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Do you work on schoolish programs to school yourself?

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Unlike most of my posts, I've decided to be totally brief and not write a novel. :D


Right now, I'm working through Algebra 2, barely staying one step ahead of ds15. I love being a student again, especially of material that is very new to me. I'm seriously contemplating doing an upper level Sonlight core program. I want to tackle it the same way any student would though, including writing assignments.

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Yes, I working through several programs. We recently switched to Wheelock's Latin and I just finished chapter 1 myself. I do the Japanese alongside ds, we're learning together. :D


I bought a few teaching company lectures for me, and I'm considering buying Discovering Music for myself down the road.


I've always been kind of a workbook nut, I love a nice clean workbook that I can write in.


I'm enjoying school much more the second time around.

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I'm enjoying school much more the second time around.

:iagree: It's more fun when the info isn't being shoved down your throat by the ps.

I'm studying Algebra 2, piano, and Latin. Learning is my passion... which is something I never thought I'd say when I was in school.

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I've been trying to re-learn higher math using Khan Academy videos and practice exerceses. Although I (technically) successfully completed trig/pre-calc in hs, I never totally understood it. I only tested into college algebra in college and I struggled to complete it.


Honestly, though, I feel like I'm learning or relearning everything. I don't remember ever being taught grammar (beyond basic parts of speech and oral usage) and I certainly never learned any ancient languages. I was an "A" student, and I knew how to test well. I didn't know anything thing about learning. I guess now I'm trying to learn how to learn, if that makes sense.

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Not yet, but I'm heading in that direction. We've only be homeschooling for two and a half years, and I've learned so much, I never thought I would. I realise now how much I don't know, and how completely fascinating it all is. I'm seriously considering continuing with math and Latin, and would also love to have a go at learning to play the piano, although at almost 48 yo I fear maybe it's too late. I've certainly got the bug :001_smile:.


Best wishes



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Honestly, though, I feel like I'm learning or relearning everything. I don't remember ever being taught grammar (beyond basic parts of speech and oral usage) and I certainly never learned any ancient languages. I was an "A" student, and I knew how to test well. I didn't know anything thing about learning. I guess now I'm trying to learn how to learn, if that makes sense.


This sums up where I am right now, too. I am going to start learning ahead of dd soon. I can probably stay ahead of her without much work in math for a few years but she is already doing better than me with Latin & Greek. I am planning to spend time this summer (when we don't have homeschool p.e., AWANA class and Art/Drama) to take some iTunes courses on Latin & Greek aimed at adults. I am keeping up in Latin but Greek isn't sticking so I'm hoping if I use college material (rather than Song School Greek) I can get a better basic understanding and stay ahead of dd.

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My dd13 is on her 2nd year of Elementary Greek and I've bought myself the workbooks for the first and second years to work through up to the point where she is. Haven't done it yet. I also would like to use my oldest dd's Wheelock's (with her help!) to learn Latin.


I am working through Starting Points with dd13 but more so I can discuss it with her than because it's totally new info, though I'm learning tons.


I REALLY should do math..... :tongue_smilie:

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