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Carpet cleaner: Rent or buy?

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Our carpet is really overdue for cleaning. In the past, we've rented, but I wonder if it would be better to just buy one. I notice that the ones you can buy often have attachments for upholstery cleaning.


Any recommendations?



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Buy! One of THE best purchases I have ever made. It has way more than paid for itself. I have an upright Hoover from Amazon. It got really good reviews, even on other sites. It was a little over $100 and worth every penny. I can look up the exact one if you are interested.


Which one? What kind of carpet do you have? Which shampoo did you use? Was there soap residue? Did you put the protector on afterward?

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Our carpet is really overdue for cleaning. In the past, we've rented, but I wonder if it would be better to just buy one. I notice that the ones you can buy often have attachments for upholstery cleaning.


Any recommendations?




I have a Hoover upright and have had it for about 11 or 12 years. I LOVE it. I was going to add a link, but the ones on Amazon have something called "surge" and mine doesn't have that.


It has an upholstery/stairs hose/brush that I have used and I like it.



Which one? What kind of carpet do you have? Which shampoo did you use? Was there soap residue? Did you put the protector on afterward?


I'm not sure how to answer the 'what kind of carpet'.... it's wall to wall, medium pile. My mother has Berber carpet and uses the exact same machine on hers (her carpet is now eight years old and still looks brand new).


I have not had a problem with soap residue. I do vacuum to help make it feel 'normal' as it feels a bit stiff from being wet, but no problems with soap.


I just use the Hoover shampoo--- I bought a bottle in August or September at Target.


I have no idea what a protector is so I can't help there. If you mean a Scotchguard protector, we don't have one. I would rather not get into the things I have used my carpet cleaner on as some of it is embarrassing, but my carpet is a light tan and there are no stains at all on it. One of the worst ones ((GROSS OUT ALERT HERE so stop reading if you are squeamish or are eating something >>>>>>>>>>)) involves my tan carpets and my couch late at night and young kids with upset tummies from eating Taco Bell with Code Red Mountain Dew. :ack2: I was *SO* thankful I had my own machine to do an instant clean up!!


What I love the most about my carpet cleaner is that if I feel like cleaning the carpets (or if some major mishap occurs a.k.a. sick kid/animal/ drop a huge plate of food) then I just pull it out and get going. There is no running to the store to rent one and no hauling it back. I don't even remember what it cost to rent one, but way back when, I figured it out and I paid for the machine in one year.


Did I mention that I love my Hoover carpet cleaner? :D :D

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I have this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00009R66F/ref=wms_ohs_product


Although mine is a different color than the one shown here, but should be same model. I have had mine over a year now.


I don't know the exact carpet I have, but it is fairly plush and thick. It is a beige color, and after shampooing, it brightens it. It does not get every stain out such as grease from shoes (but then again neither did professional cleaners), but judging by the black water that I dump out afterwards, it does a fantastic job.


It did get out a very dark red stain that I was sure would never come out (stomach flu + blueberry yogurt..eww!).


I order the Hoover soap off Amazon too, I really like it. It does not leave a residue, but I can tell when I get a little crazy with the soap, as it is a little crunchy. I only do that on really high traffic areas. My carpet is on it's last leg due to many children running throughout w/shoes on so I saturate with more soap than I probably should.


Drying time is very fast, I would say in a few hours. Much faster than when I had it professionally cleaned.


I don't know what a protector is either.


I LOVE my carpet cleaner, and it is unreal what comes out of the carpet, even after vacuuming with my Dyson.

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With three kids and two dogs, the carpet cleaner is probably one my most valued tools in the house! We too have a Hoover upright that is about 8 years old and has been a real workhorse. I had a real hard time convincing DH that we needed to purchase one at the time, but even now he would agree that no family should be without one! :lol:

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We bought a hoover carpet cleaner (the one without hot water heater) and love it! I use it for carpets, furniture, mattresses and the interior of our car, (seats and rugs)! WE have gotten our money out of it and then some! I love it.


Us too....I'd rented a few times before and added up what I spent and decided it was time to buy; it's now paid for itself and works great!

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I agree. Buy one. We've had ours since before DS5 was born and I can't tell you how helpful it has been to have it during potty-training 3 kids and the inevitable issues that stem from...uh...flu and digestive upset in children. :ack2:


I can't be the only one who gets icked out at renting a machine. I always (ALWAYS!) wonder (really gross things) about what the people before me were cleaning up. I mean, I know what I was using mine for, but it's my own family's grossness, not to be shared with others. The grossness of strangers? Double :ack2: :lol:


We always wash it out really well when we use it for gross operations. DH has has also used it 2x a year for general cleaning and spiffing up of the carpet.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I'm in the opposite camp.


I don't find moderately priced rug cleaners to clean very well (especially when compared to a more industrial cleaner I can rent or a service I can pay for). Twice a year whole carpet cleanings were painful.


They're huge. Storage can be an issue. We had ours out in an outside closet. It would take 15 minutes just to get the thing out, prep it, and get to a small spill (especially with babies or toddlers). I found myself putting it off.


I had more small spills which no on bothered to tell me about then major clean ups. At that point kneeling on the floor with a scrub brush worked faster and better.


The chambers and hoses get full of icky mold.


Your husband can use it and put it away without cleaning it out...and you won't find out until 3 months later when you need it and its disgusting.




I got rid of ours after 5 years. Recently I got a spot cleaner. It cleaned up some of the issues I was having with the large cleaner and fit what I need...a small, semi-autonomous (I can walk away, do other things) spill cleaner.


Its small.

Its easy to store.

Quick to fill.

Easier to clean then a large cleaner.

Has a brush for manual scrubbing.

Has 2 settings (recent, set-in).

Beeps when its finished so I'll come shut it off and put it away.


For large, whole carpet cleans I'd rather rent an industrial cleaner.

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Which one? What kind of carpet do you have? Which shampoo did you use? Was there soap residue? Did you put the protector on afterward?


I had a Hoover as well and loved it. I didn't use soap - just a cup of vinegar in hot, hot water. It pulled all the grime right out and there was no odor after it dried. I would pretreat with a spot cleaner on really bad spots.

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I own one, it has definitely paid for itself. It works very well, IMO. My kids have peed on the carpet countless times while pottytraining, I cant imagine what our house would smell like by now without a way to clean up those messes well. I'm not a great housekeeper by any means but putting a little time into periodical carpet cleaning makes a bigger difference in my house than many of the other tasks I skip. Like window washing for example:001_smile:


Mine came from Costco and has the heater.

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I recently bought this one to replace our old Hoover: Hoover MaxExtract Dual V Carpet Cleaner ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013YPWE6/ref=oh_o04_s00_i00_details ).


It works very well, and cleans stairs and upholstery, too. I make sure the upholstery can be cleaned with water first.


I vacuum the carpet thoroughly, then clean with carpet cleaner and water, then rinse with vinegar and water. The rinse also cleans the machine of soap residue.


I also bought this sprayer, which I use to pretreat stains in high traffic areas: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002YNSADU/ref=oh_o05_s00_i00_details .


I also bought this steamer ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005555WFI/ref=oh_o00_s01_i00_details ) to "sanitize and refresh" the carpet between cleanings. Of course, it has many other uses.


I don't think rental machines do a better job than my Hoover. The other problem is that even though rental machines allegedly have stair and upholstery attachments, I have *never* had these be available at the grocery stores at which I rent the machines.

Edited by RoughCollie
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