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Protein shake / smoothie for kids

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I desperately need to add more protein to my kids' diet. I don't normally cook breakfast and a lot of the convenient breakfast foods are just boatloads of carbs. I'd love to be able to make a blender full of protein shakes/smoothies for the whole family in the morning using some protein base and fresh fruit. The problem is I have no idea what protein base/powder to use. Do you have any recommendations that are kid-approved for taste? I'm all ears... :bigear:

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My son drinks one of these pretty much every morning.


I use a half-and-half mixture of Spirutein strawberry-flavored powder and Naturade soy-free powder. I add that and a spoonful of sugar to a cup of calcium-fortified OJ.


Then, I add a cup of frozen strawberries and a banana. I usually freeze bananas broken into halves, then use half a frozen one and half a fresh one, because it seems to give the best consistency.


It gets blended, and he drinks it. Sometimes, he asks for a second one.

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My brothers use Jay Robb, particularly vanilla but also chocolate. I've tasted the chocolate, and it's not as chalky as some other brands. Our boys all like both flavors, but especially vanilla mixed with coconut and frozen tropical fruit :) One brother prefers egg white, the other likes whey. I can't taste a difference. They did make us do a taste test LOL.


I know you don't normally cook breakfast, but you could also use a more protein-rich flour to pre-make and freeze convenience servings of pancakes, muffins, or waffles that the kids could warm up on their own each day. Heck, you could even add protein powder to those, too!

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Occasionally I'll add in some protein powder if we're doing shakes - I use whey protein or egg protein as the powder base. If you want to use something other than powder, there's always plain or vanilla yogurt too that has quality protein, fat and some carbs.

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I use kefir in all of our smoothies. It is a good source of protein. I recently started making my own because we go through so much of it. Our smoothies usually consist of a banana, some kind of green (the kids like spinach because it is mild), and some sort of combination of frozen berries-blueberry, strawberry, black currants, etc. Sometimes I throw an avocado in.

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My son drinks one of these pretty much every morning.


I use a half-and-half mixture of Spirutein strawberry-flavored powder and Naturade soy-free powder. I add that and a spoonful of sugar to a cup of calcium-fortified OJ.


Then, I add a cup of frozen strawberries and a banana. I usually freeze bananas broken into halves, then use half a frozen one and half a fresh one, because it seems to give the best consistency.


It gets blended, and he drinks it. Sometimes, he asks for a second one.


You may want to considering easing away from the OJ and using just water. Definitely stop adding a spoon of sugar. OJ has about 20 grams of sugar in 8 oz, there are 27 grams of sugar in 8 oz of coke.


Just add more fruit if you need a sweeter smoothie, apples and pears are great for that. Not only do you get some sweetness but you also get fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

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I put milk and yogurt in our smoothies.


If you don't like to cook in the morning, but the kids like to eat breakfast foods, you can make those ahead of time. I don't like to cook or eat in the morning either, but my daughter LOVES a few slices of bacon in the morning. I precook it by baking two pounds of it in the oven at once. I can then store it in the fridge or freezer and the kids can have bacon after zapping in the microwave or reheating in a pan. I guess this could work for sausage too.

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I don't use protein powder myself, but yogurt and milk work. I also throw in a handful of raw spinach--protein isn't high or complete, but it does have some plus being a great iron source. It doesn't change the taste, just the color--which I initially dealt with by saying it was a Green Monster Science Experiment. Honestly, it's the only way I get a significant amount of greenery in my kids at all.


I also often used cooked oatmeal in the smoothies rather than yogurt, due to the sugar factor. Oatmeal has protein going for it, too. Just be sure to pre-cook it (do it the night before) and blend it well.


And don't forget my Rule of Smoothie Experiments: if it tastes funny, add a banana:D.

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I use Greek yogurt in our smoothies because it is higher in protein. I also add tofu, almonds, a scoop of veggie based protein powder (I've been using PlantFusion lately), or a hard boiled egg. Not all in the same smoothie of course, different ingredients on different days. We also put in greens, usually kale, spinach or beet greens, as well as flax seeds, blackstrap molasses, and a combo of frozen fruit and veggies. I agree that an apple will sweeten it well, but I do add a tablespoon of raw honey to our smoothies sometimes. Oh, and I usually use a combo of coconut water and regular water for the liquid. I will also add ground oatmeal or quinoa to bulk up a smoothie if we are headed for an outdoor activity that day.


Fridays we often have a treat of PB&J smoothies (peanut butter with mostly frozen berries for the fruit) and on very special occasions we have peanut butter and chocolate or carob smoothies. I still put lots of the good stuff in, I just limit the fruit to banana and apple and then drizzle in some carob syrup. :D


It is also pretty easy to make ahead a bunch of personal size quiches and/or breakfast burritos and they freeze well.

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I usually just use whole-fat plain yogurt or plain Greek yogurt and sweeten with a splash of OJ or raw honey. Lots of frozen bananas, strawberries and a handful of spinach and everyone is happy. Sometimes a I make a PB & banana smoothie with peanut butter, milk, bananas, and honey.


I would also suggest boiling up a bunch of hard-boiled eggs in the beginning of the week for a quick, high-protein breakfast.

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My favorite smoothie recipe (breakfast every morning):


1/2 frozen banana

1/2 cup skim milk

1/2 cup coconut milk

1/2 tsp ground flax seed

1 tbsp chocolate protein powder

pinch of spirulina

pinch of powdered stevia (sweetener)


Whip this up in the blender. It is yummy!


As far as brands of protein: I usually buy whatever is on sale at my natural food store, and often the store brand. I usually like them all in the recipe. If you get one you hate, they'll usually take it back.

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We use whole-milk greek yogurt as our smoothie "base". High-calorie and high-protein.


DD5s fave smoothie is a very overripe banana, 1/3 c plain greek yogurt, 2-3 T of peanutbutter (we use all natural creamy style), and a small handful of ice.


Another one she likes is greek yogurt, part of an avacado (to add creaminess), milk, and a huge handful of frozen berries.


A blog I read a few times (100 days of real food) suggested freezing leftover smoothie in freezer-pop molds. I love to freeze a bit of the breakfast smoothie in the morning, then the kids have it as a bedtime snack - the protein keeps them full all night!

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I have yet to find a protein powder without an aftertaste that bothers ds, but he loves a smoothie with milk and a spoonful of yogurt in place of water or fruit juice. It ups the protein content nicely. You can also add a poached but still very soft egg to the smoothie. Or a raw one if you trust where your eggs came from - a friend does that.

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Wow, great suggestions so far. I must admit, I'm inclined to try the grocery store items before ordering online. So, if you don't mind, please also let me know where you purchase your proteins! I'll be going shopping this weekend! Thanks!


The Nasoya silken tofu is only available at one locally-owned grocery store location here--not even their other stores. Walmart carries the Nasoya brand, but not in the silken variety.

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