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My love affair with this program is growing stronger by the day. Have you seen the samples here? Click on Digital Lesson & Labs at the top.


Here is the main link for K-8 samples.


Dd9 worked through the lessons on matter, atoms and periodic table and did the virtual lab on density, mass and volume today. She loved it. It's interactive, nice graphics, easy-to-follow, systematic and a challenging for her (which she likes). It required a bit of middle-school math.


Anyone else working through the samples with accelerated students? Or non-accelerated?


I ordered a few middle school modules from the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op last month.


I'd loved to hear what you think of SF. :bigear:

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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My love affair with this program is growing stronger by the day. Have you seen the samples here? Click on Digital Lesson & Labs at the top.


Here is the main link for K-8 samples.


Dd9 worked through the lessons on matter, atoms and periodic table and did the virtual lab on density, mass and volume today. She loved it. It's interactive, nice graphics, easy-to-follow, systematic and a challenging for her (which she likes). It required a bit of middle-school math.


Anyone else working through the samples with accelerated students? Or non-accelerated?


I ordered a few middle school modules from the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op last month.


I'd loved to hear what you think of SF. :bigear:


I like the look of this one. I might use it for my visual learner. Thanks for the link!

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I think it's extremely simplified. The definitions in particular bug me. Humus is "Made of once-living things." That's the entire defintion. Hurricane is "a large storm with heavy rain and strong winds." It's just too simplified for me, for my science-accelerated girl. She played with the 3rd grade samples with no problem (she's 6). It was more of a distraction/game to her than anything. To quote her, "I didn't learn anything, but it was so super fun." I'm happy to let her play around with the samples, but I'm not going to pay money on something where she's not learning. I think she might enjoy the 4th grade more. I'll let her poke around there later. My 4-year-old normal-at-science dd loved the K samples, but again, it's too expensive for me outside of the samples for that level.

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That's what I suspected. Looking at the samples I had no idea where I'd even place my kids.


I'm glad some are liking it though. It's so hard to find good science stuff.


This was my problem too. I couldn't find a level with enough in-depth science info that ds didn't know, without hitting major algebra he hasn't done yet. It just wasn't the right mix of content & format for us. I really wanted to like it though.

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That's what I suspected. Looking at the samples I had no idea where I'd even place my kids.


I'm glad some are liking it though. It's so hard to find good science stuff.


:iagree: I think if you've been spoiling yourselves silly with PBS Nova, Discovery and BBC documentaries and various mass market books, it can be really hard to place a kid in programs like this one. One of the planets videos at the 8th grade level was too simple but I haven't seen the rest, to be fair.


Having said that, I can see this being a valuable supplement for young kids who really thrive with visual learning tools.


One program we did find useful about a year or two ago was Adaptive Curriculum. We haven't renewed the subscription since it lapsed but it was good while it lasted.

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different from the ones purchased on the buyers co-op?


The samples are from the full programs which were for sale via HSBC.


Dd9 will have plenty to work with from the these modules which I bought last month. The online component and texts are perfect for her. They won't begin until Aug.


Grade 6-8: Module A (Cells and Heredity)

Grade 6-8: Module H (Matter and Energy)

Grade 6-8: Module I (Motion, Forces and Energy)


Science Fusion will be a portion of her 4th grade science. She is doing Exploration Education, Engineering Is Elementary, homegrown electronics course, ps science class 3x/wk, as well as a weekly chem tutor/class.

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I think it's extremely simplified. The definitions in particular bug me. Humus is "Made of once-living things." That's the entire defintion. Hurricane is "a large storm with heavy rain and strong winds." It's just too simplified for me, for my science-accelerated girl. She played with the 3rd grade samples with no problem (she's 6). It was more of a distraction/game to her than anything. To quote her, "I didn't learn anything, but it was so super fun." I'm happy to let her play around with the samples, but I'm not going to pay money on something where she's not learning. I think she might enjoy the 4th grade more. I'll let her poke around there later. My 4-year-old normal-at-science dd loved the K samples, but again, it's too expensive for me outside of the samples for that level.


I didn't buy a program for dd7. The samples will be plenty in addition to MPH and her ps science class and other stuff we will do here.

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I agree it isn't meaty and what I looked at didn't seem too complex for the grade level. The visual presentation with occasionally required input from the viewer combined with a higher grade level than I would normally choose for this child should make this a good fit.

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I agree it isn't meaty and what I looked at didn't seem too complex for the grade level. The visual presentation with occasionally required input from the viewer combined with a higher grade level than I would normally choose for this child should make this a good fit.


