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How much math time/day for 2nd grade?


How much math time/day for 2nd grade?  

  1. 1. How much math time/day for 2nd grade?

    • No formal math for 2nd grade
    • < 20 minutes/day
    • 20-35 minutes/day
    • 35-45 minutes/day
    • 45-60 minutes/day
    • 60-75 minutes/day
    • 75-90 minutes/day
    • 1.5-2.0 hours/day
    • > 2.0 hours/day
    • Obligatory other

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How much math time per day for a bright, eager 2nd grader who likes math? Include all lesson time, drill, games, songs, work pages, anything you consider math -- what's your TOTAL time?


Note: I'm not a naturally "mathy" person -- and we focus quite a bit on English, Bible, Literature, Geography, and Science -- so I think I might be short-changing the kids in Math. :blushing: My husband says "no," but I don't know what to think.


Curious. :bigear:

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DD spends about an hour-15 minutes or so on practice, about 30 on a core lesson, and about 15 on enrichment/fun stuff (Life of Fred, hands on equations). She also does about 15 minutes of logic at least 3x/week. Sometimes it expands beyond that, but that's what I aim for. Our total school days are usually about 3 hours long (not counting literature read-alouds or DD's independent book-box reading time).

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I voted before I read "bright, eager". I voted 60-75 minutes. Ds7 is not a fast worker and spends at least that long. It should take just under an hour. Today will be several hours. He did some Singapore word problems this morning. He chose to do a lesson from Hands On Equations with Dd8. He has only completed the Saxon fact sheet. When he is done outside, he will need to complete his Saxon lesson which will take at least 40 minutes. I am not a math person. I tend to overcompensate for that.

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How much math time per day for a bright, eager 2nd grader who likes math? Include all lesson time, drill, games, songs, work pages, anything you consider math -- what's your TOTAL time?

How much time does he want to spend? If it is his passion and something he wants to do, definitely let him go for it!:)


I know my little man spends a lot of time on math- more than any other subject. I would go so far as to say that there have been days when he has spent more time on math than on all his other school work combined.



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My dd8 loves math. On our longest "math" day she spends 45-60 minutes doing all of the things you mentioned.


Math in Focus lesson (15-20 minutes)

Math in Focus worksheets and CWP, IP (15-20 minutes)

MEP (15-20 minutes)


She plays Math Rider for fun, so I don't even count that in.

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I think 30 minutes is sufficient for 2nd grade. If the child is dawdling, stop at 30 (our sooner), and come back to it later.


Now we tend to do about 45 minutes, to an hour, including our regular Singapore lesson (30 minutes, which may be 1, 2, or even 3 lessons, depending on the topic), plus we do IP, CWP, LoF, or PCM. That's a separate math time, and those are all â€fun mathâ€.


I don't think you're short changing your kid if you're spending 30 minutes on math. If it's much less than that, the level of work may not be challenging enough.

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My 2nd grader spends 35-45 min per day on math. We spend 5-10 min going over her Singapore Math lesson in the textbook and then she spends the rest of her time doing the workbook independently. Occasionally, she dawdles and then I have her finish her math in the afternoon.

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Bright and eager? I voted 20-35 minutes, I think it is closer to the higher end of that range, but still roughly there.


(Unless it is that little five year old of yours about whom you opened a thread recently. She probably needs less. :p)

Edited by Ester Maria
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My DD is a bright, new 2nd grader. Maths is her favourite subject. We spend about 40-60mins a day, happily - usually no whining. That usually includes a drill sheet, lesson, workbook and some Intensive Practice pages (singapore). Mondays we spend the time on a fun 'living maths' day, Fridays we use Miquon to switch it up.

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I voted before I read "bright, eager". I voted 60-75 minutes. Ds7 is not a fast worker and spends at least that long. It should take just under an hour. Today will be several hours. He did some Singapore word problems this morning. He chose to do a lesson from Hands On Equations with Dd8. He has only completed the Saxon fact sheet. When he is done outside, he will need to complete his Saxon lesson which will take at least 40 minutes. I am not a math person. I tend to overcompensate for that.


:lol: LOL, by "bright and eager" I don't mean quick. ;) No, she dawdles in math... she doesn't dawdle with anything else, though. IDK, I think she's bored with what we were doing, but that's about to change. We stopped doing Horizons and plan to start Singapore soon. In the meantime, we're finishing up some other things in math.


