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I just want to cry,...

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I don't know that you are missing anything. Viruses just have to run their course and there seems to be some doozies these last few years.


I know it isn't fun but it will come to an end. We support the immune system the best we can and other things. But in the end the body just has to fight it off in its own time.


A week and a half isn't very long for some of the crud that is going around unfortunately.

Edited by HiddenJewel
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Two weeks ago all 5 of us got the stomach bug over one weekend. My oldest two and I started within 3 hours of each other. It was not a pretty sight :ack2: My dh and youngest son slept in our bed while I slept with my dd and my poor ds slept in the bathroom. Youngest ds and dh got it the next morning. Of course the kids were only sick 24hrs and the adults were sick over 48hrs. I'm not sure what's worse, being sick and having to take care of sick kids or being sick and having healthy kids expecting you to do stuff like feed them. Then there was dh who thought he was dying and couldn't help with they kids because he can't stand vomit :glare: I hope everyone is well soon. There isn't anything much worse then the stomach bug attacking your house.

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While disinfecting everything and lots of hand washing is always good, unless someone in the family has NOT been sick, it won't keep you guys healthy. Once you are over a virus, you are immune to that particular virus, so you can't pass it back and forth. You can infect other people, of course. Which is why it's good to disinfect, so no one coming to your house picks it up. And to kill any other viruses lurking around.


Sorry everyone is sick. I hate stomach viruses. And especially kids vomiting at night.

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After a week and a half of illness in our home, the dc were all feeling so much better. My little boy is getting his energy back. There were smiles and giggles, and the dc all played so nicely together yesterday and today. Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel.


Dd8 just threw up in bed. I want to crawl under my covers and hide. I don't think I can handle another round of whatever has been plaguing our house.


We were at the doctor's office 3 times last week, and a trip to both urgent care and the ER on Sunday (ds was dehydrated). They all said the same thing, "It's just a stomach bug. It's going around." I took the girls to karate last night, and there were 2 other mothers who had dc sick the entire week of April vacation.


I don't know what else to do. I've disinfected my house and washed all of the bedding, I don't know how many times. We've replaced toothbrushes, and there's no sharing of cups. I'm driving everybody nuts with reminders to wash their hands. And just to be safe, I've thrown out all the open condiments, including peanut butter.


What am I missing?



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Transmission is fecal-oral. It's vitally important that when the kid has diarrhea, YOU clean them up, everyone wash hands well afterward, and wipe down relevant bathroom surfaces. Every single time. It works but you have to be vigilant.

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When we have a bug that seems to linger or keeps re-infecting us despite all my natural remedies that usually work for sickness, I diffuse essential oils into each room of the house. Based on the Thieves blend, I use cinnamon, rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, and clove. I have one of those Vicks steam inhalers and I just add a few drops of each oil to the water and let it steam in the room until the water runs out, then I move on to the next room.

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It sure feels that way, especially when it was 10 days where at least one person vomited each of those. It doesn't help that it happened almost every single night, in someone's bed. I started sending the them to bed with buckets.


That would be very draining! The stomach flu is awful.

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What am I missing?


I asked my pediatrician the same thing. He said that it is not uncommon for a large family with little ones to have a different virus in the home every month from October to March. While I was glad I wasn't "doing something wrong," I can't say it made me feel much better. :glare:


Short of keeping them away from the public during these times, I don't know what else you can do that you aren't already doing.


I have accepted that this will be how it is for us for a very long time, as I have a 17yo and five others down to age 1.


I agree with others that the past two years have been doozies.;)


Hope you feel better soon.:grouphug:

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I'm sorry. :grouphug:


My ds once had rota virus and ended up in the hospital. DH and I got it, and I ended up in the hospital. The week after that was all over, ds went through another round of a stomach virus and vomiting.


Dr. said his immune system was very weak due to the rota virus, and that's why he became sick so quickly and easily again.

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