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WWYD...dd has an honor's presentation and we can't afford it

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Dd found out today that their honor's institute annual *bash* is at a local country club. She is to be one of 3 main presenters for all the college faculty. Her dinner will be provided by the school, but our 4 dinners will cost $35 a piece!! I don't know what to tell her and she has to tell them today to get reservations. WWYD?


ETA: An update is in post #11.

Edited by Blueridge
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If this is really important to you, make the reservations and find a way to pay for them.


But, as Princess Peach has already suggested, does the entire family really have to attend, or can just you or your dh go with your dd? (Maybe whomever attends with her could videotape her presentation, and you could have a little family viewing party when you get home. That way, no one has to miss your dd's presentation, but the whole family doesn't have to attend the event -- which probably won't exactly be a thrill-a-minute for your other dc, anyway.)

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Can you go to watch, but not have dinner? There is a special event that my daughter's choir puts on every year that is quite expensive. You can either pay to have the sit-down dinner, or they have chairs in the back (not at tables) where you can come for free just to watch, without eating.

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If this is really important to you, make the reservations and find a way to pay for them.


:iagree: Then do some creative thinking. A few years a step-up instrument came along earlier than I'd planned to buy for my daughter. I took a good look around the house and found enough to sell on ebay and amazon to cover much of it.

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Are you sure that the school wouldn't cover one of you? When dd was invited to Wing in DC with the bigwigs, her first comment to her CO was, "That's quite the honor, but my folks can't afford $500 a plate!" The Joint Chiefs of Staff picked it up...


:eek: We've got it all figured out. Our younger girls were so sweet, and without explaining the expense, I spoke to them about the event. They both suggested that they have a *girls night* instead, with pizza, face mud packs, and a movie. :D Dh and I are going to go with the small video recorder, even if it means taking grocery money. It's just extra tight this week because his car blew up and is being held hostage in the shop...Thanks again for your help. I feel much better. I told dd that I had to come and bring my camera...to take a picture of those golden dinner plates. :lol:

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