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Excercise thread 1/29-2/4

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Good morning,


Yesterday I spent the day cleaning the house, and then I didn't feel like working out.



This morning I did Tracy Anderson Post Pregnancy DVD. If you want to try one of her DVDs I suggest that one. She goes slow and actually give instruction unlike her other DVDs. It's very good ab work too.


Followed that with about 20 minutes cardio.


Now, I'm going to eat the french toast my ds made. :D

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Sunday: Nothing

Monday: Level 1 of JM's 6 Week 6 Pack, followed by Bob Harper's 15 minute Yoga Abs (from the Yoga for the Warrior DVD). WOW, Bob hurt me more in 15 minutes than Jillian did in half an hour! (and I don't think it was just because I'd already been doing some ab exercises. Even the hard bodies doing it with him in the studio were floundering. :lol: )

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Sunday: Nothing

Monday: Level 1 of JM's 6 Week 6 Pack, followed by Bob Harper's 15 minute Yoga Abs (from the Yoga for the Warrior DVD). WOW, Bob hurt me more in 15 minutes than Jillian did in half an hour! (and I don't think it was just because I'd already been doing some ab exercises. Even the hard bodies doing it with him in the studio were floundering. :lol: )



I found JM's level 1 of the DVD to not really make me feel it. I haven't tried level 2 yet. Maybe I should try Bob. You seem to like him as you do a lot of his stuff. They don't have it at my library which means I'd have to buy it.


Try Tracy Anderson's post pregnancy DVD for an ab workout that will hurt.

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This morning was levels 4 & 2 of JM's Ripped in 30. I love this combination. :) It's KICK BUTT!! Level 3 is torture for me (hate the duck walks and the side oblique lifts with your top arm!), and level 1 is too easy, but level 4 is just do-able, and combined with all the lunges and planks in level 2 it is a killer workout. :)


I also did an hour of belly dance class last night. We were in a different classroom that was FREEZING cold (the building is almost 100 years old and not well ventilated!) so dancing to the super fast music was actually a relief, as it warmed me up! :lol:

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Is it my imagination or were there two exercise threads started this week! I know I posted Sunday :001_huh:


I've done two one hour treks on the treadmill and Bar Method Fat Free twice so far this week.


I thought I did too...

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Is it my imagination or were there two exercise threads started this week! I know I posted Sunday :001_huh:


I've done two one hour treks on the treadmill and Bar Method Fat Free twice so far this week.


I don't know. If there was one started it wasn't linked to the previous week's thread.



How do you like Bar Method?

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This morning was JM's BFBM + BH's 15 Min. Yoga Abs. I'm really *loving* the yoga abs workout!


Tonight is Zumba! :D


And I think I'm turning into a work-out geek. :tongue_smilie: I just took a picture of the bandanna I wear when I work out because I was so proud of how few dry spots were left on it! :lol: (my hair is too short for pony tails, so the bandanna serves to both keep my hair out of my eyes, and to disguise my gnarly bed-head when I go to the gym)

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You're really tempting me to get that Bob Harper DVD.



I did Crunch Resculpt followed by 15 minute cardio. I need more cardio.


Banish Fat Boost Metabolism by Jillian Michael's. It's pure cardio, no weights.


The yoga DVD is really great! There are a couple of moves that I can't do fully (namely the Bird of Paradise pose), but all of the others I can do. It's the one yoga DVD I have where I feel like I got a nice relaxing stretch *and* a heart-pumping workout. :lol:

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Not sure yet. I pulled a muscle in my neck doing housework of all things!


Let me get this straight, you do workouts full of intense plyometrics but you pulled a muscle in your neck cleaning your house?!? :tongue_smilie: I hope you feel better soon!

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Skipped Insanity on Saturday and my exercise routine did not come to an end (to my surprise). Didn't do Sunday either as per the schedule. But jumped right in on Mon/Tue/Wed with my FOURTH WEEK (yes, I'm shouting) of Insanity! Yay!


Ok, question. During intervals, I'm told to get to recovery before going on. Well, I'm so bad I have to pause the disk for a minute so. (Everyone else jumps back in after 20 seconds.) So, how low should my heartrate go before I go back in? There;s no way it will go to rest! How about just to where I feel a bit calmer and can breathe easy? And what is the purpose of the whole interval thing, anyway?





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My dh has ask me forever to workout with him. He does the p90X and I do Chalean. I finally gave in tonight. He is out of town so I decided I would try the workouts while he is gone. I am going to try the cardio workouts this week and keep with my Chalean weights and then do a full week of p90x next week. SO I may workout with him for Valentine - so romantic:lol:


Wednesday - Core synergistic -

Thursday - Cardio x and chalean weight circuit

Fri - Yoga X ( I have done 45 min yoga but never 90 min so don't know if I will get done)

Sat- Kenpo and chalean weight circuit

Sun rest



Also for those that have done p90x did you follow the Lean or Classic schedule.

Edited by Cafelattee
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Did Bob Harper's Cardio Conditioning this morning. I have a love/hate relationship with this workout. :lol: I love how it gets my heart racing, and I love doing most of the moves, but I get soooooo tired of those arm swings!:tongue_smilie:

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My dh has ask me forever to workout with him. He does the p90X and I do Chalean. I finally gave in tonight. He is out of town so I decided I would try the workouts while he is gone. I am going to try the cardio workouts this week and keep with my Chalean weights and then do a full week of p90x next week. SO I may workout with him for Valentine - so romantic:lol:


Wednesday - Core synergistic -

Thursday - Cardio x and chalean weight circuit

Fri - Yoga X ( I have done 45 min yoga but never 90 min so don't know if I will get done)

Sat- Kenpo and chalean weight circuit

Sun rest



Also for those that have done p90x did you follow the Lean or Classic schedule.



I have done both and I recommend classic or even doubles.


@jeri the interval training with the very brief rests is just a type of cardio conditioning. It's like sparring. Really burns those calories.

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I have done both and I recommend classic or even doubles.






I will go with the Classic and maybe throw in the doubles schedule on my off weeks from work. I was looking a the Lean mainly because I am good shape but want to get my body fat down. I have the muscle but still not seeing the abs. KWIM


I really need to clean up diet but I just can't give up my sweet tea. It seriously is my only real "bad" food. I have limited myself to a glass daily. I have even gone several days without the stuff but then break down and have to have it:lol:

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I will go with the Classic and maybe throw in the doubles schedule on my off weeks from work. I was looking a the Lean mainly because I am good shape but want to get my body fat down. I have the muscle but still not seeing the abs. KWIM


I really need to clean up diet but I just can't give up my sweet tea. It seriously is my only real "bad" food. I have limited myself to a glass daily. I have even gone several days without the stuff but then break down and have to have it:lol:


Lean just wasn't intense enough and if you are already fit, I think you would end up being disappointed.


Okay, I did some Pure Cardio (Insanity) yesterday. Today, I did X2 Shoulders and Arm and X2 Ab Ripper X

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