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Another update in my TTC saga

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Most of you prob already know I had that ectopic last summer, had a couple of months of not ovulating at all when I was ready to try again, found out I had high insulin levels and was VERY overweight so I decided to drop all TTC efforts for a while and focus on getting healthy and losing weight first instead. I've since lost over 56 lbs. Last month I decided to see if I could even GET a positive on an OPK test (ovulation predictor kit) and I did, so the good news was I was ovulating again...but late- I didn't get a positive til cycle day 18.


I had a consultation with my OB/GYN last month, and here's my latest update as of now:


I went for that day 3 FSH test on Saturday (in basic terms, this basically determines the quality/quantity of my eggs as I will be 39 next month). I called the doctor's office yesterday to ask if they had the results and the staff I spoke with said the results were "normal" and everything's still looking pretty good in that regard! :)


As of this morning's weigh in, after losing more than 56 lbs, my BMI was 29.98! So I am now "overweight" instead of "obese!" Yay! My doctor had recommended I get my BMI under 30 before dropping my Topamax and TTC. :) (I'm at 191.4, down from 247.6; though I want to get into the 180's as a personal goal before I drop the Topamax).


I had bumped my Metformin from 1,000 mg a day to 2,000 mg a day at her suggestion to try to get an earlier ovulation...last cycle after the weight loss and metformin I DID start ovulating again which was great news, but I didn't get a positive on an OPK until cycle day 18 which was on the late side. So we're hoping that this month I'll get a positive earlier in my cycle. Today is only cycle day 6 so it'll be a bit longer before I know what's going on with that, but I'll start testing on cycle day 8 and I hope to see a positive somewhere between cycle day 11 and cycle day 14 this time around! Keep your fingers crossed for me on that, it's the last hurdle I feel like I have to overcome! I'll update when I know about that.


And by the time I find out about that, it's very likely I will have already hit the 180's, and if I have, I may just drop the Topamax (which I read only stays in your system 2-3 days) and start trying this month. Either this month or def. next! And hopefully that Metformin and this weight loss helps me be successful with it!


I should prob go join some TTC forum somewhere for sharing all these excruciating details but who has time and energy for a whole 'nuther forum haha...besides you guys have been so supportive through the whole TTC/ectopic/weight loss thing. :grouphug:

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Excited for you! You are a weight-loss inspiration, too.


Are you considering going for two kiddos? I'm finding it very different around here, basically having an only child (in a way) with only dd home. She is growing up so differently than the boys did, and it's a little lonely for her.


Just sayin'. No pressure. :-)

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Thanks, all! :)


Excited for you! You are a weight-loss inspiration, too.


Are you considering going for two kiddos? I'm finding it very different around here, basically having an only child (in a way) with only dd home. She is growing up so differently than the boys did, and it's a little lonely for her.


Just sayin'. No pressure. :-)


haha...I REALLY don't think so! Even if I were to conceive almost right away, I'd be nearly 40 by the time this one was born, and it took quite a LOT of convincing to get my husband on board with this. I didn't think I'd ever talk him into another- he was DONE and didn't want any more kids at all. I let him know how much this really meant to me to have one more before it was too late and it took multiple heart to heart conversations and I finally got him on board for one more and then this long road with the trying and the ectopic and the weight loss and the finally being ready to try again...I hope with all my heart that it works out this time and we can end up with one more baby, but that will be it for us! All my kids are so spread out...they are 20 (previous marriage), 11, 6, and now hopefully there will be one last one...while I've never had kids close in age to grow up as close playmates, having them spread out has had its advantages, too! :)

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I don't want to unduly alarm you but have you talked to your dr. about the possible concerns about taking Topamax while trying to conceive? Shouldn't you be off of it for awhile before conceiving? My research shows concerns for the fetus if conceived while mother is taking Topamax. In any case, I wish you the best of luck and hope that you have sucess soon.

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That's wonderful! I'm so happy that you are close to ttc again. :)


As far as conceiving when ovulating late in the cycle, 4yo dd was conceived on cd 45. Yup, it would have been a 60 day cycle had I not gotten pregnant. It was my first cycle after having my 6yo so that's why it was so long. Just wanted to let you know that ovulating late does not mean you can't have a healthy baby.

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I don't want to unduly alarm you but have you talked to your dr. about the possible concerns about taking Topamax while trying to conceive? Shouldn't you be off of it for awhile before conceiving? My research shows concerns for the fetus if conceived while mother is taking Topamax. In any case, I wish you the best of luck and hope that you have sucess soon.


I would not continue taking Topamax while TTC. I would stop taking it beforehand. I read on several different sites that Topamax is entirely out of your system within two to three days of stopping it. So I would stop taking it at least three or four days before I expected ovulation to occur and stay off it from that point on. That would mean stopping it within the next couple of days if I decide to start trying this month instead of next... I can give my dr a call in the morning and confirm whether this is enough time for it to be out of my system just in case though. I certainly don't want to add on any extra risks of anything bad happening!

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That's wonderful! I'm so happy that you are close to ttc again. :)


As far as conceiving when ovulating late in the cycle, 4yo dd was conceived on cd 45. Yup, it would have been a 60 day cycle had I not gotten pregnant. It was my first cycle after having my 6yo so that's why it was so long. Just wanted to let you know that ovulating late does not mean you can't have a healthy baby.


Wow! In my case though I was getting a pos on cd18 (which means ovulating on day 19 I assume), but that was only a 28 day cycle. So my luteal phase was only like 9 days long. I read that anything under ten days (and some doctors will say 12) can be considered a luteal phase defect and can make a m/c more likely and I was concerned about that. I thought a possible solution might be some sort of prescription or supplement to lengthen my luteal phase, but my dr recommended instead increasing my metformin which she felt would cause me to ovulate earlier.


So, we will see how it goes! Being as I'll be 39 and still overweight and last had an ectopic, I don't want an increased risk of m/c so I will feel better about an earlier positive! :)

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I had infertility issues at the beginning, before we started shooting them out like gumballs. We used Clomid and that helped.


But the biggest thing that helped for me was diet. When I lost weight and low-carbed, I ovulated much more regularly.


So you are definitely on right track! You go with your bad self!

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Wow! In my case though I was getting a pos on cd18 (which means ovulating on day 19 I assume), but that was only a 28 day cycle. So my luteal phase was only like 9 days long. I read that anything under ten days (and some doctors will say 12) can be considered a luteal phase defect and can make a m/c more likely and I was concerned about that. I thought a possible solution might be some sort of prescription or supplement to lengthen my luteal phase, but my dr recommended instead increasing my metformin which she felt would cause me to ovulate earlier.


So, we will see how it goes! Being as I'll be 39 and still overweight and last had an ectopic, I don't want an increased risk of m/c so I will feel better about an earlier positive! :)


Woohoo for your weight loss! That's amazing! :)


Just as an aside on the late ovulation/short LP- typically your ovulation day can change, but the LP remains consistent. That means that just because you ovulate earlier in your cycle, it doesn't necessarily follow that your LP will lengthen as a result. (I'm actually kind of surprised she suggested that to you.) I have never in my life ovulated before day 18-19, and that wouldn't really be considered a 'late' ovulation, so I wouldn't worry at all about your O day. ;) Also, If this was your first ovulation after being anovulatory for a while, it might just be that your cycle is readjusting and your LP will lengthen on it's own. That's very normal. It has happened to me every time I've come off of breast feeding and taken a few cycles to work out. :) Just a few thoughts! Good luck!

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