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Action movie that's not too violent?

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My 10yo ds has what we call "special privilege" nights where he gets to stay up with us and watch a movie that would be too scary or inappropriate for my 7yo. But I'm having a hard time finding movies that are exciting and action packed but not too much blood and gore. Transformers was ok - I could have lived without the mini skirt and cleavage emphasis, but I can get over it. There was a lot of action but not much blood.


Any ideas? He really wants to see Cowboys and Aliens but from the reviews I gather it's way too bloody. Same with Mission Impossible - very exciting, but I will not have him watching someone get shot in the head.

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We have a 12 yo ds and a 7 yo dd and we do this also.


Some recent movies that ds has watched w/ dad:


-Harry Potter (but 12 was/is our rule - he got to read book 1 for his 12th birthday and then watch movie 1 at Christmas)

-Pirates of the Carribean


He got to watch Star Wars at nine or ten. (Still hasn't gotten to see Revenge of the Sith.)


Indiana Jones (but not Temple of Doom) at ten or eleven.


Karate Kid.


The Lightning Thief at 11, after he'd read the book a bunch of times.


Both my kids have been watching and re-watching How to Train Your Dragon.


What about LOTR? And the Narnia movies?


Oh, he watched October Sky at 10-ish.


Princess Bride.


Hopefully some ideas to get you started!

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We loved both of the National Treasure movies. My husband brought them home to preview, but I didn't know it was pg and when it was over I looked at him and said, Wow, the kids could watch this. His eyebrow went up and he said "Uh, yeah, that is why we were previewing it" sometimes I feel like I am living under a rock.

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I second Thor (we took both the boys to see that in the theater after we'd pre screened it), the Narnia movies, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter (some more than others), and Prince of Persia (I can't remember that one much, but I don't remember anything bad in it).


Depending on what you are comfortable with, there are tons of superhero movies to choose from - Spiderman (1 & 2 are better than 3, imo), X-Men (again, 1 & 2 are better, and those are some of my favorites), Iron Man (another favorite), the Hulk... my boys are younger than yours, and obviously it varies family to family, but they have only seen Spiderman out of those, and they have seen bits and pieces of the Hulk and Iron Man (Hulk transforming, and Iron Man 2 when Tony & Rhoadie are both in suits and are fighting robots). Regarding Star Wars, they have seen all of them multiple times except Revenge of the Sith, which they have only seen twice, as they have to watch it with me. I skip over a small section of it.


We are serious action fans here (I don't like chick flicks), so I'll see if I think of anything else for you... :)

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My list is a LOT like Rockhopper's. (Except for October Sky. I tried a couple different times to watch that movie but the swearing was overdone and I couldn't get through it. I was disappointed, too, as I enjoyed the book it was based on.) We also enjoyed The Librarian: Quest for the Spear, Tron and Tron Legacy.

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Wow, these are great ideas, thank you. I'm going to send this list to my dh and see what he thinks. I haven't seen many of the movies mentioned, but he usually is more familiar with them. I never would have thought of Prince of Persia! And National Treasure - I forgot all about that movie!


Pirates of the Caribbean sounds good, as do the superhero movies. I LOVED Iron Man, so any excuse to watch more Robert Downey Jr. is fine by me. :D

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Prince of Persia, violence but nothing too bloody is shown. Action packed with some great themes about family and doing the right thing. I adore this movie.


Race to Witch Mountain with the Rock wasn't bad.


Some new ideas for us!


We loved both of the National Treasure movies. My husband brought them home to preview, but I didn't know it was pg and when it was over I looked at him and said, Wow, the kids could watch this. His eyebrow went up and he said "Uh, yeah, that is why we were previewing it" sometimes I feel like I am living under a rock.


Oh, yes -- those are good ones!


My list is a LOT like Rockhopper's. (Except for October Sky. I tried a couple different times to watch that movie but the swearing was overdone and I couldn't get through it. I was disappointed, too, as I enjoyed the book it was based on.) We also enjoyed The Librarian: Quest for the Spear, Tron and Tron Legacy.


I loved the Librarian movies. Noah Wylie is so cute. (Not in an eighth grade girl "he's sooo cute" way; just, you know, cute. Like a puppy.)


Oh, oh, oh. That reminds me. Just about anything Brendan Frasier does lately is kid friendly and fun. We liked Journey to the Center of the Earth.


(And then of course on the Brendan Frasier front, there's The Mummy but we're probably holding out on that for kid viewing for until the early teens. Actually the first one is scarier, I think, than the second one. And the third one... blech! And Blast from the Past but I don't know how much a kid would like it.)

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