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Anyone attending the Northeast Conference?

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I was really excited about being able to attend the Conneticut Conference. But given the recent threads I am a little nervous. I will be driving up from Georgia. We have relatives and friends to stay with along the way so I will only have to pay for the conference hotel. My college age dd and I are visting several schools along the way.


I am beyond thrilled to be able to hear Susan, Marcia Sommerville, and Michael Clay Thompson, all in the same venue. But...I have never attended a conference and am not familiar with Hartford. I certainly do not want to add stress to the trip with conference drama.


Any experience? Advice? Anyone still planning to attend? If it matters I am of the Christian faith but that is not reason for attending. I am going to hear educational lectures and training. I do not want religions shoved in my face the whole time.


Thanks so much!


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I was really excited about being able to attend the Conneticut Conference. But given the recent threads I am a little nervous. I will be driving up from Georgia. We have relatives and friends to stay with along the way so I will only have to pay for the conference hotel. My college age dd and I are visting several schools along the way.


I am beyond thrilled to be able to hear Susan, Marcia Sommerville, and Michael Clay Thompson, all in the same venue. But...I have never attended a conference and am not familiar with Hartford. I certainly do not want to add stress to the trip with conference drama.


Any experience? Advice? Anyone still planning to attend? If it matters I am of the Christian faith but that is not reason for attending. I am going to hear educational lectures and training. I do not want religions shoved in my face the whole time.


Thanks so much!



Did I sit next to you one day at the 2009 WTM conf. in VA?


I am debating driving to Hartford, too, for the same reasons as you. I'm just nervous that something is going to happen to the conference to change it around even more. Still watching and waiting to decide.

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Yes! I was there! But that did not feel like a conference but a group of friends. Not overwhelming at all. I get very anxious in crazy situations. That was a great way to do it. Too bad we couldn't have one of those every year. It would be great to meet up with you again. My daughter is very excited about the trip so I hate to say no to her.

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Yes! I was there! But that did not feel like a conference but a group of friends. Not overwhelming at all. I get very anxious in crazy situations. That was a great way to do it. Too bad we couldn't have one of those every year. It would be great to meet up with you again. My daughter is very excited about the trip so I hate to say no to her.


It sounds like it'd be a great trip for your daughter, and the conf. could be a side trip?


I am so torn...afraid if I sign up/rent vehicle/make childcare arrangements (no need for hotel; I could stay with brother who lives near the city), something will change. But I also recently learned that an old friend of mine from about 20 years ago is going - I haven't seen her in so long, and I'd love to see her again!

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You make a great point and it can still be a great trip. I just really have the same feeling as you about making all arrangements and something will change. I REALLY want to hear Susan speak again before she takes her sabbatical from speaking. I could use her wisdom and encouragemnet from both her Second Time Around and Teaching the Difficult child(she used the longer title). I have an 8 year old son who absoultely despises school and is throwing me for a loop. My other dd is headed into middle school so much to glean for this time.


I hope everything works out for both of us! And you could catch up with an old friend. That is priceless!

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Me! Me!! :auto:


I am planning on attending. DH and ds9 will be going with me. We are staying one night.


I am very excited to hear the speakers. I don't have any desire for drama and will be staying out of it. :D


Make the most of your trip and enjoy it with your daughter. The years pass by too quickly to let something like this stand in the way of a good time with her. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am about 75% sure I will be there at some point in time...I am waiting for the completed schedule because there is a class by SWB that I really want to hear, and I am not sure I will be able to stay the three days...Maybe we will stay overnight one night, but the next night might cost me too many books :tongue_smilie:

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My husband and I are going! I signed up and we just need to get a hotel. We are super excited to hear SWB. Sounds like it will be our first and last opportunity! We even payed the extra $10 for the comedian.


We have never been to one. We can't wait.


I have kept up with all the stuff going on as well, but I would like to go at least once. Plus, it is a weekend away for us!

