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Bigger families and kids vitamins

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Those of you with bigger families that give your kids vitamins/supplements where do you find the best quality for the best price? My kids take multi's, vit c, vit d & calcium, omega 3-6-9, 3 of them take magnesium, 2 take 5-HTP (and so do I), 1 takes probiotics and all 4 take melatonin as needed. The vitamins from the health food store (Gummie ones that are dairy and gluten free, 2 of them are vegetarian (such as the omega) and they have less filler than the ones from walmart), come in at $13.99 per bottle which isn't too bad if you only have 1 kid. The problem is to get the right amount the dosing is 2-3 per bottle so 1 bottle only lasts 7-10 days. Today I had to buy new bottles of multi, vit D& calcium, vit C and probiotic (which is not 13.99). THose 4 things cost me $65, and my mom paid the $28 for the 5-HTP. So I am looking at roughly $100 per week in vitamins depending on what we need more of. That is crazy to me but they are needed (between them helping with the kids issues, Dr prescribing them etc they are must buys). The ones from walmart are way cheaper but not as good quality for them. And that doesn't even count the vits I take, though I am fine taking walmart ones if I need to.


So those of you that give your kids supplements and you have many kids taking them, where do you find the best deal for the best quality? The cost of the vits is almost as much as my monthly grocery bill, it is crazy, the 5-HTP is the newest one in the mix and the most expensive but is the one we have to have the most right now.

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We buy vitamins at Costco.


How many capsule per bottle for what price? And do you know if they have a lot of filler etc in them?


The closest costco is 2 hours away and I would have to buy a membership. If the cost savings is considerable it would be worth the drive but otherwise I am just spending in gas what I was spending out here kwim.

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I know how you feel. With our budget I just can't afford to get vitamins for all my kids. My DD who has health issues gets all the vitamins she needs and I don't give any to my 2 healthy boys.


I'm counting on the fact that my boys eat well and varied and get the nutrition they need.


My DD has deficencies and health issues - she NEEDS them.


I am supposed to be taking supplements myself but I go without so she can have them.


I just keep praying that my boys don't develop the same issues as my DD (genetic) because I don't know how I will afford it. Just one of the vitamins my DD takes is $32 a bottle -and the probiotics are $24. She also takes iron, a multi and Vit D and Silica and the Omegas.

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I know how you feel. With our budget I just can't afford to get vitamins for all my kids. My DD who has health issues gets all the vitamins she needs and I don't give any to my 2 healthy boys.


I'm counting on the fact that my boys eat well and varied and get the nutrition they need.


My DD has deficencies and health issues - she NEEDS them.


I am supposed to be taking supplements myself but I go without so she can have them.


I just keep praying that my boys don't develop the same issues as my DD (genetic) because I don't know how I will afford it. Just one of the vitamins my DD takes is $32 a bottle -and the probiotics are $24. She also takes iron, a multi and Vit D and Silica and the Omegas.


So far I can afford to give to all the kids which is good because both boys absolutely must have theirs, the girls I guess could go without but at what cost kwim. Eating a healthy diet only goes so far, they would still need most of the vits. That would eliminate the multi's but that is it. Given the current switch to a diary free diet for 1 and learning how to make 2 dinners at once, pickiness and sensory issues among the others their diets aren't terrible but not good enough imo to stop the multi's yet.

These last 10 days with all 4 taking them.


The Dr wants all 4 on vit D supp. because we live in a climate that has very little direct sunlight most of the year and very little in the winter. It works best with calcium so that is a combined supp. These last 7 days with all 4 taking them.


Vit C we only really do during cold and flu season anyway. Melatonin for all 4 as needed so not bad. Melatonin bottle last 1-2 months sometimes longer


Dr wants ds13 on 5-HTP, instead of antidepressants to deal with his mood swings/depression, we are on a small dose right now (I am taking it too) but can increase quite a bit as we tweak it. In the end the bottle that currently would last the month may end up lasting more like 7 days just for him, so that would be 2 bottles a week.


ds8 on probiotics to heal the damage caused by 8.5 years of encopresis. We finally solved what was causing it and now have to fix the damage caused by it. His bottle will last a month because he is the only one taking them.


All 4 on omega for their adhd (littlest so far not showing signs, but with 3 out of 4 having it I would not be surprised). 1 bottle of their new omega gummies will last 7 days with 4 of them taking them.


Magnesium for the 3 oldest also for adhd, this bottle lasts 1 month


The ones I should be taking is essentially the same but at adult dosing.


There is the possibility of the amount dropping once ds13 has his neurofeedback therapy completed, or they may increase if it doesn't work in an effort to still naturally treat his issues kwim.



