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Could my ex really be this dumb?

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He wasn't paying, wouldn't tell anyone where he worked, and actually wanted to give up all rights to the kids and let my husband adopt them, all in an effort to not have to pay his child support.


Well, I ran into him one day when I stopped to drop a couple of my kids at their grandparents' house (his parents), and he had on a work uniform with the name on the pocket. It was quite convenient! I called my state worker, and they had his wages garnished within a week!


DEFINITELY make the call! Even if the income is exaggerated, if he really does work at that place (which you can find out easily enough by calling and asking for him), they can at least get a garnishment going...

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The chances that a.) he didn't lie about his income and b.) he still works for that company are really pretty slim.


But I did some sleuthing around and found that two other people listed at that company as working with him in his "branch" also work for another company in his town, so I'm giving that business to the CSS people, too, to check out. Chances are that's "really" where he works.


And, even if I do find him and they garnish his wages, I'll get one or two checks and then he'll quit. He always does.


But the long-term goal here is a trail. Because the idiot thinks that when the kids turn 18 the courts will stop pursuing him. When he goes in and tries to get the arrears chopped way back I'll be there with the CSS file on him showing that he worked the whole time and did everything he could to evade having to pay. If we have to play this game to the grave, so be it.

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