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Boys claim "something" bothering them (ghost or something)

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My husband and I prayed over the entire home. We also had a Christian person we know who has experience with bad things pray over our home-- he actually stayed up all night praying over our entire family and every inch of our house.


Lastnight, my son begged to not sleep in his room. He slept in my bed with his dad-- and claims he had the best night of sleep in his life. LOL


I slept in his room and took the dog with me. I was curious if she would be comfortable all night. (and she insists on going wherever I go anyway)


I was able to identify ONE of the noises that worried him, and fixed that right away.


I did hear some bizarre noises in his brothers room right next door (the other brother who has also had experiences)-- that son slept right through it. Some were ODD-- not normal house sounds that I recognize, and I need to investigate that room now too.


Tonight when hubby get's home, were going to go up in the attic with our son and pull up some of the insulation above his room to see if there is anything that could make the noises he (and his brothers) hear. That's all that's above his room-- no plumbing or flooring, so we'll check it out. trying to keep the boys involved so they can see for themselves the need to face fears and find the cause.


I didn't sleep much lastnight, mostly because he has a really uncomfortable mattress. But the room didn't feel creepy to me. No attacks on me or the dog, no anything. Son even says his room feels better this morning.


Hopefully he can sleep in his own room again.


Now the other son wants me to sleep in his room tonight to see whats going on in there. I don't know if my back can handle it. LOL


Thank you for the prayers! Prayers are ALWAYS appreciated!

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Umm, didn't see anything in the poster's post that she taught her children about ghosts. What, because she mentioned she was Christian? Yeah, so am I? Doesn't mean that I teach my children about ghosts... So your point? We've belong to many Protestant faiths, and are newly Catholic ( almost 1 year) and they have NEVER been taught about ghosts or demonic creatures in the faith.



I have always been taught about both kind and malevolent ghosts, demons, spirits etc., and I am RC. I would take both the paranormal and the scientific explanations very seriously. I think children happen to be more sensitive to these sorts of things, along with some adults. (I also think it's why more children end up witnessing the Blessed Mother at times, because of this sensitivity.) But as a science-minded person, I would also take the biological causes very seriously and rule them out one-by-one.


FWIW, OP, yours isn't the first family I've heard mention things like this, and I believe all of them because so many are hesitant to mention what is going on because they don't want people to think they are nuts. If someone is doing it for attention, they're usually blaring it from the street corners.

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My husband and I prayed over the entire home. We also had a Christian person we know who has experience with bad things pray over our home-- he actually stayed up all night praying over our entire family and every inch of our house.


Lastnight, my son begged to not sleep in his room. He slept in my bed with his dad-- and claims he had the best night of sleep in his life. LOL


I slept in his room and took the dog with me. I was curious if she would be comfortable all night. (and she insists on going wherever I go anyway)


I was able to identify ONE of the noises that worried him, and fixed that right away.


I did hear some bizarre noises in his brothers room right next door (the other brother who has also had experiences)-- that son slept right through it. Some were ODD-- not normal house sounds that I recognize, and I need to investigate that room now too.


Tonight when hubby get's home, were going to go up in the attic with our son and pull up some of the insulation above his room to see if there is anything that could make the noises he (and his brothers) hear. That's all that's above his room-- no plumbing or flooring, so we'll check it out. trying to keep the boys involved so they can see for themselves the need to face fears and find the cause.


I didn't sleep much lastnight, mostly because he has a really uncomfortable mattress. But the room didn't feel creepy to me. No attacks on me or the dog, no anything. Son even says his room feels better this morning.


Hopefully he can sleep in his own room again.


Now the other son wants me to sleep in his room tonight to see whats going on in there. I don't know if my back can handle it. LOL


Thank you for the prayers! Prayers are ALWAYS appreciated!



