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REALLY random ? - when you drop something...

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Crap is the one most frequently used.


Jiminy Crispies comes next.


I'm trying to get out of the habit of saying, "Stupid whore." :glare: Pigby thinks "stupid" is the bad part of that phrase and I'd hate to hear him repeat the other part. True story: (Pigby and I driving down the road, cut off by some idiot Utah driver) Me: Watch the road, you stupid whore (may have been a man)!!


Pigby: Mommy, we don't say stupid in this family.


Me: :blushing:



When I am around my children and I do something silly ir hurt myself:

Oh, bother bum!!

Oh for crying out loud...

Oh for goodness sake!!

Sugar Honey Iced Tea (read the initials!!!)

and sometimes sh*t will escape :blushing:


When I am alone or with adults:


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I'm not ashamed to admit that I say much worse. At least I think it's much worse. YMMV :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Stephen Fry on the joy of swearing (not for the overly sensitive)



I adore that man. I'm thinking I should design an English credit just around Fry-isms.

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Sometimes I rant, "I'm a genius! I'm a genius!" When the evidence is clearly to the contrary.:glare:


:D Funny sometimes we sing like Homer simpson "I am so smart, S.M.R.T." and sometimes we just sing the dumba$$ song, depends if it was a silly idiotic thing or a really idiotic thing.

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