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Gift ideas for first time mom?

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My sister is pregnant for the first time, currently about 5 months. It's her birthday next week, so I wanted to give her a little something for her upcoming "mommy" life. Not necessarily for the baby himself, since there will be plenty of baby gifts when the time comes.


I'm pleased that she's heading towards the crunchy-granola mommy route with very little prompting from me. I may have put a whisper out there, without any pressure, about being educated about products, etc that you use with baby but she really researched and made that choice on her own. She's going with organic baby products, ie washes, etc. She's going with cloth diapers, etc . So that's her thought process. Though I don't see homeschooling being in their future, she is very oriented on planning for the child's educational future, and opening all doors of encouragement for him.


That being said, I wanted to get her a little something for her birthday, with my small budget. I'm going to get her the Read-Aloud Handbook. But I need to spend about $15 more to get free shipping at Amazon.


Any recommendations for a first time mommy heading towards crunchy-granola parenting? Books, or products?


Oh, just had a thought...maybe some essential oils. Anything you'd recommend for a new mom/new baby, besides Lavender?

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Maybe a journal to write about her pregnancy and child's life. My dh gave me one when my oldest was born. I've written in it at least once a year. Both boys have one. I usually write at Christmas time now. I will give them their journals when they have their first child, or at another significant milestone.

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One of my favorite gifts is a basket with all the things you don't know you might need that often result in midnight forays to a pharmacy.


nose sucky thing


infant motrin and tylenol

diaper rash creme

Vicks vapor rub

a toy or two to make it look festive

all that stuff

I've been told it's been a blessing many times.

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As I was reading the first two paragraphs of your post, I immediately thought of The Read-Aloud Handbook only to see you'd already thought of it. Does she know the gender of the baby? If so, on the same theme, you might add a book by Kathleen Odean who has the books Great Books for ... Girls, Boys, Babies & Toddlers, and About Things Kids Love.


She might also enjoy a copy of Mothering Magazine. Hmm, I see that they've gone web only as Mothering.com.




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A Sears book or The Read Aloud Handbook are two obvious solid choices.


A subscription to Brain, Child is another thought.


A copy of a book like Nurture Shock or Your Child's Brain would be another idea.


I like thinking gifts, I guess.:tongue_smilie:


A good sling or a cool maternity outfit might be neat as well.

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We have given the book on delivering using the Bradley method to several moms-to-be.


They were able to have natural births and told us that it was the best gift they received.


I also agree with the recommendation for the breastfeeding book by LLL.

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Maybe something from the Sears library- The Successful Child, or Attachment Parenting book.


Something from Motherlove would be for her, but beneficial to the baby as well.

Yup... Sears is a great book for crunchy ;) It's not all the way, but pretty darn close. I think that for the important issues, he's spot on ;)

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