Sounds to me like you've done everything that you can. You've had the house thoroughly inspected by professionals, you've had it blessed, and now you are doing your own investigation into their rooms by sleeping in them at night. I'm curious as you did seem to find one solution to the 'noise' that you might find others. Of course, I realize that both you and your husband have had 'very real' physical situations happen to you both. I can only hope that will not continue.


I would be very curious for an update. I certainly hope this problem is solved. You do seem to be very capable and not reactive about the situation which is admirable. :) I'm not sure many others would be so calm under the circumstances!


Please do keep us updated on how things are working out for you and your family!:grouphug:

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This solution worked for me while I was 7ish months pregnant with baby number two and ds was about 15 months old. I was feeling and even seeing somethings that were completely outside of anything I had seen before... scarey things, that seemed VERY real.


I spoke with a priest, I prayed, I prayed some more and then finally had the courage to do something that seems so simple that it was unreal. I shouted out of anger not fear, "LEAVE". I had been praying, I have no doubt who's name was implied, but I just shouted LEAVE. It was one word. The "spirit" that had been filling my visions left.


Now, rather this is because it was a spirit or because I finally felt empowered and could let go of my fears, it does not matter because I was not bothered again.


I would have your children practice saying leave... not in fear but empowered by God's protection. They may not need to physically practice, but just know they have the right to tell what ever is bothering them to LEAVE.


This crosses over to physical life. We can tell ANYONE or ANYTHING that is disturbing our peace to LEAVE... you are not in control of me, I have God.


Prayers for continued peace and strength.

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The problem I have is that exorcisms, holy water, salt, or whatnot are all magical incantations that are more likely to induce hysteria in the kids rather than defuse the situation. What is needed is clear-headed, rational talk.


Children are afraid of monsters under the bed. It is a parent's job to reassure children that monsters are imaginary and cannot harm anyone.


You are going on the assumption that holy water has no impact. Many many people believe that it is effective and given that belief it would be nigh on irresponsible for a parent not to employ a remedy in which he believes.


Denying the efficacy of a religious remedy to an evil entity is akin to denying religion.

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For those who think it might be an evil spirit....why wouldn't a demon just go ahead and cause serious physical harm, or manifest in a way that *couldn't* be denied? Why would something supposedly that powerful content itself with merely disturbing the sleep of a child?


For me, it's kind of like asking why, if Jesus wanted to make an appearance on Earth, he'd choose someone's toast or oddly-shaped potato to do so.

I don't find those at all comparable.


A demon wouldn't be completely obvious to all in most cases any more than angels are completely obvious to all. That doesn't mean they aren't there or have no role. They didn't simply disappear after the first century. They weren't even obvious to people in the Bible. A demon (in a person)was crying out that Paul was preaching in the name of the most high God and Paul cast it out. Most people who weren't able to discern spiritual things would have thought that nuts.

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My husband and I prayed over the entire home. We also had a Christian person we know who has experience with bad things pray over our home-- he actually stayed up all night praying over our entire family and every inch of our house.


Lastnight, my son begged to not sleep in his room. He slept in my bed with his dad-- and claims he had the best night of sleep in his life. LOL


I slept in his room and took the dog with me. I was curious if she would be comfortable all night. (and she insists on going wherever I go anyway)


I was able to identify ONE of the noises that worried him, and fixed that right away.


I did hear some bizarre noises in his brothers room right next door (the other brother who has also had experiences)-- that son slept right through it. Some were ODD-- not normal house sounds that I recognize, and I need to investigate that room now too.


Tonight when hubby get's home, were going to go up in the attic with our son and pull up some of the insulation above his room to see if there is anything that could make the noises he (and his brothers) hear. That's all that's above his room-- no plumbing or flooring, so we'll check it out. trying to keep the boys involved so they can see for themselves the need to face fears and find the cause.


I didn't sleep much lastnight, mostly because he has a really uncomfortable mattress. But the room didn't feel creepy to me. No attacks on me or the dog, no anything. Son even says his room feels better this morning.


Hopefully he can sleep in his own room again.


