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Do you and your spouse/partner share the responsibilities of home education?

Do you and your spouse/partner share the responsibilities of home education?  

  1. 1. Do you and your spouse/partner share the responsibilities of home education?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Other option

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Yes! We share the teaching duties about 60-40, with 60% me and 40% him. I do all of the curriculum selection, lesson planning and lesson preparation.


I am one of the luckiest homeschooling moms on the planet. :D


The situation is the same in our home.

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Yes, we are together on our goals, curriculum, and the teaching. He currently is teaching 1x/week since he was laid off. He's trying to start a business, and there's simply not enough work at this point. If this business he's crafting takes hold, I am thinking the duties will split even more equally, as I have most of the professional skills he needs from a second employee. :)

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This week's question is: Do you and your spouse/partner share the responsibilities of home educating your child/children?



I put no, because it's mostly no. He is supportive of homeschool and appreciative of my efforts, but is not cut out to teach and not really even to monitor. He will enforce when I'm at my wits' end.

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I voted shared. We research curriculum together, and plan it together. He does about 80-90% of teaching now. I cover reading and writing, and he covers everything else.


I work 40+ hours every week, and he's a SAHD. Besides being a great teacher, he is an awesome chef. The man can cook. (Though he is a less awesome house cleaner. :lol:).


Even though I'll be working even more overtime soon, I do still plan to keep teaching. It's very important for me to be involved.

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No. He supports me, works hard so I can buy what I need, and acts as enforcement when needed. He's gone at work and works hard while there, so I don't see how he could do more then he does.


:iagree: He also helps around the house so that I can focus on school.


We do discuss him helping with math as the boys get older because it's not a strong subject for me, but it is for him. Eventually, he will help with the actual schooling of that subject.

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No. He supports me, works hard so I can buy what I need, and acts as enforcement when needed. He's gone at work and works hard while there, so I don't see how he could do more then he does.


Yup....here too, But now that I work as well, he ought to pitch in....but, alas...it is not his forte':glare:


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My husband provides ALL of the financial support, and he is there for emotional support as well as practical guidance as needed. But if you mean direct teaching, then no, not yet. He's going to take over with math when she reaches Algebra. Other than that, it's always been, and will continue to be, me.
:iagree: I voted yes, only because my kids have already done, or are doing, Algebra and beyond, and he helps with that now. He's a hard worker and so very supportive, and we've been very happy with how things have and are working! I have felt truly blessed to be able to stay home with our children and have the love and support of such an awesome husband! :D Edited by Brindee
Fix a run-on sentence :P
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Yes--he pays for the building, some of the books, and my salary. :P


I meant that tongue-in-cheek, but I really do believe that his contribution to our kids' educations is as important as mine. He does not do any of the actual educating, but he is the breadwinner, and he also acts as a sounding board for me and encourages the kids in their learning endeavors.

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currently, no.


As the children get older (highschool) I can see him taking some one off 'labs' - especially in science and practical/engineering type of projects. They are not my forté, and I don't see how I could keep him away!


Hopefully we'll be able to work at a better work/life balance for DH, but either way the more academic subjects will always be my domain.

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Well, I had hoped he would take over high school chem and physics, but, he confessed to me that he remembered less than I did and he is an engineer!! Okay, so he has been in project management for 20 years so I'll give him a pass.


Dh supports us by working hard to bring home an income, helps with chores around the house, doesn't interfere with decisions I make regarding our homeschool and doesn't question how much money I spend;).

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I had to vote yes, even though dh isn't nearly as involved as I am. He has off and on over the years helped with math, and currently he is supplementing our Saxon with DIVE videos with one-on-one instruction for our dd. (When she was younger, it was hard for her to deal with his direct communication style. Now that she's nearly 13, she can handle it much better.) Other than this, I'm in charge of the academics, the planning, purchasing, etc.


I do go to dh for input from time to time, especially when a major decision is made related to hs'ing. It's kind of like he's on our Board of Education - LOL! More than anything though, he is 100% supportive of our homeschooling. That, all in itself, is huge.





P.S. Oh, I almost forgot that he goes on field trips with us whenever possible.

Edited by HSMom2One
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It would depend on what you mean by share. I do the planning, teaching, etc but if he's home and G is working on something, then he'll sit down and help out. He also asks any homeschoolers he runs into for tips/tricks/advice. He tries to find games, etc that he thinks will help the kids learn or improve skills.

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I do most of the formal teaching, but dh helps with character education, logic and sometimes chimes in for other subjects. He's overseen some science experiments, put together field trips, taught some health (boy stuff) and sometimes listens in/comments on read-alouds. He also teaches Otter things like carpentry, how to repair things, car maintenance, and practical things like that.

I love it that he's as involved as he is!

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I plan the classes, pick curriculum and do most of the teaching. DH does a lot of teaching that is "out of the box." He looks at the NOAA and NASA site with the kids almost daily; talks with the kids about theology, science, history daily. Teaches Bible Study, apologetics weekly.

We read history out loud daily and if he's home he'll jump in and ususally lively disucssions ensue. He talks with the kids about news all the time.

If he sees a curriculum he thinks would be great we ususally end up getting it (cause it's usually great-like RightStart).

He also works out with the boys regularly- jogging, calesthenics, karate, teaching the kids and helping them set goals.

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