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John Holzmann -Sonlight


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Okay, I just read a 27 page thread about the changes to Sonlight this year, and the "old-timers" lamenting about how wonderful John was and how wonderful Sarita is not.


Now I am dying to know, what happened to John? I did a brief Google search, and from what I can tell, he didn't die. Why did he leave his own company?

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I guess it wouldn't hurt since it is on youtube.

is the youtube video where he discusses the history of Sonlight and gives insight into the time leading up to when he left the company beginning more around 40-45 minutes into the video. I give him a lot of credit for coming forward in such a manner and sharing what was obviously a very dark time in his life.
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Okay, sorry, I had to go and didn't have time to finish my post. As to the person in question, I'll give you one guess. If you google his name and John Holzmann, you'll be able to figure out what all went on. Here's one of the first hits I got.




Quoted from the post: "There are reasons to believe, as you will see below, that Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis used his platform when speaking at homeschool conventions in years past to marginalize Sonlight in the homeschool community and to mark out John Holzmann, specifically. On numerous occasions Ken Ham listed Sonlight as a curriculum that does not teach origins to Christian homeschooling children the way he believes the topic should be taught in Christian homes. He also named John Holzmann in public as an example of one whose teaching should not be permitted or promoted within the homeschool movement. Ken Ham was the major speaker at the CHEC homeschool convention in 2007, the year before Sonlight was banned from displaying their curriculum."

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Yeah, I just do not get it. Sigh. I don't get how "bashing" is ever going to draw ANYone to Christ. Double sigh.


Exactly, it breaks my heart to see all the fighting. Even in churches, over things that just aren't that important!! :(

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Thanks for all of the info. Cleared alot up! I watched the whole YouTube video, and I gotta say, I left that kinda liking John Holzmann!


On a side note, isn't interesting this Ken Hamm guy? Attacking Sonlight back then and then doing very much the same thing last year at of SWB and a few others. Kind makes me question HIS morals.

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Thanks for all of the info. Cleared alot up! I watched the whole YouTube video, and I gotta say, I left that kinda liking John Holzmann!


On a side note, isn't interesting this Ken Hamm guy? Attacking Sonlight back then and then doing very much the same thing last year at of SWB and a few others. Kind makes me question HIS morals.


Pretty much my introduction to Sonlight was watching that "interview" with John live and reading his article on YEC vs. OEC. I was so impressed with his honesty. I should have dug deeper at the time and realized how much things at Sonlight had already been changing as he stepped aside, because I was sucked in thinking that that level of critical thinking, intimacy, and transparency were hallmarks of the company, which just isn't the case anymore.


And, yes, ITA on Ken Ham. The more I read/hear about him, the more it's clear just what a publicity hound he is and how un-Christian I find his actions. I really can't believe this man has any followers, but then I guess not everyone is as smart as we are :tongue_smilie:.

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Pretty much my introduction to Sonlight was watching that "interview" with John live and reading his article on YEC vs. OEC. I was so impressed with his honesty. I should have dug deeper at the time and realized how much things at Sonlight had already been changing as he stepped aside, because I was sucked in thinking that that level of critical thinking, intimacy, and transparency were hallmarks of the company, which just isn't the case anymore.


And, yes, ITA on Ken Ham. The more I read/hear about him, the more it's clear just what a publicity hound he is and how un-Christian I find his actions. I really can't believe this man has any followers, but then I guess not everyone is as smart as we are :tongue_smilie:.


That's one of the main reasons I was drawn to SL as well. Using SL has worked so well for us I went ahead and bought all old style IGs up through Core G (I'll probably buy H and 100 before any 2013 changes).

I really appreciate John's notes and want to get the IGs before they are revised anymore.

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I watched that video and it made me :crying: to hear that he had contemplated suicide during that time. Bless his heart. After all the sacrifice his family had made for homeschooling. I think there is going to have to be a giant 'ham roast' in the future. :glare:

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Okay, I just read a 27 page thread about the changes to Sonlight this year, and the "old-timers" lamenting about how wonderful John was and how wonderful Sarita is not.


Now I am dying to know, what happened to John? I did a brief Google search, and from what I can tell, he didn't die. Why did he leave his own company?


Same reason many people leave their own companies: He retired.:)

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I don't think this is the incident he was talking about or Ken Ham was the person he was referring to because he said he thought of committing suicide just before the planes hit the towers on September 11. This stuff happened six years after that. . .

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Okay, sorry, I had to go and didn't have time to finish my post. As to the person in question, I'll give you one guess. If you google his name and John Holzmann, you'll be able to figure out what all went on. Here's one of the first hits I got.




Quoted from the post: "There are reasons to believe, as you will see below, that Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis used his platform when speaking at homeschool conventions in years past to marginalize Sonlight in the homeschool community and to mark out John Holzmann, specifically. On numerous occasions Ken Ham listed Sonlight as a curriculum that does not teach origins to Christian homeschooling children the way he believes the topic should be taught in Christian homes. He also named John Holzmann in public as an example of one whose teaching should not be permitted or promoted within the homeschool movement. Ken Ham was the major speaker at the CHEC homeschool convention in 2007, the year before Sonlight was banned from displaying their curriculum."



This is one of the many reasons I have developed an aversion to Ham.


And God is the one who tells me if my home is 'Christian' or not - not Ken Ham or anyone like him. Sounds like he needs to remove the plank out of his own eye.


I would like to use Sonlight and I feel I would prefer the stuff John had input into. I'm not as impressed with the current stuff.

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... I really can't believe this man has any followers, but then I guess not everyone is as smart as we are :tongue_smilie:.


You might want to exercise a little grace, since there are many viewpoints on this board. :confused: I personally agree with much of what Ken Ham says. I just can't figure out why these conventions (CHEC, GHC, etc.) take what is a *personal* decision on what to disagree with and what to buy and turn it into a *corporate* injunction. The censoring they're doing, telling people what they can and cannot see, has just gotten ridiculous. Telling SL they can't come??? A curriculum company that prays for their customers and sends out encouraging notes and supports as much for the gospel as they do?? Or GHC keeping out one secular author and leaving in another??? It's just ridiculous. People have to discern for themselves what they want to buy.

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You might want to exercise a little grace, since there are many viewpoints on this board. :confused: I personally agree with much of what Ken Ham says. I just can't figure out why these conventions (CHEC, GHC, etc.) take what is a *personal* decision on what to disagree with and what to buy and turn it into a *corporate* injunction. The censoring they're doing, telling people what they can and cannot see, has just gotten ridiculous. Telling SL they can't come??? A curriculum company that prays for their customers and sends out encouraging notes and supports as much for the gospel as they do?? Or GHC keeping out one secular author and leaving in another??? It's just ridiculous. People have to discern for themselves what they want to buy.


I was just trying to be silly, I didn't mean to offend. But I wasn't referring to his theological interpretations, but in how he treats those with whom he doesn't agree and how he advocates that they be treated. While I don't ascribe to his personal theology, I don't have a problem with it or with people who do. My problem is with the attitude and using his public platform to hurt others.

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I did a bit more digging and found some more information about the time John says he first encountered problems with someone in the homeschool lecture circuit (1999-2001, and continuing on). Several articles have been very illuminating (if you have lots of time!).








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