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Would you be pleased with this? Writing

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I spent the last weekend with some family members who teach in public schools. Some teach the same grade my oldest is in. I'm needing a little validation.


I gave my second grader a chapter to read and then fifteen minutes to write.


This is what she wrote, exactly:


This chapter is about, "The War". Ben Franklin went to England. He went to complain about the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act made you pay for paper goods. The Americans couldn't vote for it so they didn't like it. The Stamp Act was not fair!


The End




Is this ok for the second half of the year? Long enough? Am I falling into the homeschool writing thing I so often hear about? :confused:

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ETA: She wrote in complete sentences and in logical sequence. Those are both important developmental steps in composition. Her punctuation errors are completely acceptable for 2nd grade.

I spent the last weekend with some family members who teach in public schools. Some teach the same grade my oldest is in. I'm needing a little validation.


I gave my second grader a chapter to read and then fifteen minutes to write.


This is what she wrote, exactly:


This chapter is about, "The War". Ben Franklin went to England. He went to complain about the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act made you pay for paper goods. The Americans couldn't vote for it so they didn't like it. The Stamp Act was not fair!


The End




Is this ok for the second half of the year? Long enough? Am I falling into the homeschool writing thing I so often hear about? :confused:

Edited by Stacy in NJ
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I think that's great for 2nd grade too. (And I used to teach 5th grade PS) Did your relatives give you reason to think otherwise? I can't imagine what they could have said.


Output! That most kids can write waaaaay more in fifteen minutes. I have no frame of reference, but I had felt pretty impressed with her, especially since we haven't formally studied spelling or grammar this year. :tongue_smilie:

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If I got my second grader to even write that, I would be doing a jig. And for what it's worth, my second grader was in ps for first grade last year, and according to his teacher was advanced in every area.


The end of year expectation for 2nd grade in our district is a 3 paragraph paper. Now, a "paragraph" in this instance is about 2-3 sentences, mainly to demonstrate knowledge of sequence, intro and conclusion, etc. Your 2nd grader did all of that.

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That would be a good writing for my 2nd grader. I'm sure the ps kids do have a greater output. So what? Your kid wrote something that made sense - only a small percentage of the school kids are doing that. And if you're concerned about her writing "stamina" then you could turn to dictation or copywork to improve her speed and fluency.

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I spent the last weekend with some family members who teach in public schools. Some teach the same grade my oldest is in. I'm needing a little validation.


I gave my second grader a chapter to read and then fifteen minutes to write.


This is what she wrote, exactly:


This chapter is about, "The War". Ben Franklin went to England. He went to complain about the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act made you pay for paper goods. The Americans couldn't vote for it so they didn't like it. The Stamp Act was not fair!


The End




Is this ok for the second half of the year? Long enough? Am I falling into the homeschool writing thing I so often hear about? :confused:


As a former homeschooler, and a Jr. High and High School teacher in a school that has a lot of former homeschoolers (or part time at school students).........


The issues I've seen relating to writing and homeschoolers aren't associated with 2nd grade. Good writing involves synthesis of information and knowledge of the correct formula (namely academic thesis). Good writing involves a maturity and development not reachable by 2nd graders.


You are years away from a high writing standard, and in fine shape with a very young student.

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As a former homeschooler, and a Jr. High and High School teacher in a school that has a lot of former homeschoolers (or part time at school students).........


The issues I've seen relating to writing and homeschoolers aren't associated with 2nd grade. Good writing involves synthesis of information and knowledge of the correct formula (namely academic thesis). Good writing involves a maturity and development not reachable by 2nd graders.


You are years away from a high writing standard, and in fine shape with a very young student.


Ok, whew. :001_smile:

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I think that is great for 2nd grade. Yes, most ps 2nd graders could write more in 15 minutes, but would that writing be of any sort of quality? She effectively summarized her readings, wrote in chronological order, and wrote in complete sentences. At this age, I focus on writing good sentences. Perfectly fine writing.

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If I got my second grader to even write that, I would be doing a jig.


If my 2nd grader who loathes the mere sight of a pencil could write that, I would be more than dancing a jig... new dancing shoes, a tutu... contracting a marching band to parade through the whole neighborhood... block party with balloons and bounce houses. It would certainly be cause for a celebration.

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I spent the last weekend with some family members who teach in public schools. Some teach the same grade my oldest is in. I'm needing a little validation.


I gave my second grader a chapter to read and then fifteen minutes to write.


This is what she wrote, exactly:


This chapter is about, "The War". Ben Franklin went to England. He went to complain about the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act made you pay for paper goods. The Americans couldn't vote for it so they didn't like it. The Stamp Act was not fair!


The End




Is this ok for the second half of the year? Long enough? Am I falling into the homeschool writing thing I so often hear about? :confused:


Honestly, I'd be happy if my 3rd grader came up with this on his own!

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Output! That most kids can write waaaaay more in fifteen minutes. I have no frame of reference, but I had felt pretty impressed with her, especially since we haven't formally studied spelling or grammar this year. :tongue_smilie:


But what kind of writing are they talking about specifically? Your child is summarizing a chapter. Are the kids your family members are referring to doing the same assignment? Or are they talking about an assignment like 'write about the war' in which case they expect the child to just write from memory everything they've learned in an entire unit? In that case, those children would have more bits of information in their minds and would therefore be able to write a longer assignment which may not be in any type of logical order anyway. Or could they mean an assignment like 'tell me about your favorite movie' which requires a different approach to thinking of what to write.


Did you show them the assignment that your child did so they could give their opinion?


Is it possible they don't agree with homeschooling and are fibbing a little to make school look more productive than homeschooling?

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But what kind of writing are they talking about specifically? Your child is summarizing a chapter. Are the kids your family members are referring to doing the same assignment? Or are they talking about an assignment like 'write about the war' in which case they expect the child to just write from memory everything they've learned in an entire unit? In that case, those children would have more bits of information in their minds and would therefore be able to write a longer assignment which may not be in any type of logical order anyway. Or could they mean an assignment like 'tell me about your favorite movie' which requires a different approach to thinking of what to write.


Did you show them the assignment that your child did so they could give their opinion?


Is it possible they don't agree with homeschooling and are fibbing a little to make school look more productive than homeschooling?


Specifically journalling. I suppose it's a little apples to oranges. I didn't show them, I was too worried. I think there is some lukewarm feelings about homeschooling at work.

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Specifically journalling. I suppose it's a little apples to oranges. I didn't show them, I was too worried. I think there is some lukewarm feelings about homeschooling at work.


Yes, apples and oranges then. My high school English class required daily journaling in response to some writing prompt on the board. We were given 10 minutes to write and we had to be writing the entire time. She didn't care if all we wrote was 'I think this prompt is really stupid because I can't think of anything to write. Instead, I'm thinking about the cool outfit I just bought that I will wear this weekend when I go out with Bobby.' yada yada... I still don't know what that type of assignment was supposed to teach us.

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