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s/o Budget for the 2012/2013 School Year?


How much are you planning to spend for the 2012/2013 school year?  

  1. 1. How much are you planning to spend for the 2012/2013 school year?

    • Less than $500
    • Between $500 - $750
    • Between $750 - $1000
    • Between $1000 - $1250
    • Between $1250 - $1500
    • Between $1500 - $2000
    • Between $2000 - $2500
    • Between $2500 - $3000
    • More than $3000

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I h ave not added it all up yet, but we should be around $1,000. That is not including team gymnastics for dd :001_huh: soccer for ds, and piano for dd. Also, I couldn't even begin to add up the cost for the "fun fridays" for next year (field trips with our homeschool group. Anything from park days to aquariums). It gets expensive, but it is something we value highly. It also helps that in the back of my mind, I know it would $14,000 next year to send 2 to the private school :001_huh: So, dh thinks we are getting off cheaply! :lol:


This is how I view it too. The private school our kids would go to is $11,000 per year per kid, so I am pretty much ahead no matter what!

Edited by ebrindam
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I voted $500-750. It would be just above $750 if I had to buy all the materials new. Hopefully, I'll find enough used books to offset the cost of science supplies which I can't calculate until I actually purchase the books. This is for 3 kids in 8th, 6th, and 3rd. Actually the bulk of it is for the oldest as the younger ones are reusing material we already have purchased.

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I voted $750 - $1000. I just added it all up and it came to $770. Thanks for letting me know! I have always aimed for $1000 or less. The initial purchases were steep, and then now with increasing to 3 this year some of the materials are being re-used which helps. I have no doubt though the other $230 could easily go for books. ;)


I am with the camp on here that sees home schooling as the 'inexpensive option'. With 3 kids next year being school age one year of private would cost us $18,000 ~ which we can not afford at this point in life. The $1000 we can do, the $18,000 wouldn't even begin to work in our budget. I am hoping to still stay around $1,000 when the fourth comes along.

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For two girls (2nd and 4th), around $1000 for basic curricula and some extra books. School supplies, field trips, etc. are not included. I don't even want to contemplate what our grand total for every year is! :001_huh: Some people are including extracurriculars? :svengo: Can't go there either! Gymnastics alone is over $1400 a year.

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I voted between $1500-2000. I've already spent about $1000, I still want to get MM and probably BA, when it comes out. I will probably purchase some books (readers).


The rest will be spent on supplies for things like art and science, and hopefully an outside activity for each of the kids, like girl/boy scouts or some sort of sport.

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I'm at about $1400 for a middle schooler and a 1st grader. That's a little higher than most years because we are starting some new things next year that we need to buy manipulatives for so start up costs are higher for next year. Also a great deal of what I'm buying will be able to be used for the younger son when he comes along. More right now and less later. This amount is also buying everything new and none of it used. I might try to get some of it used and that cost will go down...maybe...

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I was going to not spend any more than $300. But, since I have been looking on here and found out about some new ideas.... I have been too frugal, changed my mind... couldn't work out the first pdf non refundable helps ( won't name) and it is because I want to work with all of my children at the same time at least on many lessons.

I realize with one on the way soon, and one going into Rhetoric stage, even without many field trips or a group setting, I need more.

So far, at least $750.00

I am not keeping good records, but did start organizing and cleaning up. First throw away, then give, then keep, then sell. Now to sell all I can! I blame you all... and my library.. and it is a VERY tight year. I am freaking out a bit, but know we will survive. I really get offended when very wealthy people tell me I should just use our library or Only buy used books and they even know someone who might sell me a curriculum. But the best one yet has been: "You can't do that, unless someone comes over to help you" PISH POSH. Let that roll off. I have to learn from my mistakes and feel enough guilt. It is time to Cleanse and get a new Vision here in many ways! I have learned alot in the process of buying all kinds of materials that never got used, or I did not even like. Making a FRESH start:lurk5: (I wish I could find someone to help, but no one has been : ME or even close)

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