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I need a hug, my heart is aching!

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Thank you all for your hugs and "shoulders to cry on" I spent some time talking to my mom and other friends and am doing better.

:grouphug: I understand how difficult this must be for you. It's almost like a little piece of your child(ren) is out there....so hard to put into words :(

:iagree: this is so true. It's the strangest feeling. I do feel a connection to this baby, as well as the other siblings of my other kids and even their b-moms. I pray for them every day.

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I'm so sorry. We had to make a similar decision about our girls' two younger siblings at one point. We just knew we couldn't give our girls all they needed at the time with two more very small children. I think about them often, but then I am grateful for what my girls have. We all have our limits and, chances are, this bio mom will have more babies. :(

If it helps, imagine that little infant going to a family desperately waiting for a child.

Hopefully you can have some knowledge of where he ends up so his sisters can contact him at some point.



Foster care is hard for everyone, all around.

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I can't imagine how hard this must be.


If I were in your shoes and trying to console myself, I would remind myself that these birth parents could have a baby a year indefinitely. If they are 20, they could have 20 more babies . . . So, this may endless, and so you'd have to face this painful decision eventually; it's not "just one more" . . .


You have made a wise and painful decision for the best interest of your family.


You can't save the world. You can save YOUR world.

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I can't imagine how hard this must be.


If I were in your shoes and trying to console myself, I would remind myself that these birth parents could have a baby a year indefinitely. If they are 20, they could have 20 more babies . . . So, this may endless, and so you'd have to face this painful decision eventually; it's not "just one more" . . .


You have made a wise and painful decision for the best interest of your family.


You can't save the world. You can save YOUR world.


Yes. I wanted to say something just like this, but I wasn't sure if I could say it kindly enough.


You have no assurance that this will be the last baby this woman has. You can't take them all. And all the children produced by your other kids' birthmoms.


I'm so sorry for your hurt.

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I have to say, that I appreciate it when people say "Enough... is Enough!!" There is someone out there that will LOVE to have this child in their family! Seriously!! They won't be overburdened... it will be a DESIRED blessing, versus a blessing that you're not asking for.... I would pray for this child. Pray for healing for the siblings... and bonding.... and consider having a "cousins" relationship if possible with the sibling's adoptive parents. (if they end up open to that) Hugs for the hurt, but I'm also very happy that you're not extending yourself past what is best for your current children. You can carry the child in your heart and prayers, even if you can't be their parent.

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Guest Micmoore

:grouphug: 7 years ago I know someone who was in the very situation you are in. She had a foster son who's bio mom had given birth to a precious baby girl. This foster mother had several adopted children, a "spirited" foster son and a baby. They had to turn this child away. She felt terrible, cried and mourned for not only the new baby, but her foster son, who would most likely not grow up with his sister.


Little did she know that while she was sadly saying "no", a family across town had said yes. A family who struggled for years to have a baby. A family who was never blessed with a newborn child. A family who would love her to the depths of their very souls. This baby girl came into my home and has been the light of our lives from that moment on. She is loved endlessly by her momma and daddy, adored by 3 older siblings, lights up the lives of her grandparents and is a doted upon niece and a fun loving cousin.


I am sad for her older brother that due to circumstances does not get to see her. I am sad the foster mom had such a hard time in the beginning. However, I am so thankful she made the decision that was best for her family. A decision that allowed me the privilege of being Katie's mom. I can not imagine my life without her in it. Her sacrifice completed my family. I pray the same outcome for the little one you had to let go.

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