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I want to see your floors!

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(This continues to be TxMary2's fault and I'm just going to have to invite her over to visit once all this instigated remodeling is done. :D)


Our entire house, other than the kitchen and dining area is in dire need of new flooring. Well, now since I've been purging and rearranging things (due to Mary's homeschool room makeover, which made be Oooh and Aaaah too much :lol:) dh and I are finally (I HOPE!) going to replace the flooring, starting with the living room.


So, for now, my question is:


What kind of flooring do you have in your living room and

would you mind posting a picture if you like it?



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We have soft wood boards. They are okay, but they have spaces between the boards which trap dirt.


Our last house we had rough marble on the floor - very pretty, but not recommended, as it's hard on the feet and difficult to keep clean.


We had bamboo on the floor of the bedrooms of that house, and I liked it a lot.



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I love my new flooring but it is nothing fancy. It is a multi-colored vinyl sheet with a stone tile pattern. We put it everywhere on the main floor of the house. With kids, cats, and dogs, it is awesome. Dirt doesn't show and it is a breeze to wipe up spills.


I couldn't find the exact pattern but this one is close:




I thought I wanted tile but installation was too expensive and DH was worried about it being very cold. I'm happy with our compromise.



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I have dark-stained oak floors on the whole first floor--1500 sq. ft. or so.--including the kitchen.


Love. Them. I will always have hardwood floors.


I would have preferred a natural color instead of the dark stain, because it shows every white kitty hair and every blip of dust, but I still love them.


Not sure I have pictures...let me check...


Ok...it's the only one I have that shows the floors even a little. The fact that I get to share a really cute picture of my grandson is just incidental...


Edited by Ellie
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We can't stand are dark finished engineered hard wood floors. They dent just by looking at them and you can see every dog hair and crumb. They are a smooth finish.


My inlaws just installed a beautiful hand scraped engineered hardwood and it looks beautiful. I was so surprised because I never like anything that MIL picks out. I think it will hold up much better than ours.


We also have an inexpensive laminate floor upstairs. It was what was in the budget at the time, and it's better than carpet, but I hate that you can sometimes see the seems. You also can't have any moisture on it.

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Since my kitchen and dining room are messy and also need to be swept, here is a picture of them from when we were house hunting, before we bought the house. The furniture and such in the picture are the previous owners'; we have the two white bar chairs at the island, though, as we asked for them in the contract.


The floor is something like Pergo, or maybe a laminate?? (Is Pergo laminate?) If it is a laminate, I think it's one of the better ones.



Edited by gardening momma
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I love my new flooring but it is nothing fancy. It is a multi-colored vinyl sheet with a stone tile pattern. We put it everywhere on the main floor of the house. With kids, cats, and dogs, it is awesome. Dirt doesn't show and it is a breeze to wipe up spills.


I couldn't find the exact pattern but this one is close:




I thought I wanted tile but installation was too expensive and DH was worried about it being very cold. I'm happy with our compromise.




Gorgeous! It's amazing what they can do with vinyl flooring these days!

(And, yes, tile is colder on the feet; we have it in both dining room and kitchen.)

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Since my kitchen and dining room are messy and also need to be swept, here is a picture of them from when we were house hunting, before we bought the house. The furniture and such in the picture are the previous owners'; we have the two white bar chairs at the island, though, as we asked for them in the contract.


The floor is something like Pergo, or maybe a laminate?? (Is Pergo laminate?) If it is a laminate, I think it's one of the better ones.



Yes, but it's a GREAT laminate!


Don't know if we'll do laminate or just stick with the concrete that's currently under the needs-to-go carpet.:tongue_smilie:

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Yes, but it's a GREAT laminate!

That's why I can't figure it out. I've gotten down on my hands and knees and looked closely at a couple of gouged out spots and still can't tell. We have a couple of spots that have fairly good sized "slivers" missing. I think they have the same grain as the surface, but can't tell for sure. I'd probably need to go to a store and look at product to try to identify what we have.

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