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I am going, and I live locally, so if anyone has any questions about the Hartford area, I'd be happy to answer any. I'm also anxious to see a schedule as I will only be attending Friday and a small part of Saturday.


What's the "drama" being hinted at? I'm clueless:tongue_smilie:

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I am going, and I live locally, so if anyone has any questions about the Hartford area, I'd be happy to answer any. I'm also anxious to see a schedule as I will only be attending Friday and a small part of Saturday.


What's the "drama" being hinted at? I'm clueless:tongue_smilie:


I was also thinking of going Friday into Saturday, but with my luck the class I really want to attend will be the first one on Thursday :tongue_smilie:

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I am going, and I live locally, so if anyone has any questions about the Hartford area, I'd be happy to answer any. I'm also anxious to see a schedule as I will only be attending Friday and a small part of Saturday.


What's the "drama" being hinted at? I'm clueless:tongue_smilie:



Me too.......(to the bolded). And wow, driving up from Georgia. I live in Ct. and am not even sure I will go.

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I am going! Not sure yet if I am going to go all 3 days or just 2. Definitely staying overnight on Friday.


I am not familiar with Hartford (but I am from CT) ;)


I am super excited to hear SWB speak. Of course, I have to find a balance between workshops and the exhibition hall!! :auto:

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  • 4 weeks later...
I am going!...I will be there Thursday and Friday...Not sure about Saturday...I will be greeting and handing out convention bags on Thursday...You should come Nadia and Nicole...


Yay! I'm glad you finally decided to go! I hope you have a great time.


I still wish I could go, but I know I'm not. We may be traveling south later in the summer, so must save gas $ for that.


I am going to a small conf./curric. fair in my area this weekend, and some of the workshops actually look pretty interesting!


Sorry to miss you again, Cleo!

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AdventureMoms and I are arriving Thursday afternoon and will be there until Saturday afternoon!


Tahara, maybe we'll see you Thursday! I'd love to chat with you sometime about your journey from Waldorf to Classical Ed... :)


Yup yup! I'm super excited to hear SWB talk, and for a couple of the other talks, and also to not have to take care of anyone elses basic bodily functions for 3 days! The biggest draw for me is the exhibit hall, I really need to see some stuff in person to figure out what I think will work for me.


I've pretty much decided to ignore the drama, get what I can out of this and move on. I'd prefer a secular or academically oriented conference, but there don't seem to be any nearby.


So, was anyone else booked at the Ramada? Have you gotten a phone call yet? If you haven't, call them, they're moving us to a different hotel...

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Guest NorthEastMomma

I'm going but didn't see a lot of seminars to attend. So far there is only one. I'm meeting a friend who doesn't homeschool.

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Yay! I'm glad you finally decided to go! I hope you have a great time.


I still wish I could go, but I know I'm not. We may be traveling south later in the summer, so must save gas $ for that.


I am going to a small conf./curric. fair in my area this weekend, and some of the workshops actually look pretty interesting!


Sorry to miss you again, Cleo!


I wish you were going Colleen...I would have loved to see you...



Have finally decided and will be going Thursday and Friday! Feel free to come over and say hi if you see me. Not sure if I am more excited about the conference or about being alone for 30 something hours.....


Looking forward to seeing you again Nadia :)


I'm going but didn't see a lot of seminars to attend. So far there is only one. I'm meeting a friend who doesn't homeschool.


Can I suggest anything by Susan Wise Bauer, Michael Clay Thompson, Andrew Kern or Christopher Perrin?...They are great speakers...I am going to a couple by Martin Cothran, but I have never heard him speak so I can't say yet ;)


I am going and really looking forward to hearing SWB and MCT for the first time!


They are awesome...MCT classes amazes everyone...His excitement and visual aids are comparable to none...SWB probably has the most practical, information packed lessons I have heard...I love to hear her speak and will listen to the same class over and over again...

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