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In what grade did you first have different teachers for different subjects?

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In second grade we went to a different room for math, the Spanish teacher cam to us. In fourth we switched for math and science, the teachers switched for history and English. In 5th we switched for 3 classes. 6th grade was the start of lockers and full schedules moving from room to room.

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7th grade


In elementary we had the same teacher for everything except pe. And that depended on the year. My 5th grade year my teacher was also our pe teacher. Even art and music happened in our classroom, though I can't remember if there was sometimes a different teacher involved. In 6th grade they did a sort of rotating thing to try to get us ready for the class changes of jr high, but it wasn't much. I think we just spent a month or two going to different classrooms for various subjects just to have to move around.


I always thought that was standard!

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In 2nd grade we went to a room for Math/Science, another room for LA and reading, and a third room for Social Studies. We also had Music/art/PE in seperate rooms.


I went to a great Elementary, I would send mine there if we still lived in Texas. I remember in 2nd grade they had reading stations that allowed all the kids to read at their own level. They had to pull books from the 6th grade classroom for me. The fact that it was done and wasn't a big deal is what I wish we still had today.

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5th grade. We had a four class rooms per grade and the teachers in these classrooms all taught different subjects: math, English, science & social studies. Students were also put into each individual class based on their abilities. So the English teacher would teach all levels but first period might be advanced students and then the next period might be struggling students. You might not have all the same students in all of your classes but there were cohorts that pretty much had all of their classes together. The four classes rooms were all in one wing so you never moved more than class in any direction. I had the same school and set-up in 6th grade. Art, music and PE teachers came to your homeroom class during homeroom period. In 7th grade we transfered to jr. high which functioned like high school. Where I lived we had an A/B schedule which was a really pain because you literally had a different schedule every day. Mondays were always mass confusion as were first days back from holidays or if you missed a day. I showed up in the wrong classroom more than once.

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In 5th grade I was in a mixed 4th/5th classroom that had two teachers.


I started having different teachers for different subjects in 6th grade. We worked for half a day in one classroom, then switched with another group of kids to spend the second half of the day in another classroom.


In 7th, I moved to another state. There we had teams of teachers, one for each class, and each student was assigned to a team. The students would switch classes within their team of teachers.


It wasn't until high school that I actually had to walk all over campus to change classes.

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In fourth grade we started switching classes for reading and math. In sixth grade (which was still in the elementary) we changed classes for all core subjects. We had a home room and everyone in a homeroom moved together for science and social studies. Reading and math were based on skill level, but the entire grade would have them at the same times.


In junior high we had seven different classes and no home room. Other then being sure we were in the proper level math and reading classes it was up to us to sign up for classes and figure out our schedules.

Edited by akmommy
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We had a couple of subject teachers in primary school (maybe just one, for French) otherwise it was just one teacher until I went to senior school at age eleven.


At Hobbes' school he has had lots of different teachers (and moving around to different classrooms) from when he joined at age 10 - I don't know about the younger years.



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School 1 (K-8 DOD school):

K--separate PE teacher.

1st--separate teachers for PE, music, art, and Japanese Culture


School 2 (K-12 private school):

2nd, 3rd, 4th--separate teachers for PE and music


School 3 (K-6 public school):

5th--we were supposed to change class like the 6th grade, but they switched us to self-contained (except for music & PE) after one teacher broke her hip

6th--Teacher 1: math & history, Teacher 2: English Grammar/Reading/Literature (2 periods), Teacher 3: science and spelling, separate teachers for Music and PE.

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