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What are YOUR holidays?

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You know, what are the ones that you claim, you run, you're the boss, you're planning the whole dadgum show and whoever doesn't like it can durn well leave??


We never go to my family's for Christmas or Thanksgiving, they live too far away. And dh's family has to come here if they want to see us those days. Why??? Because we have children, and because I'm the best cook.


Aunt Terry gets the 4th. I'm willing to concede Labor Day to grandma. I like to host on Memorial Day, but I'm not so bossy then.


I think when I'm old(er) and a grandma (oh please PLEASE let me be a grandma) I'll let the children tell me what to do, and I'll make up my own holiday to cook what I want and do as I please.

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With three kids and a limited budget, we rarely get back home. It's 700 miles away and have to stay in a hotel to go. The fam comes here once or twice a year so I get ALL of the holidays! lol!


I'm the best cook anyway....*snicker*

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Most of them. Like Carli, we're too far away from family to see them on every holiday.


I get Thanksgiving and sometimes Christmas (if people feel like travelling that particular year). Mom and dad always get New Years.


I have 6 siblings living in: Mi, VA, TN, and MI. So, really there're no arguements about holidays!

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Absolutely all of them now that we live in another country! In some ways it's a little hard. But, all in all, I love that we don't have the pressure to be running hither and yon each holiday to make everyone else happy. It's nice. We do what we want how we want. Last Christmas we didn't even get out of our pjs all day. It was fabulous!

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Christmas and the 4th of July are all mine. Christmas because the children are young and it's our turn to make memories with them. The 4th because 1) it's always been that way and 2) I now have a child whose birthday is July 4th. I end up with lots of the other holidays by default. I had to give up Thanksgiving to my MIL, because she just bought her first house *ever* in 2005. It was her dream to have her family sit around her dining room table for a holiday meal, and she's never had that happen her entire life until now. But I do make a Thanksgiving meal *my way* at some other time - I have to have cornbread dressing at least once during the holidays!



I think when I'm old(er) and a grandma (oh please PLEASE let me be a grandma) I'll let the children tell me what to do, and I'll make up my own holiday to cook what I want and do as I please.


I plan to do the same thing - fabulous idea!

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We've pretty much alienated ourselves from the rest of the family by being homeschoolers and not letting our kids watch tv... oh then there are my b-i-l's nasty insults, so we have most holidays here alone. Sometimes we go to Ohio for Christmas or Thanksgiving to be with my family, that's probably gone now too, since my parents just divorced this month.


All of you with loving, supportive families, count your blessings! We would love to have mothing more than a great extended family, it's definately difficult to go without that love and support.

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I understand. My parents died in 2000 and 2001. It would be nice for them to know my children and my children to know their grandparents. But we make the best of what our situation is, and try to make the happiest memories for our kids, so I'm sure your children won't remember your ugly BIL, or any drama between your parents because they have a mom who worked to give them wonderful memories of their own home. :grouphug:

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I think when I'm old(er) and a grandma (oh please PLEASE let me be a grandma) I'll let the children tell me what to do, and I'll make up my own holiday to cook what I want and do as I please.


LOL I love this idea! Please let us know on which date we may celebrate Remudaday! :lol::lol:

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Mine is definitely Thanksgiving. I don't care about the other holidays. Anything goes. But, for some reason, it doesn't matter where we live or who comes, I just *love* preparing our "special" Thanksgiving recipes.

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I'll make up my own holiday to cook what I want and do as I please.


My mom sometimes does this, lol. Many years, she'll do Christmas dinner in July (or August) -- where she makes the turkey, all the trimmings, etc... That way, we can really enjoy the meal as a treat (vs. when it is just one of many big meals & treats during the busy holiday season).


Hmmm. Wonder if she'll do it sometime this summer?

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