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Sssssshhhhhhhh.....it looks like.....

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...........the children will be coming back home after this school year ends. This has been a short lived foray back into the world of ps, but it has shown me a side of ps I had not experienced before. As a result, there is no way dd11 will be attending the middle school here next year.



Honestly, I am a bit intimidated to homeschool dd11, twins 10, and ds 7. I need more accountability and structure. I am not good at lesson planning.....HORRIBLE AT IT!


So, I am looking at Sonlight or TOG. I am struggling a bit with the religious angle, but I am coming to terms that this is just something I am going to have to work around.


What would you suggest? What is working for your family? What will give me the structure I so desperately need and hold my hand in providing the kids with a quality education.



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What about Memoria Press? I would think the religious issues would be less present, since it is not explicitly Protestant.

I will add Memoria Press to the list of contenders! ;) I just looked at the 6th grade level and something seems like it missing, but I cannot figure out what it is. Grammar? Science? I see a science, but it seems a bit skimpy.



Ack! here I go again. I will nit pick until I have deided that only I canpiece together what I want....and then I will not have ANY lesson plans.


I need a good solid year with plans to give me a solid planning foundation. :tongue_smilie:

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If you don't lesson plan well I wouldn't do TOG. I did it for one unit and it was a LOT of work to prepare, put together, etc. I'm nervous about next year as well, as I will have a new baby in September, and a 2 year old too, so we are doing Sonlight for my 7th grader.

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I'm really liking Sonlight and I think the religious angle is easier to deal with than TOG's (I did use TOG for 5 years with my 2 oldest) all you really have to do is drop the Bible portion from SL. I'm using Ages of Grace for faith only because I like Sonlight and don't want to drop it completely. I asked the Orthodox and Catholic ladies on the SL forums for heads up on any books in the core I was using that I might need to be aware of and they were very helpful. There are a number of Orthodox and Catholic ladies on the SL forums and they are enjoying SL with minor modifications.:) Good luck!

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Best of luck to you, for my dd who we started hsling in 4th (now in 6th) we've used a variety of things because she's arty and needs things that offer creative, project-y things. We haven't changed much in what we started using for her when we withdrew her midyear, so I think we picked the best for her... they are listed in my signature :)

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The religious stuff in SL is easy to skip if you want to. It would give you your schedule and really requires no planning at all. Will your older 3 be 6th and 5th grade next year or 7th and 6th?


They will be in 6th and 5th. I am really leaning towards Sonlight. I did the "pull it all together myself" thing for 2.5 years and although I think it went okay, I really want a year that will teach me better planning.

Edited by simka2
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I'm really liking Sonlight and I think the religious angle is easier to deal with than TOG's (I did use TOG for 5 years with my 2 oldest) all you really have to do is drop the Bible portion from SL. I'm using Ages of Grace for faith only because I like Sonlight and don't want to drop it completely. I asked the Orthodox and Catholic ladies on the SL forums for heads up on any books in the core I was using that I might need to be aware of and they were very helpful. There are a number of Orthodox and Catholic ladies on the SL forums and they are enjoying SL with minor modifications.:) Good luck!



I am loving Sonlight....albeit slower than the core is meant to be used....I have been able to "tone" all biblical studies to better match our family. Sonlight has kept us on track AND together in our studies.....

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How about Kolbe Academy? It looks like they have a great curricula as well as literature program plus you can make substitutes. I also believe they might be offering Singapore Math and possibly Catholic textbook league texts for history.


Or alteratively:



Math Mammoth

Story of the World- especially having the dc write a summary of each section and map work.

A History of the US by Hakim

K12 History Odyssey

Illustrated Dictionary of Science possibly for older ds and have them write summary of each section

Other Usbourne/Kingfisher science history and books

Megawords Spelling or Webster's Speller

Copywork from across curricula

Lots of classic literature

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I will add Memoria Press to the list of contenders! ;) I just looked at the 6th grade level and something seems like it missing, but I cannot figure out what it is. Grammar? Science? I see a science, but it seems a bit skimpy.



My first thought was Memoria Press as well. They use R&S for grammar presently but they are in the process of writing their own. The science could be supplemented with library books if you felt it wasn't enough. They will switch the writing and the Latin to the level you need to begin with.


I am using the 6th grade Christian Studies next year with my oldest. The only issue I have found is the number of books they list for the Bible. But that is a quick fix with a pen. The keep the doctrine out, it is just familiarity with the Bible. We add our own religious studies and saint stories to fill in the gaps.


I like to add rather than take away from a program. Memoria is run by Catholic, Protestant, and I believe Orthodox staff, so they are careful to not add in anything offensive to any group in their materials.


(I feel like a Memoria Press groupie, pardon my enthusiasm:lol:)

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I think TOG can be used secularly fairly easily. As to planning, the only thing I found difficult was having the books on hand. I didn't want to purchase all of them, so I depended on the library and ILL. That requires some planning ahead. Otherwise, I find it's all planned out and you can just follow the schedule and plan out what days you do what and then follow that for the year. Did that make sense? For instance, Monday-core reading, Tuesday-in depth, Wednesday-vocabulary and read aloud, etc. Then when you come to Wed, say, you just pick up your read aloud and go. I know I'm over simplifying this, but really, I think TOG's reputation is somewhat undeserved. If you need to do a lot of printing (maps, etc.) that may bog you down (it does me) but you can do it all for a quarter in one shot.

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