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Calling all Spark People!

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Umm...I've been drinking my 8 glasses of water and I bought a new workout outfit! :lol:


eta: I mentioned the athletic skirts in another thread. I found an underarmour version-regular price $49, on sale for $19! Woo!!


Seriously though, I am one of those people who has to thoroughly plan before I attack. I can't just say "yes, today is the day!"


I also bought a posterboard that I'm decorating that will have four sections:


I made a graph for me to plot my weight on over the course of 12 weeks.


I laid out the couch-to-5k workout week by week and put that in a printsop document.


I'm busily making meal plans that will take up the third section.


And the fourth section will be for my workout/food intake logs.


I figured if it's taking up a big space in my bedroom I will be less likely to ignore it. :tongue_smilie:

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Wow -- you are quite the planner. Please hurry up, though, because it's lonely over there. ;)


My husband is getting a little weary of me showing him my spark page and all.


HA! Mine is out of town. I made him join and go through the whole thing just so he could look at my page. :lol:

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I used to frequent Spark People, but quit after my back surgery a year ago, but if I knew I had some support I would be inclined to try it again. Is there a group of WTM people on Spark People? Can i join?


We'd LOVE to have you join! It's our private team, the Well-Trained Sparks. Just log on to Sparkpeople and follow this link:



We'll be looking forward to seeing you!




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The WTM sparks group is very quiet -- too quiet. I just updated my page, added pictures of all my family, and have been reading your pages. Can I drum up some excitement about our health journeys? :auto:


How are you ladies doing?


Dd was in the hospital for several days but got home yesterday. I've some catching up to do, but I'm back!

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OK, I've set everything up for the next 12 weeks.


My hubby helped me set up my workout area in the garage.


I made a board that keeps my workout plan, meal plans and weight-loss chart all in one place.


I went through every fitness magazine I own and pulled out lots of healthy recipes.


I made a meal plan for this week and an over-all general plan.


I printed out a daily food diary from Fitness magazine's website to keep track of my intake.


Hubby and I took the kids to play tennis yesterday, he's giving us all lessons. ;)


I got up at FIVE AM today (have I mentioned I'm a night owl?) in order to work out with hubby before he left for work. I'm not as tired as I thought I might be but I'm glad I went to bed early last night!


I did the first workout for the couch-to-5k training program and did an abbreviated legs/back/biceps strength training workout.


And..I'm off to put all of that on my sparks page! Wheee!:auto:

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OK, I've set everything up for the next 12 weeks.


My hubby helped me set up my workout area in the garage.


I made a board that keeps my workout plan, meal plans and weight-loss chart all in one place.


I went through every fitness magazine I own and pulled out lots of healthy recipes.


I made a meal plan for this week and an over-all general plan.


I printed out a daily food diary from Fitness magazine's website to keep track of my intake.


Hubby and I took the kids to play tennis yesterday, he's giving us all lessons. ;)


I got up at FIVE AM today (have I mentioned I'm a night owl?) in order to work out with hubby before he left for work. I'm not as tired as I thought I might be but I'm glad I went to bed early last night!


I did the first workout for the couch-to-5k training program and did an abbreviated legs/back/biceps strength training workout.


And..I'm off to put all of that on my sparks page! Wheee!:auto:


What a plan! I'm impressed with you already! :hurray:

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Okay, I just joined Sparks people. I am still trying to figure it all out. I did Weight Watchers for about 6 months and can not afford to go to meetings any more. So, I hope Sparks People will give me the support I need. I have a lot to lose! I am excited!




Lori - Have you joined our team? Log in to Sparkpeople and follow this link:




Hope to see you over there!

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Okay, I've been on SparkPeople for a long time, but I've not been using it recently.


At first, I got discouraged because I wasn't losing weight. But then when I tried again, I just got sick and tired of logging what I ate, looking up the calories for everything.


How do you keep that up, when you find it to be a big PITA? I find that when I'm logging food, I never want to try a new recipe, because then I have to figure out the calories, fat, etc. :glare:

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How do you keep that up, when you find it to be a big PITA? I find that when I'm logging food, I never want to try a new recipe, because then I have to figure out the calories, fat, etc. :glare:



THere a link there for typing in your recipe ingredients and then you tell it what one serving is and it calculates the calories, fat etc for you.


How cool is that?

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Okay, I've been on SparkPeople for a long time, but I've not been using it recently.


At first, I got discouraged because I wasn't losing weight. But then when I tried again, I just got sick and tired of logging what I ate, looking up the calories for everything.


How do you keep that up, when you find it to be a big PITA? I find that when I'm logging food, I never want to try a new recipe, because then I have to figure out the calories, fat, etc. :glare:


Are you saving the foods you log to your favorites? Are you putting them in food groupings?


I was able to put my regular meals together -- like boiled egg, yogurt, banana, and almonds for breakfast. Then there was only one thing to click for the whole shebang.


Of course, I'm pretty boring and eat a lot of repeats . . .


And, you know, you don't HAVE to log your nutrition. It's very helpful when you're getting started so you become aware of what is in the foods you eat and what the serving sizes should be. After that, you may just want to look up the new things you try . . .



