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Documentary on older women and fashion

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They are amazing. But I think people like that are artists, and their canvas just happens to be themselves.


:iagree:My mom is like these women, and she is an artist. I am not naturally like that, but I would like to be. They seem to be having fun.

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:iagree:My mom is like these women, and she is an artist. I am not naturally like that, but I would like to be. They seem to be having fun.


They are having a BLAST. :D I have green nails right now, does that count? Honestly, I can see as I get older, the freer I feel. I could totally see dressing like that when I'm in my 70s.

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Love it! I look forward to the movie.


When I was younger, I was so bold and experimental in fashion. I feel like it's slowly coming back. I could totally see turning into this type of woman as I age. I've been collecting (and saving) pieces since my teens.


I also notice a big difference in the way I pack for NY. I love putting clothes together for those trips. I feel absolutely free there. Anything goes. :001_wub:

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Love it! I look forward to the movie.


When I was younger, I was so bold and experimental in fashion. I feel like it's slowly coming back. I could totally see turning into this type of woman as I age. I've been collecting (and saving) pieces since my teens.


I also notice a big difference in the way I pack for NY. I love putting clothes together for those trips. I feel absolutely free there. Anything goes. :001_wub:


Hooo yeah. Fun. Fun, Fun, Fun.

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Looks cute, but I could never spend that kind of money on my wardrobe at any age. If you like this kind of docu you would like "Bill Cunningham: New York," which features one of the same women.


If you have an eye for it, you can spend years collecting. Avant garde and classic pieces never go out of style. I don't think it has to break the bank.


Though I'm sure the women in this doc. can probably afford what they want.

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If you have an eye for it, you can spend years collecting. Avant garde and classic pieces never go out of style. I don't think it has to break the bank.


Though I'm sure the women in this doc. can probably afford what they want.


:iagree:One only needs to spend some time at thrift stores and garage sales to get a nice collection going.

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Well, I guess I'm the lone dissenter, but personally, I thought a few of the women in the documentary looked very nice, but some of them looked like they were being eccentric just for the sake of it, and I have to be honest -- many people would probably think they were just plain odd.


I think it's great that they feel free to look, act, and dress any way they'd like, but I'd say that about people of any age. I do think, however, that at least a few of these women look more like caricatures than style mavens.


They're getting away with it precisely because they're as old as they are. If someone my age walked around dressed like some of those ladies, I'm pretty sure that most people wouldn't think she was cool or artistic or creative; they'd think she was eccentric at the least, crazy at worst, and so desperate for attention from everyone she met that she had to go over-the-top with her hair, clothes, and makeup.


Again, I'm not criticizing the women in the clip for being who they are, but I'm also not particularly impressed with the way any of them look. I kept thinking that at least a few of them could look so classically elegant and beautiful, which I must admit is much closer to my own goals as I get older than the outlandish style those ladies were showing off.


But, to each her own, and if they're happy, I'm happy for them. :001_smile:

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They're wonderful! I found them very inspiring, especially as I'm just a couple of weeks away from my 48th birthday, and feeling very lacklustre. I'm now imagining ageing as something liberating and exciting. I really hope I'm having as much fun as they are when I'm 80 or 90 yo.



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Thanks for that clip. I feel better about myself now. :p I've always marched to the beat of my own drum and I'm used to getting "looks" from people. I love the attitude of these women!! I think I will be like them when I am their age if I still have the courage to keep marching to my own drum. :)

Edited by Ibbygirl
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