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I called 911 for the first time yesterday!


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:lol: Everyone is fine, no one got hurt, and now we have a great story to tell.


Yesterday dh and I were busy cleaning. Dh took the loads of trash out to burn while I cleaned inside. We live in the country and have burned trash many, many times. Nothing unusual so far. So I get really into vacuuming while dh is outside. I started to smell something burning, which is unusual. I look outside and see tons of smoke with burning grass. I freaked out and ran outside without either a bra or shoes. So you can imagine the sight of a crazed woman running around without support trying to put out a grass fire. Dh had the hose out there and was trying to stop the fire from getting too close to the house. At some point I decided it was in my best interest to put on shoes and a bra since I needed both hands to hold buckets, not books.


After almost 30-45 minutes of fighting this grass fire with a too-short garden hose, wheelbarrows full of water, buckets, and a Rubbermaid tote, I overruled dh and called for help. Of course the Number for the tiny local fire department was not working:tongue_smilie:, so I got to call 911. They arrived about 11 minutes later and had the fire put out in 20 minutes. Dh and I just laughed.


So, I've learned a few lessons from my first 911 call.


-Always have a bra handy

-I am always right

-If one try's to fight a grass fire with buckets and wheelbarrows, one will every stinking muscle the next day.


We are laughing about it now. Well, kinda laughing as everything hurts. I think dh is more likely to listen to me, especially when I say things like "Honey, do you think we should call the fire department NOW?"

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We have called 911 three times since moving here to get them to come tell the neighbors to quiet down. The first time we called the non-emergency police number and they said for noise ordinance violations we had to call 911 and they would take care of it. No wonder they take so long to respond to actual emergencies!:glare:

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I think your order was wrong - "I am always right" should come first!:D


:iagree: He thought we could put it out ourselves. I can't count the numbed of times I asked if we should call someone. I am proud to say didn't gloat. Well, not too much;).

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So, I've learned a few lessons from my first 911 call.


-Always have a bra handy

-I am always right

-If one try's to fight a grass fire with buckets and wheelbarrows, one will every stinking muscle the next day.



:lol: Good lessons for us all, especially the first two!


I'm glad it wasn't more serious. Did they send out the cutest crew? They always seem to do that when one is walking around in cleaning gear LOL.

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:lol: Good lessons for us all, especially the first two!


I'm glad it wasn't more serious. Did they send out the cutest crew? They always seem to do that when one is walking around in cleaning gear LOL.


Yep. We had to call once when we came home to find all our smoke alarms going off. They came out and went through the entire house with a thermographic camera to be sure there was nothing smoldering in the walls. (there wasn't---it was a defective alarm that triggered all the others) The kids and I waited outside in the van, and when they left, I wondered why so many of them were smiling and looking at me funny.


DH told me it was because they stopped to talk to him in our master bedroom, and one of them noticed he had knocked over a basket of clean clothes. He decided to be all fireman helpful and picked up several pairs of my th@ng underwear. I told dh that unless our house is burning to the ground, we are NOT calling that fire department again.

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Glad everything is okay. Fires can get out of control quickly. IMO it's better to call and not have needed them than not call and wish you had.


I have called 911 six times. The first four were for criminal activity:

1. Scruffy dude sitting on rail of apartment building playing with a knife - turned out he had escaped jail that morning and they had been looking for him

2. Someone looking into the windows of my next door neighbor's house at night while he was in the hospital for a long time

3. Gunfire late at night near my house (not where we live now) - they used the calls to triangulate and figure out where it came from

4. I had a peeping Tom

5. I had a woman knock on my door and stand there crying telling me she was going to kill herself and how she was going to do it. I had another neighbor keep her talking while I called 911.




6. We were the official test case when our VoIP service first established 911 service in our area. That was actually fun.

Edited by laundrycrisis
I forgot two !
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I think your order was wrong - "I am always right" should come first!:D


Something similar happened to my parents when I was a kid. My dad went to burn trash, but my mom said it was too windy. He didn't listen. Then he went inside to check a football game. Mom said, shouldn't you attend that fire? By the time he got back to it, he'd set our front woods aflame and they had to call the fire department. My mother, who isn't even married to him anymore, still gets this look of ooh, I told him so in her eyes about that fire.

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