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Did you ever get sent to principal's office?

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I was basically an honor student who stayed out of trouble.


I WAS sent to the principal's office in 12th grade for skipping school and was given in-school suspension for a day. (My best friend and I were actually aiming for this and were trying to get caught. We just wanted to see what it was like...) however...


In 1st grade I was paddled several times for talking during class (I had been doing everything she was teaching since I was 4 so I was bored).


In 2nd grade I was paddled along with about 60 other 2nd & 3rd graders for talking during lunch when "No Talking" had been ordered. (I actually only giggled at this kid who shot milk out of his nose, but the teacher said I was talking.)


In 6th grade I was paddled for making a comment about my science teacher's map of the U.S. looking more like a dead cow.. (although why my science teacher was talking about geography that day I'll never know as I was made to sit at my desk in the hall for the rest of class).


... I wasn't caught for anything else that I can remember :D.

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I got sent to the principal's office in high school a few times during my junior and senior years.


#1 I was accused of skipping class when I was a senior. One of my classes went on some sort of field trip and I stayed behind, with permission, because I had to participate in a debate in another class that day.


I got tired of staying in the library after several hours, so I went out to the school steps to read because it was a beautiful day. One of the coaches saw me sitting there and turned me in for skipping school because I was not on the field trip.


The assistant principal called my mother when I refused to be paddled. She came in to school, and he told her he was going to either paddle me (with a huge board filled with holes ostensibly to make it hurt more) or suspend me for 3 days because I had not stayed in the library. Among other things, my mother said to him, "You are a stupid (very bad expletive deleted) pig". That shocked me, but I was very happy because I agreed with her. I didn't get paddled or suspended and neither did my Mom.


#2 Another assistant principal, a charismatic, tricky one, thought a male friend of mine (not a boyfriend) had brought some pot to school. So we both got called down. I was supposed to encourage my friend to be honest. Well, I knew what was up and there was no way I was going to help my friend be arrested. So I told him to deny everything or he would get arrested, no matter what the assistant principal said, just keep on denying it and give no details. My friend managed to keep his big mouth shut and stay out of jail. I didn't know whether he had pot at school or not, and I just said that and nothing else. Later I found out he did have a small amount of it in his car.


#3 As a junior, I was called to the principal's office -- the big kahuna -- because the Algebra II teacher was upset that I had the highest grade average in the class. He accused me of cheating and wanted to give me a D or an F. Why? Well, I was bored in there, so I didn't look lively and participate in class unless I had to.


I didn't like to look at him because he was boring and ugly. His head looked like a turtle's. Algebra and trig were effortless for me -- I didn't have to cheat and I didn't have to study and I didn't need a teacher. I read the chapter in class, went home and did the homework, took the tests, and I went to every one of those boring classes. I got my "A" because the principal understood that I could not help being good at math. I was furious that I had been accused of cheating -- never did it, never will.


#4 I got caught skipping school, but it was fun. Several of my friends and I got permission to go to the state legislature for several days to listen to arguments for and against the Equal Rights Amendment. We did go for one morning. It was boring and irritating to listen to the arguments about whether GA should ratify the amendment. Then we went to Underground Atlanta for lunch. Lots of legislators were milling around, along with lots of Hari Krishnas. I suggested that we ditch that scene and go to Stone Mountain Park to fly kites.


We did that for 2.5 lovely days. I still remember riding around in a convertible Pontiac GTO, all of us belting out "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" by Jim Croce, among other hit songs of the day, on the way to and from the park. We also climbed the mountain on the wrong (forbidden) side because we were young and dumb and had no idea how dangerous it was.


The whole group of us was caught, despite the fact that we went to school every morning to show our faces, and then left. I have no idea how the school folks knew we were not at the legislative sessions, but they did. Hmmm, maybe the cops turned us in. We did get stopped in the park for something (driving over 15 m.p.h. maybe) -- the cop asked the driver whether she had gotten her license out of a Cracker Jack box but did not give her a ticket.


We all got suspended for 3 days. That time, my mother was mad at me, but I knew I deserved it and it was worth it.


