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I got a juicer for Christmas (help!)

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I got one, too. :)

1 apple

3-4 carrots

Generous handful of spinach

Small bit of ginger (1/4 inch)

Squirt of lemon into the glass

This is really yummy for a newbie. On the sweet side. I'm gradually increasing the spinach amount.


I'm going to get one more recipe going for variety. I think it's


1 bell pepper


....um. I think a dash of tabasco and worcestershire

I can't remember exactly nd I'm not at home to look. Im going shopping today to try it. It's a raw v-8 type recipe with completely different veggies. I want different nutrients and to avoid over exposure.

Edited by snickelfritz
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I got one too! My dh is looking forward to summer with all the tasty, delicious tomatoes~earlier this week I made a v-5 style tomato juice that he promptly turned into a bloody mary :tongue_smilie:.


in the meantime we are using a style of "Mean Green" from the movie "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead". It makes our whole house smell like a garden & tastes so fresh...





green apple




I think that's about it. DH LOVES it.


Yesterday for fun we tried pineapple/carrots/apple. Sweet & nice.


I will be following this thread for sure!


Not to hi-jack but I'd love to hear what kinds of juicers you all have...my mom was here when we were playing with mine & now she's in the market for a juicer! :D

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I really think going a little further to add things like ginger or lemon take the recipes to the yummy category. Plus, ginger is beneficial. It's easy. I cut off a 1/4 - 1/2 inch and chop the skin off all the way around to quick peel it. Throw it through the juicer. It even smells good.


Dh found it at Target.

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1/2 bunch kale

2-3 stalks celery

1/2 lemon

1/2 in ginger root

1-2 carrots

1 sm or 1/2 large beet


I juiced like crazy for a few years but after becoming pregnant I didn't want to and haven't been able to do it long term since. I just bought some veggies for juicing last night hoping to start in again on the habit. I'll have to try some of these recipes here.

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what kind of juicer do you have? A LOT of them can't handle leafy greens (kale, spinach, etc). LOTS of juice recipes online. You might google search with "beginner" or a specific taste you want (most people start juicing and blending a little sweet then you'll naturally back down on that....I'd gag now on our first several green smoothies because now I don't need them so sweet).


Even walmart will have kale and ginger root. You can go to Whole Foods for more interesting things (various things like different kinds of chard, dandelion greens, etc).

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You might google search with "beginner" or a specific taste you want (most people start juicing and blending a little sweet then you'll naturally back down on that....I'd gag now on our first several green smoothies because now I don't need them so sweet).



I think it depends on how sweet you are used to as well. I started juicing and the recipe I gave is one of the first I did(and I kept with it nearly daily for 2 yrs as I liked it so much), I have hardly juiced fruit at all except lemons. I had a fairly low sugar diet to begin with though and used to always do green smoothies but I wanted to do more greens and that is a lot easier to juice. I can get a lot more volume in without it coming out funky. Green smoothies got to be hard to do because to make it palatable enough I ended up with too many carbs- my fav smoothie was always kale, pineapple and banana.


Fwiw I just did my recipe above minus the beets(totally forgot them) and I tried to do an orange instead of a lemon(I have an insane amount of oranges I need to use). It wasn't very palatable though until I added the lemon- it was a great combo then.


so today was:

1 sm bunch kale

1 sm orange(peeled)

1 lemon

2 med carrots

1/2 in ginger

2 stalks celery


Very good! Kicky with the ginger a bit sweet with the orange but the lemon really gives it a nice finish. The lemon also helps make the iron in the kale more bioavailable.

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what kind of juicer do you have? A LOT of them can't handle leafy greens (kale, spinach, etc). LOTS of juice recipes online. You might google search with "beginner" or a specific taste you want (most people start juicing and blending a little sweet then you'll naturally back down on that....I'd gag now on our first several green smoothies because now I don't need them so sweet).




I have the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer from Walmart. It seems quick and is very quiet compared to my blender, but it didn't do that great with the spinach. Lots of leaves just passed right to the pulp catcher :( Is there a different way to feed them in to make it work better?


Keep the recipes coming. I love trying new things!


P.S. what does kale taste like?

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I have the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer from Walmart. It seems quick and is very quiet compared to my blender, but it didn't do that great with the spinach. Lots of leaves just passed right to the pulp catcher :( Is there a different way to feed them in to make it work better?


Keep the recipes coming. I love trying new things!


P.S. what does kale taste like?


I have the LaLanne power juicer pro, so I don't know if it's the same??? I take a stack of leaves and roll them up like a burrito to feed them through. It seems to do a pretty good job with them. Maybe you could wrap them around an apple slice? I use an apple corer/slicer so my apples are all sliced.

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I have an Omega 8003 juicer, bought used off of Craigslist for $100 4 yrs or so ago.


I have never juiced kale on it's own, I'm not sure of it's flavor. I have a friend who loves to do a v8 type juice as well, but it never has appealed to me before. That mean green recipe sounds really good.

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We just juiced this morning for the first time.






(I'm am trying to start out gently!)


I have a Breville Juice fountain.


It seemed to work pretty well, but we did have some spinach leaves that got through. Also, should I cut up the apples? The directions say that you don't have to, but some of the apple peel went through chunky.


I've looked at SuperWalmart for Kale, but I will look again.


Thanks for the replies. Maybe we can start an encouragement thread!! ;)

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don't throw out the pulp either, throw it in a freezer bag and store it


use it in soups and things....




I think the best thing you can do to see super fast results with juicing is to add flax to your drinks, just a half a teaspoon or so to start.


That and adding a probiotic everyday is incredible stuff.

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I have the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer from Walmart. It seems quick and is very quiet compared to my blender, but it didn't do that great with the spinach. Lots of leaves just passed right to the pulp catcher Is there a different way to feed them in to make it work better?

When I had a juicer instead of a blender, I found it better to put spinach between 2 apples. It seem to keep so much from being wasted. I had a Breville.

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