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What makes your day complete?

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This morning I was doing some thinking about what makes me feel like I've had a day with value in it. It's good to get the laundry done and feed everyone, but I don't go to bed at night with a sense of accomplishment for these things, as important as they are. I came up with a list of things that if I can do these things each day, it's been a valuable day for me. In no particular order:



Read the Bible


Read a book

Work toward a fitness goal (I'm about to start training for a race tomorrow!)

Improve our home (clean out a drawer, paint a room, fluff some pillows and set out fresh cut flowers - anything to make this a more special place for my family)

Connect with each child personally and individually (this can be a challenge with my very social 9 yr old during summer vacation - he's running and playing all day every day)

Connect with Bud

Help someone outside of our family

Do something to help my homeschool group

Do something for mission work (write a missionary, volunteer time, teach kids about missions, etc.)


So, what about you? What makes your day valuable?

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getting all the little boxes checked off on my Motivated Moms housework chart, a good day's homeschooling, cooking a good dinner, and being in a good mood. I also always have to get some reading time, my cup of English Breakfast tea, and time to read emails and this board.

Michelle T

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When we get everything I had for school that day done, I feel like a million bucks. Otherwise:

-practiced guitar for at least 30 minutes

-reading bible and Don Quioxte assigned readings for the day(I am currently debating whether I should put myself in Homeschool Tracker as a student to make sure these get done, because I really feel a lot better when they start my day)

-connected and communicated with ds and dh

-accomplished one "extra" household chore

-journal entry

-nature journal entry

-writing course lesson accomplished.


There's more. because I expect a lot of myself and will just keep adding on things to do to make my day complete, but these are the main things that I am trying to accomplish, and be content with myself for accomplishing.

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Great list Amy!


Oddly enough I feel good if I get the dishes done and kitchen cleaned.


Quiet time is first on the list, if the school day has run smoothly that's great as well. Learning not to stress over what hasn't been done has helped a great deal on how I look at the end of my day! :001_smile:

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I came up with a list of things that if I can do these things each day, it's been a valuable day for me.


Sort out ideas by reading, writing, and other methods of study.


Exchange thoughts, and love, with my family and community, so that as we grow, we grow entwined.


Work with my hands in some way. I need to be involved with the maintenance of life to feel valuable. Simply making supper for all of us usually does it.

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This may sound all zen or whatever, but trying to live the day in the moment is what makes my day complete. It doesn't matter if I accomplish nothing or a dozen things as long as I stay in the moment.


I struggle with this because I am a look to the future type person. The "someday when I have money..." or "someday when I have time...", etc. When I get into this type of mindset, my attitude goes to pot.


I really have to live in the now to have a good day. So whatever happens in my day is good as long as I embrace it while it is happening.


Some of the things I really enjoy are:

a cup of chai

hugs from my dc

hugs from my dh

good conversation


a good movie

a good book (though I am in a rut with this one)

a soft breeze and a calm day

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Sometimes it's those days when I don't spend time thinking about myself at all. If it were just me I'd be hermit, living in a beach cottage, eating protein bars for every meal, letting the dog sleep on the bed, and spending even more time on the internet.


My days feels complete when I do things for others, usually involving my family. I get up, out of myself, and accomplish things. Since it is summer I have plenty of time to cater to my own whims.

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Oddly enough I feel good if I get the dishes done and kitchen cleaned.


Quiet time is first on the list, if the school day has run smoothly that's great as well. Learning not to stress over what hasn't been done has helped a great deal on how I look at the end of my day! :001_smile:




And if I can get the kids to help some around the house, it's an even better day.

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