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Are YMCA type athletics enough for "PE"?

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Hello all,


I am looking forward to starting our first year of homeschooling in the fall, but I have yet another question.


Would organized activities through the YMCA (in addition to daily, unorganized, outdoor playtime) suffice for PE? I'm thinking of letting each child choose their own activity (sports, martial arts, swimming, dance, or gymnastics). Based on their interests, they could stick with one all year, if possible (MA, dance, gymnastics), or change it up every quarter or so. From what I can tell, the Y activities meet one to three times a week, depending on what it is.


What are your thoughts?

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I think some people would be surprised how little physical activity there is in public school p.e (at least in our school district). Elementary p.e. is generally pretty good, but middle school and high school is a whole lot of standing/sitting around waiting for your turn to do sit-ups. Based on that, I'd say your plan is more than adequate.

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Yay! I am very relieved! I was afraid what I wanted to do wouldn't count, because it's stuff that non-homeschooled kids do as well, in addition to their PE class at school.


Thank you for your input, everyone!


If anyone else has ideas or suggestions for PE that we could use in the future as well, I'm :bigear:.

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That's pretty much what we do (though my kiddos are young).

We also have a few kid exercise videos we pull out on rainy days (one of which has discussion on healthy foods, different muscles, warming up and cooling down.) We also use our Fit Deck Jr. occasionally for games.


I think as they get older, a "health" program might be nice to add in.

I've also been tempted by The Ultimate Homeschool Physical Education Game Book, but don't know how good it'd be for just 1-2 kids...

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I would say yes. When my dd18 was that age the YMCA was all we did for "PE". For fun she also participated in Karate and then later soccer and in high school she also played tennis. At this age I think the important thing is to make sure your children are physical active, nothing more.

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That's pretty much what we do (though my kiddos are young).


I've also been tempted by The Ultimate Homeschool Physical Education Game Book...


I will have to keep an eye out for this one. I can't find samples of the pages online. Maybe the local homeschool store will have it. If not, maybe Barnes & Noble can order it?



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I agree, their sports are enough. We used the Y last year for our PE. Ours had a kid fit class a few times a week and we would go 2-3 times a week plus we had soccer with them twice a week. The kids came out sweating and tired so it was a good workout for them. If you go to an adult class, the kids can also join you. I went to Zumba with my girls a few times. It was hard to keep up with them though. :)

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I guess it depends on your goals for PE. My kids each have activities they are involved with that are physical (gymnastics, wrestling, swimming, etc). I love the Y classes! But, I also love our YMCA PE co-op!! We meet for two hours twice each week. One hour is for swimming and the second hour is for gym activities (dodgeball, volleyball, scooter board races, etc). They also do physical fitness testing and work with the kids on learning nutrition. They are able to do a variety of games and sports that they may have never thought of trying on their own (or had enough people to play), and through that their horizons are broadened just a bit more. I am not saying that sports/athletic classes are insufficient, but if you have the chance to do a PE co-op (or throw in some novel activities now and again) I would highly recommend it for it's variety and for fun large-group play!

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Yay! I am very relieved! I was afraid what I wanted to do wouldn't count, because it's stuff that non-homeschooled kids do as well, in addition to their PE class at school.

You're in Texas. You get to choose what counts. :D

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When I was in elementary school, P.E. was only once a week anyway, so I don't see how a class that meets once a week or more is any less activity than what elementary PS kids are getting. Now high school was different, of course, but still, we only had to take P.E. for maybe 2 or 3 semesters in high school. Your local YMCA might actually have a home school P.E. class. When we lived in TN, 4 or 5 of the local Ys had them. Now we're in a new state and none of them do. :( Anyway, in TN it met twice a week - one day for swimming and one day for other P.E. activities, and it was very inexpensive. For us non-members it was only $18 for every 6 week session.

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You're in Texas. You get to choose what counts. :D


I keep telling myself that, but a big part of me is still worried about making sure that my kids won't be "missing out" on anything they would/could be getting from regular school. And even though I know I shouldn't be worried about what others think, I am a little afraid of not having a "good enough" answer when someone asks me, "Well, what about [insert random subject/regular school activity]?"


Our neighborhood Y does not offer any homeschool programs as far as I can tell, although they do have lots of youth programs in general (fitness classes, health classes, etc.), but I know there is a Y about 30-45 minutes away that offers homeschool electives (PE, drama, etc.).


We are planning on joining a local homeschool group or two as well, so I'm hoping they will have PE-type activities. I know they have regular park days.


I really appreciate all the affirmation and suggestions. It's a relief to know I don't have to organize/plan a dedicated PE class every week.

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