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Saw Hunger Games last night (loved it), lively audience

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We're going Monday when the crowds will (hopefully) be thinner.


But --- how are the kissing scenes?? I've seen loads about the violence being tame enough for mature kids, but nothing yet mentioned about if the kissing scenes are as gentle/tame as in the book.


Thoughts on a general age appropriate for the kissing bits? Or, better question (if you've read the book) -- are they as gentle as in the book, or do they ramp up the kissing for the movie?

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Kissing was along the lines of the book--no heavy makeout scenes.


Honestly I thought there was more chemistry between Cinna and Katniss than with either Peeta or Gale.


:iagree: 100%. It was never clear when she began to develop feelings for Peeta, and it never appeared believable to me that she really was in love with him. I figured that was due to a lack of chemistry between the actors.

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:iagree: 100%. It was never clear when she began to develop feelings for Peeta, and it never appeared believable to me that she really was in love with him. I figured that was due to a lack of chemistry between the actors.


Wasn't she pretty unsure of her feelings for Peeta at the end the first book? I thought that the actors played that out pretty well.


I agree about the chemistry with Cinna though- But Cinna is my favorite character and I though Lenny K played it really, really well.

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Wasn't she pretty unsure of her feelings for Peeta at the end the first book? I thought that the actors played that out pretty well.


I agree about the chemistry with Cinna though- But Cinna is my favorite character and I though Lenny K played it really, really well.


From what I remember, she wasn't real sure of his true feelings for her, and was more "playing the game", than developing feelings for him. Those come later in the books.

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From what I remember, she wasn't real sure of his true feelings for her, and was more "playing the game", than developing feelings for him. Those come later in the books.


:iagree: I think both of them were wondering if the other really felt something or was just playing it up for the audience.



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Oddly, the 12:01 am crowd was subdued. Usually midnight crowds are quite noisy. I went to see it for the second time at 3:30 this afternoon and the crowd was quite lively. It was excellent. (Both times the theater was packed.)


Katniss doesn't like Peeta, or at least isn't sure if she does, by the end of the first book. She had such walls built up around her heart toward the opposite sex that she wouldn't let herself feel anything. She was playing it up for the audience. He wasn't sure what she was doing, but was hoping she liked him. I thought they both played that well.


I felt like she kind of viewed Cinna almost as a father figure.


The kissing is virtually nothing. One kiss on the cheek and one good length kiss on the lips.

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Kissing was along the lines of the book--no heavy makeout scenes.


Honestly I thought there was more chemistry between Cinna and Katniss than with either Peeta or Gale.


thanks; glad to read that.


I do think the chemistry between Katniss & Peeta/Katniss & Gale comes in the later books, not so much in the 1st one, so that part doesn't surprise me or seem "off" to me.

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