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Parental brag - music

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Excuse my brag, but I don't feel I can brag about this on FB without offending someone. DS11 here auditioned for a piano scholarship last weekend and won. He got $500 towards piano lessons! Thought anyone who was homeschooling and paying for $$$ music lessons could appreciate our joy! :D This was a complete surprise.


I got to be in the room for the audition and he had a GREAT day. He's had issues with nerves lately. He won in the division of 10-12 year olds. 2 kids were selected in each division. He gets to play in an honor recital at a fancy venue (what to wear ... what to wear?! Guessing yoga pants and t-shirts won't cut it!?)


If anyone is a pianist, he played Allegro Burlesco Op 88 No 3 Kuhlau.

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Oh, how awesome!!! I remember my oldest two girls piano competitions and it is just thrilling when these moments hit!


Thanks for sharing, it brings back the joy from years ago...:)

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