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Umm...I've been drinking my 8 glasses of water and I bought a new workout outfit! :lol:


eta: I mentioned the athletic skirts in another thread. I found an underarmour version-regular price $49, on sale for $19! Woo!!




Where are you buying your outfits for workout? I am trying to find one but all I have seen is cleavage showing hugging shirts and pants.. :001_huh: I really do not want to be seen in them.



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I joined sparks about 1 1/2 ago weeks but I just couldn't figure out anything on there. It is veryconfusing. All I am seeing are threads like wtm board but that is it. I have been getting emails from sparks on fitness which I have been enjoying.


From what I am reading it is so much more than that. So I am missing something here. Anybody up for a tutorial for those of us that joined??




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Are there any natural foodist (ala Nourishing Traditions WTM sparks in the WTM sparks group)?


I am not a believer in dieting in the sense of diets but only believe a diet is what your food intake is made of. I am more of a naturalist in the food area except for Starbucks which I am trying so hard to quit that habit. ggggrrrr!!!!:glare:


Other than that I follow the Nourishing Traditions way of eating.



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Holly, I will add too that I do better by eating more fat and protein and less carbs than the site recommends. When I'm eating 50-60% carbs a day, I feel horrible. For some reason, my body feels better when I get most of my calories from fat and protein. (nota bene: I don't know anything about diets like atkins that I've seen on tv so this isn't coming from that angle).

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BamaTanya-Thank you! :001_wub: I managed to get up at 5 again today for my chest/shoulders/triceps/core strength workout. Whew!


MamaLynx-re: the diet portion. I have a computer program where you can put in your ingredients and it will give you calorie information. However, *for now* I just pulled out my years' worth of Fitness magazine (at one time I was really in shape) and pulled out all their meal plans and recipes. That way it was all figured out for me. Their website actually has a lot of the recipes and calorie-based meal plans on it.


Where are you buying your outfits for workout? I am trying to find one but all I have seen is cleavage showing hugging shirts and pants.. :001_huh: I really do not want to be seen in them.




I bought mine at the PX. However, I just did a search and found some good deals here. I really like the athletic skirt. The shorts underneath help with any chafing and such and the skirt covers it all up. The underarmor one I have hits me about an inch or so above my knee but I'm only 5'2" (on a tall day).

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THere a link there for typing in your recipe ingredients and then you tell it what one serving is and it calculates the calories, fat etc for you.


How cool is that?


It is cool :) I use it, but it seems like I have to use it almost every day, and I just hate it. I guess my computer runs a little slow. It seems to take a good bit of time.

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I just rejoined. I've still been sparking with the group I started last year, but sporatically. I just haven't been able to get moving on losing this weight again! But, next month is around the corner, and summer is FINALLY here, so time to get at it!

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Okay, I've been on SparkPeople for a long time, but I've not been using it recently.


At first, I got discouraged because I wasn't losing weight. But then when I tried again, I just got sick and tired of logging what I ate, looking up the calories for everything.


How do you keep that up, when you find it to be a big PITA? I find that when I'm logging food, I never want to try a new recipe, because then I have to figure out the calories, fat, etc. :glare:


i've on Sparkpeople for almost 2 years now. if you like to try new recipes, visit the sister site Sparkrecipes.com. there are thousands of recipes there and the nutrition information is already done and easily added to your food tracker. that's also the place where you can enter your own recipes and have the nutrition info saved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done really nothing. A lot of nothing. Nothing anywhere.


I wanted to get motivated, jog again, watch what I eat, plan meals more carefully, etc.


I wanted to do the Flylady challenge thing here too and I've not managed that one either. In my defense (weak one) we did get busy with some summer activities that are at a close now and I technically should be getting going but I have a case of idonwanna disease.


I just overcooked our pizza too. :banghead:


I lost my motivation somewhere. Has anyone seen where it went?

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I lost my motivation somewhere. Has anyone seen where it went?


I'm not going to let you lose it! Baby steps -- don't try to do it all.


Make a few choices and stick with them for one week. You could choose to eat an extra fruit or veggie at every meal, or cut your carb intake down on one meal, or aim for 8 glasses of water a day, or eat a high-fiber cereal.


Go walk 15 minutes away from your house -- then you have to walk 15 minutes to get back.


Come on -- you can do it!

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I'm not going to let you lose it! Baby steps -- don't try to do it all.


Make a few choices and stick with them for one week. You could choose to eat an extra fruit or veggie at every meal, or cut your carb intake down on one meal, or aim for 8 glasses of water a day, or eat a high-fiber cereal.


Go walk 15 minutes away from your house -- then you have to walk 15 minutes to get back.


Come on -- you can do it!

That's sweet! Thanks.


Baby steps? I've known about such things for a long time but I'm just sort of an all or nothing kind of gal. Not that that works either. :p


My daughter, whom I jog with, just sprained her ankle so I think I'll start up the jogging again on a slightly later step. Meanwhile, I'll do a flylady clean up of the sink to cure that problem, then at minimum I can plan food for tomorrow.


My latest goal is a well planned, big breakfast, followed by more moderate eating during the day. I seem to function so much better on a solid breakfast and it grounds me so I don't nibble away the day later.


I'll try that baby step for a starter.

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