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11 miles. I jogged 11 miles this morning. For awhile, I could only do 6, anymore and I would fall apart. Yesterday, I did around 4 or 5 maybe. Today 11. Just like that.


I decided to be happy with 6 miles. It's nothing to sneeze especially at for someone who has short stubby legs and doesn't really like running anyway. I only jog once a week and that is just simply to listen to music and shake out the week.


This morning I was hoping to get in 6 miles. I, uh, "carb loaded" late at night and really wanted to pay my dues this morning. While jogging I thought (okay, I FANTASIZED) about how cool it would be to actually report to my peeps about achieving 10 miles. This sort of daydreaming is what I do along with my music to while away the laps (I jog at a track). It is a half mile jog each way to the track so I usually jog 16 laps and then add the mile of travel time. I come upon 16 and think 20 isn't too far off and that would give me my 6 total but how I wish I could do 10 miles.


20 was a little tiring but from 16 to 20, it's only 4 laps which is nothing. I pause for some water and take gel. I shake out my legs and think that 6 is only 24. If I did that I would have 7 miles total and that would be a really good run. So I start out on 21 and had to fiddle with iPod. I am feeling kind low and fed up. From laps 21-24 I had a lot of doubt, I was getting fussy with my music and no longer inspired to keep going. I pull through because well, it was only 4 laps. 24 laps down and gee, wouldn't it be shame to not do 28 while I am here? 7 miles is 28 laps. I am so close to that. Then I will call it quits because 10 is just ridiculous. I continue on with 25, 26, 27, 28. Oh my gosh, if I went home now I would have logged 8 miles - 7 on the track, 1 in travel. 8 more laps would mean 10 miles total. I can do this! I will jog 36 laps and then go home. 40 laps is ridiculous although....although, it is a nice, neat number. 40 sounds more conclusive than 36. Well, anyway, 32 is only 4 from 28. I can do that. It's only 4. 32 laps down. 4 more to go. EVERYTHING hurts is achy. I have to pee, my back is sore, my feet are whimpering but I push myself because it is only 4 laps. My stomach gives me that warning gurgle. I pause to drink some water and shake out my legs. 36 are done and then I say, "BLEEP it! I am going to do 40. I have just done my half marathon training. I got this." 4 more and then I finally go home.


I started out not being able to jog more than one lap at a time.




BTW, I don't jog to lose weight. I just jog.

Edited by LG Gone Wild
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Congrats! This is amazing and I loved reading the personal conversation--I have many like that right now as I aim to get back to a 5k distance...11 miles is a dream! Maybe I can do it too! With stories like this, I feel like it's actually a possibility...thanks for sharing!

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