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Choosing Missionaries/Christian Heroes


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If you were going to read a missionary/Christian hero biography for each continent, who would you choose? I have some ideas but would love some others. If you have a particular biography that was really enjoyable for the 3rd grade range, please list it! I know about the Christian Heroes: Then and Now series, but I'd like other suggestions.


Asia: Amy Carmichael? Gladys Aylward? Adoniram Judson?

Africa: David Livingstone?

North America: Cam Townsend? Billy Graham?

South America: Nate Saint? Bruchko?

Oceania: ???

Europe: George Muller?

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Just wanted to comment on the Christian Hero then and now books. We are currently reading Nate Saint and loving it, although I do think many parts are above my childrens heads. We tried and tried and tried to get into cam townsend and just couldn't get interested. I think it was just too old for my kids. I saw that your kids are even younger than mine so just wanted to let you know that.

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If you were going to read a missionary/Christian hero biography for each continent, who would you choose? I have some ideas but would love some others. If you have a particular biography that was really enjoyable for the 3rd grade range, please list it! I know about the Christian Heroes: Then and Now series, but I'd like other suggestions.


Asia: Amy Carmichael? Gladys Aylward? Adoniram Judson?

Africa: David Livingstone?

North America: Cam Townsend? Billy Graham?

South America: Nate Saint? Bruchko?

Oceania: ???

Europe: George Muller?


Those sound good. We have read and loved George mueller, Gladys aylward, and are now nearing the end of corrie ten boom. We also loved missionary stories with the millers but the heroes books are great for the in depth study.

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If you were going to read a missionary/Christian hero biography for each continent, who would you choose? I have some ideas but would love some others. If you have a particular biography that was really enjoyable for the 3rd grade range, please list it! I know about the Christian Heroes: Then and Now series, but I'd like other suggestions.


Asia: Amy Carmichael? Gladys Aylward? Adoniram Judson?

Africa: David Livingstone?

North America: Cam Townsend? Billy Graham?

South America: Nate Saint? Bruchko?

Oceania: ???

Europe: George Muller?


Asia: Matteo Ricci? Frances Xavier? Hudson Taylor? Maybe Thomas Hale's books The Far Side of Liglig Mountain or Don't Let the Goats Eat the Loquat Trees

God's Smuggler and The Hiding Place are very good for Europe

Oceana: Peace Child (not sure if that is too mature)


Check out the reading list for Sonlight's Eastern Hemisphere Core. We read some books that were quite good that I'd never heard of.

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Thank you, everyone! And to think I was worried I wouldn't get any responses... Lots of great ideas.

We are doing Expedition Earth next year, so I want to pick one or two biographies as read-alouds with each continent. I was concerned about the YWAM books being too boring for a 7-year-old, but I see a lot of other good ideas here.

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I just have to add a little note about Hudson Taylor. For Christmas I received the two volume biography about Hudson Taylor by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. (You can purchase this through OMF International. It is quite pricey but is well worth every penny and it is on sale now!) I have read through the first one and I can't tell you how wonderful it is. What a blessing to be able to read these books! I think that they are too advanced for 3rd grade but I wanted to add it as the books would be a great blessing to you. They read like a devotional and have strengthened my faith so much. I love seeing how one man can influence so many others as Hudson Taylor started China Inland Mission (a model for so many other missions), influenced George Muller, and did many other things.


There are also others that have not been mentioned- CT Studd, JO Fraser, Nate Saint, Andrew Murray, John Paton (free online!), Mary Slessor, John and Betty Stam, Isobel Kuhn, Amy Carmichael, etc.


There are also two old books that are wonderful and you might be able to find them free online- "The Book of Missionary Heroes" by Basil Mathews (1922) and "The Romance of Missionary Heroism" by John C. Lambert (1907). I think that there might be a newer reprint of the one by Lambert.


I love reading about missionaries! I hope you enjoy the year!



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If you were going to read a missionary/Christian hero biography for each continent, who would you choose? I have some ideas but would love some others. If you have a particular biography that was really enjoyable for the 3rd grade range, please list it! I know about the Christian Heroes: Then and Now series, but I'd like other suggestions.


Asia: Amy Carmichael? Gladys Aylward? Adoniram Judson?

Africa: David Livingstone?

North America: Cam Townsend? Billy Graham?

South America: Nate Saint? Bruchko?

Oceania: ???

Europe: George Muller?


Bruchko is one that I recommend waiting on based on the ages of your kiddos. I read it two years ago and found it rather heavy(but I am not remembering specific details for some reason...). However, we just finished Christian Heros Then and Now: Nate Saint. It was a good story but does have some killing between tribes and then the deaths of the missionaries. The last two chapters are pretty heavy but the details of the missionary's deaths could be omitted. There is a book by Elizabeth Elliott (one of the widows of the missionaries who were killed along with Nate Saint) called Through the Gates of Splendor. It contains black and white photos and really helped my kids realize what 'deep in the jungle' means. : ) And it showed photos of the natives and mission stations.


Christian Heroes Then and Now: David Livingstone was one of our favorite books of all time. Dd and I read it 4 years ago and she STILL talks about it. It is not a traditional missionary story...he was a missionary/explorer and was able to open up many areas of Africa to future missions work. Amazing story. We will be re-reading it here in a couple weeks and ds is super excited because my dd hyped it up so much. : )


Christian Heroes Then and Now: George Muller is an incredibly touching story. The magnificent work he did for the Lord and the deep faith he had are so encouraging to me.

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Guest Xapis10

Bruchko may read well, but I recommend looking into it beforehand. My pastor says that unfortunately, it is partially fictional (based on his personal knowledge of the author and people who have worked with him).

Edited by Xapis10
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