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I was banned from entering my kitchen. Check it out...

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I asked my daughter if she wanted to wash the kitchen floor. It's one of her favorite jobs. So, of course she was thrilled. While she was cleaning, I took a break and got online to waste....I mean, spend, some time. :001_smile: After awhile, she asked if we had any duct tape. I said I didn't know where there was any. I told her to not bother blocking off the kitchen with duct tape (I know how she thinks) because I would wait to go in there after the floor dried. A little while later, I turned around and this is what I see (picture below). I couldn't help but laugh. She had on an orange safety vest, a bike helmet, and was holding her stop sign. A very serious, I-mean-business, look was on her face too. :lol:

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:lol: What's funny is that I don't even own a mop either. It's on the floor, hands and knees with a bucket and a rag. She loves it! I actually don't have her do it too often.....maybe once a month. In between I just sweep and spot clean (I guess I'm lazy). But, judging by her joy....I may let her clean the floor once a week! Yay me! After she cleaned the floor yesterday, she said she'd wait for it to dry (not letting anyone in there) and then she'd go over it a second time. I said once was enough. Then later that night I dropped a spoon on the floor that I was using to stir spaghetti sauce. She immediately began cleaning it up and said, "Don't worry mommy. It's not your fault. I'll just clean the whole floor again tomorrow." She really is my sweetie.

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Wow! She looks a lot like my daughter who also likes to clean the kitchen floor:001_smile:


Cool. I knew there had to be another one. I don't mean a twin....but another child who loves washing the floor. :001_smile: I can just picture the two of them getting together and having some good clean fun. :lol: (oh, gosh....I crack myself up!). :D

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