Without all these we are looking at oldest ds going back on antipsychotics and qualifying for neurofeedback therapy. Or ds8 not having his gut heal as quickly. Or all of them facing vit D deficiency (common in my region), or not able to concentrate etc.


I will look at vitacost and see how the prices compare with shipping added in etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest kniseleyfamily

We use Isotonix. It's a powder you mix with water to make an isotonic solution. When taken on an empty stomach its absorbed in your small intestine within 5 minutes. Its not the cheapest, but because you absorb all the vitamins, its the best vitamin for your money. Isotonix is also sold under a different name by health professionals, so the Isotonix is a little cheaper because of the different packaging.

Our dd has nutritional deficiencies that were intensifying some behavioral and emotional issues. These vitamins have been a tremendous help for her and we've noticed an improvement in a month within taking them. Other vitamin supplements we weren't sure if they were working, but my dh called it "buying hope." We are not big vitamin advocates and try to eat only whole foods (grind our own flour, flake our own oats, grow our own organic vegetables, make many cultured and fermented foods, etc.), but Isotonix has worked for our dd.


She also takes Isotonix tryptophan which is similar to the 5HTP your son is taking. It might be cheaper and more effective.


Here is a link to nutritional deficiencies that are linked to behavioral problems.



Hope this helps.

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We buy whatever vitamins and we can at Costco. Sometimes Amazon is a better price. I have only bought lotion from Vitacost, but I've been pleased with those transactions.


Do your kids swallow pills? I taught my kids to swallow pills about age 5 or 6. That helps cut down on expense. Kids often need only half of adult tablets. With capsules, you'd just have to make sure the dosage went low enough.

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also, the amazon.com.


I have a couple of different brands I will buy and look for the sales. 5 children taking garlic, multi-vitamin, magnesium, vit. d (winter only), omegas, probiotics, and one taking a nerve formula for her Tourettes. The probiotic powder goes farther, but the kids really don't like it as well. The magnesium is a liquid, the vit. d is a tincture (so only a couple of drops a day).


The other place I've been checking out (and they will ship) is Rhea's (they are a company that sells through Azure Standard). They make the tincture my daughter takes for her TS and they have several others. They last longer because they're in concentrated form. I am currently researching their vitamin c and some other immune support things.

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Line the up against the wall and tell them to open their mouths wide, you start chucking vitamins in like you're at the basketball hoop game at the county fair, and your Dh can follow behind with a water gun to wash it down.


You'll never have to worry about vitamins again. ;)



We don't buy the gummi vitamins, except sometimes as a Christmas stocking treat. For vitamin D and oils, they get capsules starting at ~ age 2 (they chew them up in my presence; the taste doesn't seem to bother them), and a dropper or spoon before that.


For dry items, we usually get a small bowl, open the capsules or mash up the tablets, mix with jam or syrup, and give an appropriate fraction to each child (baby spoons work well). If that's not convenient -- or if the supplement tastes strong enough to overpower the jam :ack2: -- we use a pill splitter to split the tablets into tiny bits. Then even the toddler can swallow them with some juice or banana.


I wouldn't recommend doing this for precisely dosed pharmaceuticals or timed-release pills, but for ordinary nutritional supplements, it works fine for us.

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I use iHerb.com (PM me if you want my discount code). I have literally cut our supplement bill in half. You do get discounts, so when you look at prices, know you can work their discounts (quantity of item and volume of purchase). They also run specials. Also, you don't have to purchase much to get free shipping.

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Costco, Vitacost, Amazon or Target with coupons/sales. Whichever is cheapest for whatever the vitamin is. I'm another one with a kid with all kinds of problems/deficiencies in this and that. I've got a whole shelf in the cupboard and fridge with vitamins and supplements despite a decent diet.


Costco also has coupons that come out regularly on vitamins. When they are on the ones I use, I stock up big time in the amount I need until I think the next coupon will be out. A few dollars off per bottle adds up.


And I do work the diet angle as much as possible too and garden for as many vitamins as I can pack in the kids. :D

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I only did the gummies this time around because it was what the health food store had. Previously we did gel caps for omega's (though then dd4 could not take them)


The 3 oldest take pills, ds13 has gagging issues so I use a pill splitter to make them easier to take, dd12 have no trouble if she takes them 1 at a time, ds8 tosses a whole handful back at a time. We are due for a new set of magnesium, omega and calcium next week, I think I will have to buy the ones we used to get from walmart again, because I just can't keep up with the prices of the local store.


I will check out some of the links posted to see if they ship to Canada and how much they charge, have to make sure it is actually a cheaper deal for me with that factored in.

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