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So, I get a bill today for $1,545,732.00

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I am like waaaah? :saywhat: So I call the company and the guy is like what is the account #, which I couldn't find :confused: He tells me it should be 15something or other. Then I got it! They have the account # as the balance, complete with the $ sign LOL- $1,545,732.00 and the balance of 90.61, writen without the $ sign, as the account #.


He pulled it up on his computer and we both got a good laugh LOL.

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Thank goodness you got a live person on the phone who also saw the problem!

I had a similar occurrence in college, when the IRS said I owed about $12,000 - every penny I had MADE the previous year. I lucked out and got a sensible person on the phone, too, who agreed it was a ridiculous error!

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Glad it was a mistake. We had a similar mistake today made.


We got a message from a debt collector today. I was like, "What the heck?" :001_huh:


So I called. Seems like it was for someone who used to have our number. Whew. I didn't think we had a ny bills going to collections. My goodness. :svengo: I about had a heart attack. They were very nice and said that they would take the number out so they wouldn't call anymore. Whew.

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I am like waaaah? :saywhat: So I call the company and the guy is like what is the account #, which I couldn't find :confused: He tells me it should be 15something or other. Then I got it! They have the account # as the balance, complete with the $ sign LOL- $1,545,732.00 and the balance of 90.61, writen without the $ sign, as the account #.


He pulled it up on his computer and we both got a good laugh LOL.

That's one serious typo! Thank goodness for a sense of humor :)

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