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I'd like to make a sand castle cake, but can't find directions.

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I can bake, but I've never taken a cake decorating class. So I need to find a plan/recipe that's "do-able" for the average person.


I'd love to make something like this:




Or this: http://pinterest.com/pin/255297872596055259/


But I can't seem to find a how-to in Pinterest. Any ideas on where to look?



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This probably isn't what you are looking for, but I picked up a castle bundt pan back at Christmas time for about $20. The price is $27 now, but it bops up and down.




My sister has a similar pan (also by Nordic Ware) & it made an awesome cake. I think she covered the cake in a thin layer of icing w/ brown sugar over it. It really looked like a sand castle cake.

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I made a sand castle cake a couple of years back for one of my dds with a summer birthday. I got the idea from an issue of family fun magazine so maybe they have a website you could check out. I remember using sugar ice cream comes upside down for turrets and also crushed graham crackers to look like sand. Good luck, Gina


Current read alouds: The Whipping Boy, The House at Pooh Corner

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They sell a castle cake pan at Michael's. I think Wilton brand. Maybe you can find a coupon. The picture is pink and purple but it shows the brown version someplace. I did it several years ago with chocolate and Carmel icing. It was really good and fun.:001_smile:

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This isn't a sandcastle cake but a sandbucket cake... It was super easy. You just buy whatever shape bucket you want; bake your cake, cube it, layer it in the bucket with yummy frosting, pudding and fruits, etc.. and top with ground vanilla wafers to make it look like sand and serve it with the sand shovel. It was such a hit at my kids party. We made three buckets of cake and they were all empty by the end of the party :)

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I made a castle cake too.


Not that fancy at all.


The first cake we did those chocolate cake rolls for the round part, the other one we did cupcakes stacked up. and I covered the cones in chocolate.


you would want the cookie crumb stuff to make it look like sand. I made a sandpail cake. I used several different kinds of cookies to make the "sand". and I used some candy cake glitter stuff in the mix.


I also did the castle ice cream cake, there you use two cartons of ice cream cutting one in half for the taller sections.






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I made a castle cake too.


Not that fancy at all.


The first cake we did those chocolate cake rolls for the round part, the other one we did cupcakes stacked up. and I covered the cones in chocolate.


you would want the cookie crumb stuff to make it look like sand. I made a sandpail cake. I used several different kinds of cookies to make the "sand". and I used some candy cake glitter stuff in the mix.


I also did the castle ice cream cake, there you use two cartons of ice cream cutting one in half for the taller sections.






Great cake! It looks like a fun party. :D

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Great cake! It looks like a fun party. :D


I did what I could to make it fun. oldest did have the parties that all his friends talked about.


I sewed so everyone left with a cape, they are visable in the picture. and a crown or the girls got the princess, hat thing. We made shields out of cardboard and they decorated them,


there was a pin the flag on the castle and a treasure hunt-can't remember all that was out there but sort of dress up stuff. I wrapped them all in foil.

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This probably isn't what you are looking for, but I picked up a castle bundt pan back at Christmas time for about $20. The price is $27 now, but it bops up and down.


Barb! This is just what I need -- thank you! I can actually pour batter into a shaped bundt pan -- thank you, thank you!


I think I'll stack a rectangle cake, square cake and the bundt on top.


I'm going to cover in brown sugar and decorate w/ chocolate shells from World Market.


Yes, dh will freak and say I spent too much but I've never done a really cool cake before the at didn't involve Star Wars. I'm so ready to not do a Star Wars cake.


Thank you, everyone, I really appreciate every tip!!



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Don't make the mistake I made. I used brown sugar as sand, but that was TOO sweet. I used a princess castle cake pan from wilton. Then instead of icing like a princess I covered it with chocolate icing and pressed brown sugar on top. I made flags out of lollipop sticks and construction paper. In future I would make it slightly differently. I would use graham cracker crumbs as the "sand"

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Don't make the mistake I made. I used brown sugar as sand, but that was TOO sweet. I used a princess castle cake pan from wilton. Then instead of icing like a princess I covered it with chocolate icing and pressed brown sugar on top. I made flags out of lollipop sticks and construction paper. In future I would make it slightly differently. I would use graham cracker crumbs as the "sand"


This is a huge help -- thank you! Funny, dh had been voting for graham crackers and I kept insisting on sugar. So thank you! I don't want the cake to be "pretty" but inedible.



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I can bake, but I've never taken a cake decorating class. So I need to find a plan/recipe that's "do-able" for the average person.


I'd love to make something like this:




Or this: http://pinterest.com/pin/255297872596055259/


But I can't seem to find a how-to in Pinterest. Any ideas on where to look?




It sounds like you've found one that you'd like to do, but I thought I'd say that I have the directions for the second link. I thought it was so neat, I saved the page out of a Family Fun magazine a long time ago. It's the exact same photo. PM me your email address if you decide you want it, and I can scan it for you. :)

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