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Feeling out of control?

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What do you do when you feel like you want to run in circles screaming like a little kid? My usual calming techniques are only furthering my agitation.


Yep, one of those days. I'm fairly certain my blood pressure is up. I'm wondering if a good primal scream would scare the dickens out of my family. :banghead:

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when things were simply too much for me to handle, I have gone 20 minutes away and got myself a hotel room. Dh and I talked back and forth but I just couldn't handle any responsibility at all. I took the night off, literally. I have done this twice. I also did it once with dd12 to get her away from RAD and won't hesitate to do it again if necessary.


Walks outside.


Go to my room with a good book and make it clear I need to be left alone. Period.


I also go to my barn and hang in my air chair but I don't think that's a possibility for you.


I have gone to my car in the garage, all lights out, reclined seat, and had private , UNINTERRUPTED phone conversations with friends. When a kid opened the door and said, "Mom???" I said, "ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh, hang on....." until they left.

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Things got a bit better. I got into a hot bath and read my new Sonlight catalog. I was very grateful that the catalog, which I enjoy tremendously, arrived on today, of all days. :)


Sometimes when I'm feeling this bad, I get into the car and drive. I turn my music up to a ridiculous level and get on the highway. But tonight, before I knew about the catalog, I just couldn't even think about leaving. The catalog lifted my spirits.


Oh I'll look back and realize that today wasn't so bad but boy oh boy, in the moment is rough stuff. :tongue_smilie:

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Things got a bit better. I got into a hot bath and read my new Sonlight catalog. I was very grateful that the catalog, which I enjoy tremendously, arrived on today, of all days. :)


Sometimes when I'm feeling this bad, I get into the car and drive. I turn my music up to a ridiculous level and get on the highway. But tonight, before I knew about the catalog, I just couldn't even think about leaving. The catalog lifted my spirits.


Oh I'll look back and realize that today wasn't so bad but boy oh boy, in the moment is rough stuff. :tongue_smilie:


long drives by myself are SO therapeutic!


Once I didn't pay attention and ended up in Maine, 3.5 hours away from home. Too bad I didn't know Parrothead so well then...... I was closer to HER home than I was my own!!!




That was when my parents were both failing. Tough times.

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I leave. I have to have regular alone time anyway, but when it gets tough, I go away. Even if it's just behind a closed door with a big "Enter at your own risk" sign on it. I have been known, on days when dh is home, to go sit in the back of my favorite little restaurant with a book.

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What do you do when you feel like you want to run in circles screaming like a little kid?

Glad you got a Sonlight catalog in the mail today.

I'm having a rough, out-of-control day and was so looking forward to new curriculum arriving today. Sadly, it didn't show up on my doorstep. :glare:

I took a long walk alone and that helped at the time, but didn't last.

I do think sometimes a good cry/yell is productive.

That was when my parents were both failing. Tough times.
That is where I am at now. :001_huh: My mom has been very ill and is now refusing to eat or drink.

I wish there was a road map to help children on this journey with aging parents.

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Lock the bedroom door, fix yourself a margarita, and curl up with a light happy book. Something no heavier than Calvin and Hobbes or Dave Barry.


Or take a nap. The world always looks better after a little rest.

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I punch things. Seriously. I head to the dojo and punch the crap out of a bag or some hand pads or something. Though I generally avoid the sparring classes when I'm in that mood. I would feel bad if I went a little to hard and actually hurt someone.


Well, I might not at the time, but later I'm sure I would. ;)

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Some things in my arsenal for those on-the-edge-times.....


-go for a hard/fast run

-take a bath w/ music & chocolate (no kidding- cliche, but effective)

-read a thriller/mystery book where there is a smidge of violence (LOL) but always neatly packaged resolution

-do yoga or pilates (w/ deep breathing)

-turn music on (LOUD) and clean

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