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Anyone else have a trip to the ER last night?

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Poor baby. I hope he feels better soon. :grouphug:


We dodged the ER last night, though we laughed about it being the anniversary of our New Year's Eve ER trip last year! Last year we spent New Year's Eve in the ER for an allergic reaction. Nothing like an epipen injection to brighten the New Year.


Today, though, we are debating the ER for my mother - whose eyes are swollen shut (unknown allergy). She's sleeping off the benadryl now, and resisting the ER. But breathing well.

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Wow, poor guy that sounds horrible.


We were at the hospital visiting dh's grandma but we left before midnight, dh's mom and uncle rang in the New Year with her though. Dh got the call it was soon about 12:30 and went in then, she passed away a bit after 1 our time. Afterwards they all went to Steak and Shake to talk and unfortunately it was filled with revelers, which was of course odd when your mourning a death. We've all had our fill of hospitals here and hoping that the New Year is free of Hospitals. 2 yrs ago on New Years we were in with dh's father who had a stroke for emergency brain surgery- it seems New Years is unlucky here.(I'm sure it is because we abstain from black eyed peas and ham hocks :) )

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