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What would you have done/do?

What sould I have done and what should I do?  

  1. 1. What sould I have done and what should I do?

    • I should have given him a back-slap as I removed my hand
    • told him that his stripy shirt looked terrible on him as well
    • be polite and commiserate on the error of wearing florals
    • next time I see him wear my most floral dress and a daisy chain in my hair
    • throw out all floral ( I am not doing this)
    • Other

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"Do you not have a brain to mouth filter?" :001_huh:


I'm sure in the moment I would have been too dumbfounded to say that!


Be sure to wear your brightest, loudest floral dress next time. And the daisy chain. Mix florals even! Then he could actually have something to complain about. ;) And if he comments, just smile sweetly and say thank you. :D

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I voted other. Bad manners should always be ignored, imo.



I'm puzzled when people feel it's their job to educate and train other adults. I have my hands full educating and training my own kids.


If I did have the time to enlighten other adults, I still wouldn't do so. I think it's rude. When someone is rude to me, being rude back causes me to go to their level.


Also, I strongly disagree with those who say to wear floral next time just to irritate him. Why allow him to influence your clothing choice in any way? If you do so, you are giving him a measure of control over you.


Wear what you want. This guys wants an audience. What he needs is to be ignored.

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Also, I strongly disagree with those who say to wear floral next time just to irritate him. Why allow him to influence your clothing choice in any way? If you do so, you are giving him a measure of control over you.


Wear what you want. This guys wants an audience. What he needs is to be ignored.


surely not wearing floral will give him the message that he has influenced my clothing choice??

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I sort of know this guy, as in his family has been coming to homeschool things on and off for 4 years.


He has some wacko religion that he invented himself and thinks that images of creation should not be made. I have known this for a while, but I thought it applied to his own family, which all wear strips ( wife and 2 little girls). He is Maltese so pretty full on and domineering of conversations.


Some other things he does is he loves to drill children on their math knowledge, I found this out the very first time I met him, when he tried to drill me! He also stopped his family coming to homeschool functions for about a year as he thought we didn't have 'stimulating intellectual discussions" (his words) in other words, Nobody wanted to talk religion with him. We were much more interested in having discussions about various learning styles and curriculum.


The gathering we had this week involved a discussion and planing of activities for the rest of this year, he wanted us to do activities like visit the slaughter yard, so the children could learn where their meet comes from! I really don't think the slaughter year would allow a large group of children onto their work-site anyway, but I thought it a weird proposal. The mother taking down the ideas mumbled something about being vegetarian at the moment and didn't write his idea down.


Has he got aspergers? I doubt it.


It is pretty hard to avoid him at homeschool functions as there are only about 8 families.


I am starting to wonder if I should deliberately insult him so he will never come to any further homeschool get-together


Oh my! :ohmy: Pardon my French but he sounds completely nuts!! Seriously that guy would scare me. Is he horrible to everyone equally (the other 8 families I mean)? Hopefully it's not just you and your family that he's singled out. :eek:

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Oh my! :ohmy: Pardon my French but he sounds completely nuts!! Seriously that guy would scare me. Is he horrible to everyone equally (the other 8 families I mean)? Hopefully it's not just you and your family that he's singled out. :eek:




He sounds like a complete and total wackadoodle to me, too.

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