two desks, wall space for books, maps, art......Some of those "garage spaces" that were linked are huge!!! THey must be like 3 car garages LOL. I don't think my dh would like me to take over the entire garage....:tongue_smilie: I might just ask him though....

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Here's our classroom: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252521


It's not really what you're describing, although it is cozy. :001_smile:


I'm going to make some tea and settle in for the night looking at classroom photos. I'm ready for a little inspiration.


It's beautiful. Very whimsical and personal. My DH would love it, too.

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Didn't someone here have a cottage type one that burned down?


I am also getting inspired to redo our learning space but it will have to wait until I buy the straightjackets to include in it. ;)


Oh gosh, I hope not!! It was so fabulous.


Yes, it was so adorable, and yes it burned. :(

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Here's our classroom: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252521


It's not really what you're describing, although it is cozy. :001_smile:


I'm going to make some tea and settle in for the night looking at classroom photos. I'm ready for a little inspiration.


I love it. Where I'd you get your pianos music stand? I have forever been trying to figure out how to store our piano music for 3 kids taking lessons. I don't have room for a bookshelf but I would have room for what is in your picture! Looks perfect!

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