Now the other son wants me to sleep in his room tonight to see whats going on in there. I don't know if my back can handle it. LOL


Thank you for the prayers! Prayers are ALWAYS appreciated!

That's great that you are thoroughly investigating everything from the structure of the house to the boys to spiritual possibilities.


When you said odd noises were in the walls, the first thing I thought of -sorry - was a raccoon, squirrel or mouse! Check the attic out carefully and make sure there are no holes!


I'm praying all will be well from now on!

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For those who think it might be an evil spirit....why wouldn't a demon just go ahead and cause serious physical harm, or manifest in a way that *couldn't* be denied? Why would something supposedly that powerful content itself with merely disturbing the sleep of a child?


For me, it's kind of like asking why, if Jesus wanted to make an appearance on Earth, he'd choose someone's toast or oddly-shaped potato to do so.


One book I would recommend reading is Angels and Devils by Joan Carroll Cruz. There are plenty of restless spirits on this earth. That is why Catholics say for the dead to rest in peace.

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: ) When I finally turned out the lights last night, I lay awake wondering if anyone else had this thread on their mind at that moment. Let's just say I didn't have a restful night.


DH was out of town last night. I had to pull the covers over my eyes... I haven't done that since I was a kid!

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Had a very peaceful night for all lastnight.


Had a family friend who is a Christian come cleanse the house. Went through the entire home with his Bible and read verses. He said he didn't feel anything there at the time, but that earlier when he had prayed (when we called him as it was happening) he felt like there were 2 evil spirits trying to frighten the kids. He had prayed over the house before even coming. So when he got here and felt nothing, I think that is good!


Hubby and all 3 boys went up to the attic and searched for any wiring/plumbing or critters that might be making noise. Nothing there, even after pulling up insulation. (Which is good-- I don't want wiring problems ,plumbing problems, or rats up there! LOL)


All 3 boys claim their bathroom isn't scary anymore. --they've all complained about that bathroom since they were potty trained. And even I have never even liked cleaning that bathroom... they're right. It DOES feel like a normal bathroom now.


Oldest said his room feels better. He still is cautious, but didn't complain at all when we told him to go to bed lastnight in his own room.


Middle son said his room doesnt have the black-ness it uesd to have. He described it as blacker than darkness.



The one noise I mentioned I identified was a metal sign on oldest son's wall. Every time someone opens the back door, that metal sign would make a tiny rattling noise against the wall. I did fix that, so its now silent. I never could get it to make a loud knocking/banging/stomping noise that the boys described, but took care of the noise anyway.


Thanks again everyone!

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Had a very peaceful night for all lastnight.


Had a family friend who is a Christian come cleanse the house. Went through the entire home with his Bible and read verses. He said he didn't feel anything there at the time, but that earlier when he had prayed (when we called him as it was happening) he felt like there were 2 evil spirits trying to frighten the kids. He had prayed over the house before even coming. So when he got here and felt nothing, I think that is good!


Hubby and all 3 boys went up to the attic and searched for any wiring/plumbing or critters that might be making noise. Nothing there, even after pulling up insulation. (Which is good-- I don't want wiring problems ,plumbing problems, or rats up there! LOL)


All 3 boys claim their bathroom isn't scary anymore. --they've all complained about that bathroom since they were potty trained. And even I have never even liked cleaning that bathroom... they're right. It DOES feel like a normal bathroom now.


Oldest said his room feels better. He still is cautious, but didn't complain at all when we told him to go to bed lastnight in his own room.


Middle son said his room doesnt have the black-ness it uesd to have. He described it as blacker than darkness.



The one noise I mentioned I identified was a metal sign on oldest son's wall. Every time someone opens the back door, that metal sign would make a tiny rattling noise against the wall. I did fix that, so its now silent. I never could get it to make a loud knocking/banging/stomping noise that the boys described, but took care of the noise anyway.


Thanks again everyone!


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