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Has anything ever just overwhelmed you and you get stuck

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This is where I am with a situation in my life, my late brother's home that I've been taking care of for 3.5 years. I am a pretty strong person who generally is not one to bury her head in the sand, but this situation has me stuck for lack of a better term. It's like I don't want to face *it* :sigh: It being properly settling this estate. I hate being in charge of this, I hate not being decisive enough, and I really hate that my brother is dead.I don't know where I'm going with this post.


Thanks for listening, um I guess reading would be more accurate.



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{{Karen}} I'm so sorry about your brother. How hard this must be. I feel exactly the same as you do about some things, but mine are silly little things, not big emotional things like this. I guess the sooner you deal with this, the faster you can put it behind you. Do you have any other siblings that can help you? Or maybe another close relative? It would be easier to share the burden with someone.

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DH has done it twice now, and guess who was in charge of the copying, faxing, and Fedexing (not him). I actually cried when the contract for his mom's house came for him to sign. It just seemed so final.


It needs to be done though. :grouphug:

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Maybe someone could do it for you, like you could hire someone. That way it would be done. I often get overwhelmed over much less difficult things, like we had new ceiling fans put in, and I still haven't cleaned up the closet where the installer left bunches of drywall dust and such. Don't be so hard on yourself.

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The entire last year of my life. So many things in such a short period of time. The only way that I have been able to deal at all is to make a priority list, essentials only, and then do the next thing on the list. Whatever has to be done today to get through today. Take as much down time as I need and get through the best I can. Unless the is someone or some reason pressing you to get this done to get it done at a certain pace then go at your own pace.


We moved all of my mom's stuff from her old house to my brothers house and as far as I know it is all still sitting in his garage as he is simply not ready to go through it yet. It will still be there when he is. No pressure. Deal with it when and how you can. And be sure to feel and prcess your emtions.


So sorry that you are going through this as I know how hard it can be. Try to find one escape for your self so that when you need a break you have somewhere to go. ANd don't be afraid to ask for help. You will make it, maybe not on your original time table but some time. And of course, we are routing for you. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I'm sorry! I will pray that things will be worked out soon, and you won't have to deal with this on your own! :grouphug: I will be praying for strength and courage for you to be able to do the job you have to do, and peace (John 14:27) through this storm!

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Although I can't put myself in your shoes- the life of your brother tragically lost is just beyond my comprehension. What I can relate to is the feeling of "I can't do this". And I am a tough person too. I recently reached a new feeling of "I simply can't muster one more inch of gumption"- and it scared me. I'm sure there is an aspect of needing to trust more fully in the Lord's strength and not my own, but it still threw me for a loop. The tasks are right there in front of me, but the necessary level of function isn't...yet.


I'm so sorry you are going through this, Karen. I pray now for guidance, wisdom, and strength to be poured out in you.



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Thank you all so much. :001_smile: It really means a lot. I actually got on the phone last night with my lawyer, he's a friend so I can bother him off hours, and asked him to take over as much as he can. My other siblings are not much help unfortunately, my sister is too far and my remaining brothers are, I don't know, I guess I need to have a talk with them.

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When I was a paralegal in Iowa, we handled estates (among other things). I know how many decisions you have to make; it's just so difficult and complicated sometimes! I pray that you will have perspective and wisdom as you go through this.

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