Not sure if you noticed the text samples. Here is the chapter on the periodic table. Doesn't seem meaty enough for grade 8. But it will be ideal for dd.

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What did you use for science when your kids were ~3rd grade? Am looking for a challenging program without the advanced math for 8 yr old w/ strong science comprehension but normal math skills.


I was not able to find a single curriculum that worked. I had high hopes for BFSU but it was hit and miss. A few of the units were hits, a few were "redundant" in a sense at the elem and middle school levels because he had already discussed and understood them with Dad.


We had most success going delight-directed for science. He's a very visual learner so we watch tons of documentaries and he reads or listens to nonfiction "living science" type books from the library. He chose one or two topics every 4-6 weeks to research in more depth and present to our homeschool group. Dinner table discussions. Kitchen counter demonstrations and later when he was ready, child-led experiments. Mom-organized classes with friends, including a junior high level chemistry class with a mentor. Lots of Happy Scientist, Adaptive Curriculum, BrainPOP videos when younger. We have a very math-rich and somewhat science-rich atmosphere at home.


He has a lot of gaps in biology because he just isn't interested atm. And I have not required lab reports yet. I would rather have him enjoy it as much as possible before requiring him to hunker down and write everything.


Currently, Teaching Company Great Courses at home and Derek Owens physics distance-ed at half pace (after he finished algebra).

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I've been eying some of the Teaching Company courses. Any you recommend in particular?


This went very quickly and was enjoyed very much.


This is going slowly.


We are hoping to get to this some day.


I do find it easier to collect biology and chemistry resources compared to ability-appropriate physics resources.


There's usually a lot of silence and only a few questions on my part when the guys discuss things. I wish I knew more science too. The ol' brain is just so much slower than she used to be. :tongue_smilie:

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My DD enjoyed MPH science through 6th grade. We're going to try a combination of CK12 and Prentice-Hall Scence Explorer for Earth Science next year. I suppose one good thing about her choice to suddenly accelerate in math-it should make moving into secondary level science MUCH easier once she's got some algebra skills!


Schools here don't seem to teach much science. The science on the state test is more reading comprehension than anything else.

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Quark, thanks for the interesting info. Do you mind me asking how old your son is now?


Sure. He's nine and a half. Plenty of time before I start panicking about ramping up the writing :D. Right now we're just :auto: at his speed (always wanted to use this hot chili red car smiley!).

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My love affair with this program is growing stronger by the day. Have you seen the samples here? Click on Digital Lesson & Labs at the top.


Here is the main link for K-8 samples.


Dd9 worked through the lessons on matter, atoms and periodic table and did the virtual lab on density, mass and volume today. She loved it. It's interactive, nice graphics, easy-to-follow, systematic and a challenging for her (which she likes). It required a bit of middle-school math.


Anyone else working through the samples with accelerated students? Or non-accelerated?


I ordered a few middle school modules from the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op last month.


I'd loved to hear what you think of SF. :bigear:


Well, since you asked... :)


In all honesty, although playing around with the samples was a pleasant-enough pastime, I can't get over the feeling that this program is so textbook-y to me. Granted, more interactive and splashy than most textbooks, but still with that textbook-y feel. I wish it had more of a living book feel.

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Well, since you asked... :)

Granted, more interactive and splashy than most textbooks, but still with that textbook-y feel.



I am looking for more of an interactive textbook approach so it appeals to me. Dd9 has a clipboard and takes notes, draws pictures, etc, during the lectures. Granted, we have only done the 8th grade samples. Not sure how the text will fit into the equation. They look more than sufficient for grade 4.


She just finished Aha!Science ($15/year) and enjoyed the visuals, quizes, etc (as a supplement to other science ed).


I think it would be safe to say that my visual learners love computer instruction in addition to books and in-person tutorials.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, I checked out the "samples" from the page, however it seems like a LOT more than just samples ???? It looks like a whole book online??? Is this NOT a complete curriculum?? I think this is more than enough for my rising second grader . Any thoughts. What is included in the FULL curriculum that is NOT with the online samples? Thank YOU :)


Susan Khan

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I received an email today with more info and links for SF. Here is the demo for homeschool.


I still don't know much about SF until we get our books & online access in August. For now I am using the free samples here.


Dd7 is working through these lessons today on plants and then she'll be dissecting and labeling plants/flowers. We're using Plant Parts also as a reference.


ETA: Here is a blog post with pics of our flower dissection project.

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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