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Car decals/window stickers

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We have 9 on our vehicle rear window (soccer X3, XC, gymnastics X2, music, and former PS). Yikes, pretty crazy! Does anyone else advertise school, church, sports, political party affiliation, etc. Little boy peeing doesn't count :lol:


I often wondered about the RIP stickers, but it must be cultural as mentioned in cross post.

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Both of our cars have a Vietnam Flag on the right side, China Flag on the left, and an American Flag in the middle. They are along the bottom of our back window. (yet another reason we cannot have antoher child....no room for another sticker!)

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I'm not big on car decals but the first time I saw a car with the family stickers I had to have some. I let each of my kids pick out the one they wanted to represent them. We have one for each of us. I've gotten so many comments about them whenever I've been stopped somewhere. Other than that we have had the car sports magnets.

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I only have an "AIR1.com" sticker on my back window. But, I want others. I need to harass my friend to make me some BMX ones. I have too many riders to do individuals LOL So I'm thinking something all encompassing ;) And I'd *like* some for home schooling, home birthing, midwives, breastfeeding and child passenger safety...but, as you can see, that would quickly overtake my viewage ;) (hehe, like that word eh?)


Those stick people families are cute...I need 'em all on bikes though lol

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