I'm okay with her doing computer drill, flash card drill, math fact songs, Kumon workbooks, Math Mammoth, and math lab for the rest of 1st grade (only a few weeks to go :001_smile:), but I think we need to kick it up a notch for math in 2nd grade. We dragged along with Horizons -- it just didn't seem to go anywhere for months! Grrrrr! Now I don't know where to place her in Singapore for 2nd grade. We're finishing up our other 1st grade level "stuff," then I'll give her the placement test for SPM at the end of our school year.


Thanks, everyone, for the feedback on what your 2nd grader does for math. It helps. FWIW, I now realize I'm not short-changing her. In fact, it might be too much -- it's usually 45-60 minutes per day (total, all "mathy" stuff included). But, again, I think that's because she is such a flake during math.


Tracy, do you like Hands-On Equations? I've been hearing more about that lately, and I'm interested. Off to put the kids to bed....

Edited by Sahamamama
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My dd8 did Horizons for first grade and right at the end (the last 6 weeks) we changed over to a Singapore style math (MIF). I backtracked her into 1B to start and I'm glad I did! The way Singapore does math is very different from Horizons, and dd needed that little bit of backtrack to get it down before jumping into 2nd grade work.


ETA: I see you've been doing MM, so never mind! Your dc is probably familiar with Asian math.

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Bright and eager? I voted 20-35 minutes, I think it is closer to the higher end of that range, but still roughly there.


(Unless it is that little five year old of yours about whom you opened a thread recently. She probably needs less. :p)


No, not that one! :D That one the other day was doing it again. :tongue_smilie: In public. Oy. Her ego does not need the feedback, if you KWIM.


Five... and ready to rule the universe. That one makes me earn my keep.

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My dd8 did Horizons for first grade and right at the end (the last 6 weeks) we changed over to a Singapore style math (MIF). I backtracked her into 1B to start and I'm glad I did! The way Singapore does math is very different from Horizons, and dd needed that little bit of backtrack to get it down before jumping into 2nd grade work.


ETA: I see you've been doing MM, so never mind! Your dc is probably familiar with Asian math.


Thank you! Yes, that is where we've started, going full-throttle with lessons until I told her we'd take a math break for a few weeks (we want to wrap up some other things first, then launch in to Singapore). She already mentioned how much more she likes doing MM and SPM over Horizons. Live and learn.

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I voted 20-30 minutes. If after everything else is done and he wants to work on "extra" math then I'd say another 20 minutes. His choice. My DS did this in 2nd/3rd grade a lot. He would make up his own math problems, count his money 2X a day, and ask for "algebra" type work.... 2x + 4 = 10. I found that letting him choose his own time to "work" really helped him move forward in a happy easy way. Now as a 5th grader I have had to reign him in a bit so he doesn't go to fast.

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:lol: LOL, by "bright and eager" I don't mean quick. ;) No, she dawdles in math... she doesn't dawdle with anything else, though. IDK, I think she's bored with what we were doing, but that's about to change. We stopped doing Horizons and plan to start Singapore soon. In the meantime, we're finishing up some other things in math.


I'm okay with her doing computer drill, flash card drill, math fact songs, Kumon workbooks, Math Mammoth, and math lab for the rest of 1st grade (only a few weeks to go :001_smile:), but I think we need to kick it up a notch for math in 2nd grade. We dragged along with Horizons -- it just didn't seem to go anywhere for months! Grrrrr! Now I don't know where to place her in Singapore for 2nd grade. We're finishing up our other 1st grade level "stuff," then I'll give her the placement test for SPM at the end of our school year.


Thanks, everyone, for the feedback on what your 2nd grader does for math. It helps. FWIW, I now realize I'm not short-changing her. In fact, it might be too much -- it's usually 45-60 minutes per day (total, all "mathy" stuff included). But, again, I think that's because she is such a flake during math.


Tracy, do you like Hands-On Equations? I've been hearing more about that lately, and I'm interested. Off to put the kids to bed....


I don't know yet. R just started today. C wasn't supposed to start, but he wanted to try. R loved it. I think she'll continue to really like it. C liked it, too, but it may get too difficult for him soon. I could see your girls liking it. Isn't it crazy how math can take forever? C is slow in everything, but in math he is slooooow. I'm sure you are doing enough. Even if you only worked on math facts until the end of the year, it would be fine.

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About 30 minutes for my dd8 doing Saxon Math 2. She loves math and we do both sides of the Saxon worksheet and it still only takes about 30m.

Hm.. my son is in 2nd grade as well and he's been doing 2 worksheets a day (so 4 sides) and it takes him around 15 mins total. I wonder if I shouldn't challenge him a bit more?

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