Oh, I forgot, I got in a lot of trouble in 9th grade, but I don't remember what the punishment was -- probably detention. My friends and I had to take Spanish, and we hated it (but I still remember it all to this day for some reason). So someone stole some hall passes off a teacher's desk. I forged the Spanish teacher's signature, and we all missed class about once a week. We didn't leave the school though. We did this at least a dozen times before the Spanish teacher caught on. I felt bad because I figured we hurt his feelings.


In college, I was threatened with expulsion twice for editorials I wrote for the school paper.



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What is it with band directors? My high school band director had a terrible temper! He once threw his baton at the percussion section. It stuck in the back wall.


My 6th grade band teacher was like that, too. He was one of the most frightening people I ever had to deal with. He lost his temper daily. He would turn beet red with veins bulging, yell at the entire class or just an individual (often in that kids' face) and throw his baton at the back wall. He always made it clear that he was meant for better things than teaching a bunch of stupid kids. I was such a shy kid and I was always afraid to approach him. Since I was a nice kid (and quiet), I could tell at times he was really trying to be patient with me, but I could see the color rise in his face and see him clench his teeth as I meekly asked a question. He was such an angry, angry man. Of course at concerts and parent teacher meetings he always acted very refined. He had this "I am an artist" posture he would put on in front of other adults and he would preen before them like he expected someone would come along and notice his brilliance and take him away to the position he really deserved. He wasn't very old 24 years ago, but he's probably long dead. High blood pressure and all.

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My 6th grade band teacher was like that, too. He was one of the most frightening people I ever had to deal with. He lost his temper daily. He would turn beet red with veins bulging, yell at the entire class or just an individual (often in that kids' face) and throw his baton at the back wall. He always made it clear that he was meant for better things than teaching a bunch of stupid kids. I was such a shy kid and I was always afraid to approach him. Since I was a nice kid (and quiet), I could tell at times he was really trying to be patient with me, but I could see the color rise in his face and see him clench his teeth as I meekly asked a question. He was such an angry, angry man. Of course at concerts and parent teacher meetings he always acted very refined. He had this "I am an artist" posture he would put on in front of other adults and he would preen before them like he expected someone would come along and notice his brilliance and take him away to the position he really deserved. He wasn't very old 24 years ago, but he's probably long dead. High blood pressure and all.


the flying baton. He had white-blond hair, and his face would turn 25 shades of red. And he had a white spittle problem, and the madder he got the worse the spittle got until he looked like he was foaming at the mouth.


When I was in 9th grade I was in flag corps, and that instructor didn't have any patience either. Once we were on the football field practicing and I was talking to the girl next to me and we missed the first step. He came running down from the top of the bleachers yelling and his face was purple with anger.


Yeah, those were good times :eek:

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AND shy, but when a really obnoxious kid snapped my bra in 6th grade (where I was new!) I reacted and punched him in the face. Not super hard, but I got sent to the principal's office! LOL First and last time.


When I got there, our 70-something principal asked me what happened and I told him, blushing and SO embarassed. He patted my hand and told me he understood but that I shouldn't respond that way again and should ask for help instead. Then he let me take a piece of candy out of his candy jar and sent me on my way! LOL Not as bad as the stories of paddling I'd heard!! ;)

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I was a contradiction in terms. I was looked like the girl-next-door, pretty, clean cut, well-dressed, tasteful natural looking make-up, smart, and fairly polite. I was a teacher's helper, and worked in the library. I took woodshop, metal working and graphic arts. I never studied or did homework but I maintained a A average without studying. But I was constantly smoking (not cigarettes), drinking, skipping school, shop lifting, fighting, arguing with teachers. More than once my mother was asked to come to school and take me home becasue they didn't know what to do with me.


I am sure that I left eveyone scratching their heads but there was no doubt that I would be a non-conformist. No one who knew me was surprised to hear that I didn't immunize, had homebirths, breastfeed, co-slept or homeschooled. I think that they are all just surprised that I don't live in a commune or something.


You know that thing where your parents say that they hope you get a kid just like you, well I think that I may be reaping that now.

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y'all probably won't believe this, but I was a Very Quiet, reserved person in high school :-) I was never sent to the principal's office, but a teacher did send me to the hall when they asked for everyone to STOP TALKING NOW and i popped my gum really loud on purpose.....


once i got out of high school though, i made up for lost time :D

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I was and probably still am a little ornery:rolleyes: Not sure why, just my nature I guess. I refused to listen to the bus driver stood up when I should sit down that kind thing oh and there was a girl that annoyed me not sure why but she just annoyed me so I slapped her. Mr. Spina was waiting for me when I got off the bus. Maybe it was an attention getting thing or something. Okay there I said it. Phew glad to get that off my chest. :p

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Well, yes. The first time I ever got in trouble (I don't count getting sent to the cloak room once in K-3 for talking as trouble, really--considering what a chatterbox I was that was quite good) I was in Gr 4 in a new school. It might have passed as an isolated incident had it not been for the open admiration of several kids in the class after school. So, I went there once or twice. Then not again until Gr. 6 when I was back in my home town after my dad's 2 year sabbatical ended. That year I must have gone a number of times. I didn't like my teacher, for one. I was the only girl in Gr. 6 who was not allowed on the annual field trip (yes, one field trip per annum. Those were the olden days, weren't they?) I was allowed the following year, though. And I was a straight A student, or would have been had they not graded P.E. based on actual sports ability. And Art. I was not great at art. So grades and behavior (aka talking back to teachers) don't always have a connection!


The funny thing is that once I was out of elementary school, I got along great with the principal of that school

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Oh yes.


In 2nd grade I was being picked on at the bus stop, so I walked a couple of miles through town to go to school.


In 3rd grade I (badly) faked my Dad's signature so that I wouldn't have to tell my abusive stepmother that I had forgotten my homework.


In 5th grade I ripped the sign off of the "Teachers Only" bathroom stall and through it out the window - I was angry at the injustice of teachers getting working, clean stalls when we didn't.


In 6th grade I was suspended from the bus. Later in the year I was punished for LOTS of stuff (this was the true beginning of my downward spiral.)


I managed to skip the principal's office in 7th and 8th (even though I had plenty of issues), but landed there again in the second week of 9th grade. I was suspended for smoking in the bathroom (which I wasn't, but my friend was, and I took the blame because I knew my parents wouldn't care.)


Despite all this, I was always in the Gifted and Talented programs - go figure!

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Yes, and how often. After I posted about how I didn't get sent in Gr 7, I remembered that I was. And I even might have been sent there once in high school, but my memory is so vague that I'm not sure. Nor did I bother to mention the time the high school librarian, who knew my parents, called and told my dad I was skipping out (that's what we called cutting/truancy) when I was in Gr. 9. Nor my lovely attitude throughout my first 3 high school years, my Gr. 10 bout with senioritis, or other things my kids better not hear about until they're grown! Now, my dh, aside from shooting spitballs when the teacher was out of the room, was Mr. Upright and I highly doubt he was ever sent there; he certainly can't remember!

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Yes, well I think being in an abusive situation can really fuel situations. I just never talk about that aspect of my life to protect the innocent and sensitive members of my family who would be hurt if I were to write about it.


It's true, but it still all worked out in the end. For both of us?

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No, but I did get a demerit once in the 4th grade because I forgot to put my chair on my desk at the end of the day (we were supposed to do that so the janitor could vacuum).


I was absolutely humiliated. I cried all the way home and was terrified to tell my parents.:rolleyes:


I was very definitely a good girl . . . ridiculously so.:p

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In K I got sent to the principal's office, but found out it was for a special card for good grades.:D In high school, however, I was caught skipping school and got a Saturday school.:p Not necessarily principal's office, but he called my parents. I was usually really good, so I got teased mericilessly for this!

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I never got sent to the principal's office, but the principal caught me coming out of the boys' bathroom after having been dared to do so. Funny how those things cycle back around. DSs #3 and #4 (ages 7 and 9) were dared to step into the girls' bathroom at our homeschool co-op last week, and wouldn't ya know.....? They were "caught" by one of the moms, thankfully, and I don't think that will ever happen again. It was pretty benign, but they both know better and got in trouble with mom and dad. History repeats itself! And I bet those little girls just marvel at the power they think they wield over these silly boys!

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